TheShadowScout wrote: »Pugilist... I stated it before when this one comes up, I'd love to see something along those lines, and "brawler" weapons like brass knuckles and punch daggers as well... but I think it should NOT equal any proper weapon for damage, doing at best half of the usual, yet rely more on CC effects, be it throwing dirt in your opponents eyes for a blinding effect, using a grapple and throw for a knockdown, or landing a blow below the belt for a stun...
Well, there is the little question of if your punch dagger will do as well against that orcs plate mail as a big battleaxe... (not to mention how your hand would look if puinching against armor... people who punch a lot break fingerbones even against the odd jaw, and last I heard, steel plate mail is harder then jawbones... this is not a superhero setting where people punch through metal all day long after allDaemons_Bane wrote: »Then once again I have got to ask you, what makes one weapon inferior to the other? Getting a punch dagger in the eye/throat is less dangerous than a sword how?The only difference I see is that the punch dagger requires skill where you can rely more on brute force with a sword/axe/maul
For this very reason, I'd be okay with them rolling Fist Weapons into the Dual Wield line and Polearms into the Two-Handed line.Well, as weapon skill lines are not that hard to create, the problem lies with the balancing which is extremely difficult.