Hey guys not sure if this is the right forum but couldnt find a betetr suited one. I have beena way from the game since like 2 months after release so im a bit rusty, Iam not sure if any of you would be able to help with 2 builds for my characters. I heard skills and abilities have both changed, I never really udnerstood how abilities actually affected combat and which skills did each ability affect so a shrot explanaiton would be good.
1/ Argonian Templar VR4, I would like to make this a healer that can still be able to solo and quest if possible
2/ Darkelf DragonKnight (10ish level), I would like to make this a DPS DK with dual wiel, imr eally itnereste din this one mroe than the tempalr so any help would be welcomed!
Thanks for everythigna nd sorry again if its the wrong forum!