Europ zone---Looking for players to join Guild---NOSTRADAMUS GUIDES---urgent!!!

To all the Braves of the Aldemeri Dominion Alliance,

The Guild NOSTRADAMUS GUIDES is now recruiting for IRON GUARDS (officer), BLACK WATCH (members) and RECRUITS.

Like you we are just arrived in this gigantic world and as such, very much aware of the importance to belong to a good group of dedicated players able to help each other. Challenges will go by thousand so it will be much for the taking!

Mature players should feel confortable in joining us, but we welcome the strength of youth too!

We are on PS4 (UK), we speak English, Nous parlons le Francais.
Edited by MADCIBERKITER on 14 June 2015 10:51
    Les Joueurs de France de Belgique et de Suisse sont tous les bienvenues, nous somes des joueurs plutot mature mais nous aimons aussi le plus jeunes joueurs a condition qu' il ne foutent pas la zone! Il y a enormement de choses a faire et un maximum d'or pour nos bourses!
    Venez nous rejoindres dans cette aventure!
    Edited by MADCIBERKITER on 14 June 2015 10:58
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