Dreams of Prophecy -- NOW RECRUITING

Soul Shriven
In a matter of speaking, a guild is worth joining, and Dreams of Prophecy is a guild that is no exception.
  • First and foremost, we are a rising guild. However, we are a rising guild built with dedication to become powerful enough to claim a keep and even have our own stores in Tamriel, so our members can experience ESO to the fullest.
  • Quests can be no easy tasks, so the members of the Dreams of Prophecy are more than willing to assist in any small (or big) quest. We are aiming to recruit several members more than willing to take up the task.
  • We have Admins, moderators, and junior moderators, so any issue that comes up between members will be swiftly handled by our dedicated staff.
  • Our members come from all walks of life, so it's very easy to get along with several people inside of the guild.
  • Upon becoming a member of the Dreams of Prophecy, you will have access to the Guild Store (once purchased) and you will be able to sell your wares to all of Tamriel!

Our ranks for Dreams of Prophecy are as follows:
  • Prophet of Night (Guildmaster / Head Admin)
  • The High Council (Admins)
  • Seer of Justice (Officer / Moderator)
  • Disciple of Fate (Junior Moderator)
  • Acolyte of War (Member)
  • The Rebirthed (Follower)

Please consider joining our guild. Though small, we aspire to become great like the stars in the sky.
PM Earthly Prophet on Xbox One if interested.
  • Earthly_Prophet
    Soul Shriven
    You may also leave your GT here, and I will get around to adding you into the group.
  • Earthly_Prophet
    Soul Shriven
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