You can spend a total of 180 points on riding skills: 60 points in Carry, 60 in Stamina, and 60 in Speed.KkaosReinz wrote: »Can all mount skills be maxed out, or is there a point cap?
One time only.KkaosReinz wrote: »Will items like the stripped senche tiger be available to everyone once they hit the subscription mark? or are those types of loyalty rewards one time only?
You still have to wait until 6-9-15KkaosReinz wrote: »I received an email about the game copy date happening on 6-1-15. Does this mean We will be able to play post download? or does this mean we will only be able to download, but still have to wait till 6-9-15?
houimetub17_ESO wrote: »Racial Rework : Can we get any news on this? Which directions are you heading? Are you focusing on specific races (such as nord, argonians) or are you looking at all of them?
@ZOS_JasonLeavey / @ZOS_JessicaFolsom When are you guys gonna loose that stupid age gate on the link? Getting tired of having to scroll down to soem random year (picked 1932 this time) and 0101 just to read the links you guys post. I mean,,, you know how old we are if we are registered in the forums for cripes sake.
KkaosReinz wrote: »
I thought they were currently working on the Orcs?
KkaosReinz wrote: »
I remember watching a recent episode of ESO Live, where they were discussing a new playable area based on the Orcs, and then I thought I heard one of the devs say something like they wanted to give the orc race some love. I'll have to watch it again. I'm probably wrong.