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• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Suggestion: New weapon skills

French poll translated by @Shirown_ESO
French post:

> Polearm for spears, halberds ...
> Pugilist for fist weapons and fist fight techniques.
> Magic weapon with one hand (wand, magic item, other ... suggestions?)

To you to vote!
Edited by vaanomega on 1 June 2015 23:52
Etre Lycan ou vampire ne signifie pas "être mauvais"
Les Lycans d'Argent en sont la preuve

Suggestion: New weapon skills 53 votes

- The three ! Yes it's fine !
dodgehopper_ESOFenrismilesrodneymcneely2_ESOfancyleggsSentinelBlackBaconn.englishb14_ESOBramblelmanteb16_ESOIruil_ESOAballisterThe_SpAwNDarkeusMaldrixChuggernautAhPook_Is_HeredRudEsami1972TheShadowScoutKatsibrokos 23 votes
- Polearm, pugilist and nothing else.
Illumoustplink3r1HlaadrielSensesfail13 4 votes
- Polearm and wand, it's ok ! No pugilist.
pWn3d_1337stojekarcub18_ESOVeer_Lei 3 votes
- Pugilist and wand will enough.
saindrenan.francoisb16_ESORavenSworn 2 votes
- Only polearms.
r.jan_emailb16_ESOKorprokSkiseronyLynx7386Tommy83 5 votes
- I just wanna be a Pugilist.
eNumbraYinmaigao 2 votes
- Wand, that's all !
AngersRevengeelcmaeed5PBpsyMayrael 4 votes
- No, there are enough of weapon skills.
Psychobunnigimpdrb14_ESOAmsel_McKayHamzteinDetectorZeroInspirationSarevoccpmacisbackhalfbadgerStrider_Roshin 10 votes
  • gimpdrb14_ESO
    - No, there are enough of weapon skills.
    Polearm for spears, halberds, shouldnt have there own skill tree, they are two handed weapons, just make the models and let them use the 2 handed weapon tree

    as for Pugilist for fist weapons the same thing insert model use duel wield tree

    only 2 things i would like to see is maybe a wand and spellbook tree
    and also the 1hand and spell tree
  • Lynx7386
    - Only polearms.
    I've been asking for polearms since beta, it isnt going to happen (not without charging us an arm, leg, first born, and maxxed out credit cards first).

    I'd be fine with polearms using the 2h skill tree, but they would need their own animations, and therein lies the problem. Currently, all weapons use the same animations within their skill tree. 2h maces, axes, and swords all use the exact same animation when casting uppercut or cleave or reverse slice. They also all use the same idle stance and weapon swing animations (this is a problem with 1h/s and dual wield as well). Trying to put polearms into those animations just wouldnt work. They're held differently, swung differently, and creating a set of new animations is more work than ZOS is willing to put into the game at this point.
    PS4 / NA
    M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
    Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
    Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
    Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
    Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • dRudE
    - The three ! Yes it's fine !
    As much as i'd regret voting the three, due to having to learn more counter mechanics. I believe anything that adds a more real worldy immersion experience to this game cannot be a bad thing(coming from a devout min/maxer). There's no logical argument against any of these, other than yes the poles can be added to 2handers, fist fighting should have it's own tree, and most importantly why aren't wands and tomes in game already?
  • TheShadowScout
    - The three ! Yes it's fine !
    Polearms actually do indeed deserve their own skill line, since their usage would be somewhat different from the two-handed weapons, less swings, more thrusts (some animations from the templar aedric spear skill line could be reused). And I for one would love to see halberds, partisans, glaives, pikes, naginata, tridents, bardiches, monk's spades, etc. in ESO.

    Pugilist... I stated it before when this one comes up, I'd love to see something along those lines, and "brawler" weapons like brass knuckles and punch daggers as well... but I think it should NOT equal any proper weapon for damage, doing at best half of the usual, yet rely more on CC effects, be it throwing dirt in your opponents eyes for a blinding effect, using a grapple and throw for a knockdown, or landing a blow below the belt for a stun...

    One-handed and rune/wand is something I also very much would love to see, for the spellsword feeling.

    These three as new skill lines are definitely something I'd vote for whenever the topic came up.

    Of course... I'd also love to see more weapons for already existing skill lines. Crossbows for bow, possibly slings as well, some alternative to destruction/restoration staves (a spell focus would be neat, holy symbols, gilded spellbooks, gemmed skulls, etc), perhaps even flexible weapons like flails and chain whips though I suspect those might be passed over due to the extra effort needed to animate them properly...
  • Daemons_Bane
    Pugilist... I stated it before when this one comes up, I'd love to see something along those lines, and "brawler" weapons like brass knuckles and punch daggers as well... but I think it should NOT equal any proper weapon for damage, doing at best half of the usual, yet rely more on CC effects, be it throwing dirt in your opponents eyes for a blinding effect, using a grapple and throw for a knockdown, or landing a blow below the belt for a stun...

    Then once again I have got to ask you, what makes one weapon inferior to the other? Getting a punch dagger in the eye/throat is less dangerous than a sword how? :smile: The only difference I see is that the punch dagger requires skill where you can rely more on brute force with a sword/axe/maul

  • Rox83
    In TES games its called Hand-to-hand/Unarmed, and yes I'd like to see it come to the game :smiley:
    Edited by Rox83 on 2 June 2015 07:37
  • Aballister
    - The three ! Yes it's fine !
    I'll go with all three, but I doubt theres much chance of any of them making it into the game :neutral:
    Dark Elf Sorc(AD)
  • Johngo0036
    - The three ! Yes it's fine !
    I would also like to be able to craft Arrows for my bow
    PC EU Megaserver
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer |The-Irritable-Witch(DC)
    Orc Stamina Dragonknight | Gru-Bolar(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Nightblade | Chewbucca(DC)
    Khajit Stamina Nightblade | Gleaming Daggers(DC)
    Altmer Magicka Nightblade | Miss Chewbucca(EP)
    Argonian Magicka Templar | Walks-With-Friends(EP)
    Argonian Templar Healer | Dr Toxic(EP)
    Orc Stamina Sorc | Lady Streaks-Alot(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka DK | Whips-n-Chains(DC)
    Nord Warden | Demi Tank(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Warden | Crafter-O-Crafts(DC)
    Bosmer Stamplar | Forest-Plump(DC)
    Argonian Hybrid Nb | Men-O-Paws(DC)
    Bosmer Stamblade | 'Maui(AD)
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer | Mid-Life-Crisis(AD)

  • TheShadowScout
    - The three ! Yes it's fine !
    Then once again I have got to ask you, what makes one weapon inferior to the other? Getting a punch dagger in the eye/throat is less dangerous than a sword how? :smile: The only difference I see is that the punch dagger requires skill where you can rely more on brute force with a sword/axe/maul
    Well, there is the little question of if your punch dagger will do as well against that orcs plate mail as a big battleaxe... (not to mention how your hand would look if puinching against armor... people who punch a lot break fingerbones even against the odd jaw, and last I heard, steel plate mail is harder then jawbones... this is not a superhero setting where people punch through metal all day long after all ;) )

    And yes, it is true that a small weapon in the right place can kill someone just as dead as a huge weapon anywhere. But there is a big difference if you need to hit the throat for a killing blow, or your greatsword can cut through enough flesh to make a hit Anywhere end the fight...

    There is a reason why throughout history, people don't generally go to war barehanded if they have any choice about the matter.
    Not even skilled martial artists.

    Personally I think a hand-to-hand skill line being lacking in terms of damage, yet balancing that by more CC might be different enough to be interesting. Then it alone might be difficult to use, true (something for those experienced people who find the game generally too easy, then), but in combination with class skills... might just be lots of fun playing!
  • Psychobunni
    - No, there are enough of weapon skills.
    Magic with just my hands/abilities would be better, I don't need to RP Harry Potter.

    Failing that, give me back the old animation(s) of staff. My healer wants to look powerful, not like an old broken down man leaning on my staff for support. More "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" ...and less "just give me a min to catch my breath" :D
    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • Creepsley
    i dont dare to hope, but yes wand and spellbook, fist weapons and polearms.
    but i also want cross bows especially hand cross bows, the animation and stuff is already ingame as the Silver Bolt skill from fighters guild skill line uses it, and khajit's should get bonus to unarmed :P
  • vaanomega
    Thanks all (^v^) my english is bad, but i have read all of your answers.

    I think, new weapon skills are not hard to create.
    Etre Lycan ou vampire ne signifie pas "être mauvais"
    Les Lycans d'Argent en sont la preuve
    A A
  • Sensesfail13
    - Polearm, pugilist and nothing else.
    As much as Ive wanted polearms since the games beginning they cant even fix what they have now...
    Wisherr, Dragonknight, Haderus, NA Server.
    Wisher of Naught, Nightblade, Haderus, NA Server.
    Guild officer: Abandoned Legion
  • n.englishb14_ESO
    - The three ! Yes it's fine !
    Is it just me being greedy, or is it because I want more diversity?
  • vaanomega
    I want more diversity and more content :p
    More weapon skills is a part of the "gameplay diversty"
    Etre Lycan ou vampire ne signifie pas "être mauvais"
    Les Lycans d'Argent en sont la preuve
    A A
  • vaanomega
    No more Vote ? No more comment ?
    I want to see all of English Speaking people in this vote :)
    Edited by vaanomega on 6 June 2015 17:28
    Etre Lycan ou vampire ne signifie pas "être mauvais"
    Les Lycans d'Argent en sont la preuve
    A A
  • vaanomega
    Vote stats French/English (^v^)

    Etre Lycan ou vampire ne signifie pas "être mauvais"
    Les Lycans d'Argent en sont la preuve
    A A
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    - The three ! Yes it's fine !
    I miss Hand-to-Hand.

  • Animal_Mother
    No option for even more weapons?

    I would love a necromancy staff. Any class should be able to become a necromancer.
  • Skiserony
    - Only polearms.
    Spears would be the coolest, it my favorite weapon (just because of it's badassness in every game).

    But how would you see spears implemented? I mean it would be cool if it was added as another defensive weapon skill line, now the only really defensive weapon skill lines are 1H&S (and maybe even resto). But if you would make aother skil line for Spear and Shield, and make it more like ranged defensive, or support defensive that would be cool and tanks have more options. They could have 1H&S for taking hits and Spear and Shield for secondary bar too give them more options. Maybe even making it a magicka cost skill line or something.

    Just giving ideas here, but that would be really awesome. We got so many offensive weapons, a defensive one would be really awesome. Making spear offensive would ofcourse be awesome too.
  • Skiserony
    - Only polearms.
    vaanomega wrote: »
    Thanks all (^v^) my english is bad, but i have read all of your answers.

    I think, new weapon skills are not hard to create.

    Well, as weapon skill lines are not that hard to create, the problem lies with the balancing which is extremely difficult.
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    - The three ! Yes it's fine !
    Skiserony wrote: »
    Well, as weapon skill lines are not that hard to create, the problem lies with the balancing which is extremely difficult.
    For this very reason, I'd be okay with them rolling Fist Weapons into the Dual Wield line and Polearms into the Two-Handed line.

    We already have weapon animations for these things in-game, but I'd like to see each weapon type have its own animations. I know that's a lot of work, but without balance concerns it just becomes a "neato" factor that I don't think anyone would object to.

    P.S.: We need kicks in this game. I was finishing Cadwell's Gold the other day on my Nightblade, and some quest boss actually knocked me across the map with a front kick. I WANT THAT ANIMATION!!!

    Edited by milesrodneymcneely2_ESO on 7 June 2015 17:24
  • vaanomega
    Thanks for all of new votes (°w°)
    Etre Lycan ou vampire ne signifie pas "être mauvais"
    Les Lycans d'Argent en sont la preuve
    A A
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