Hey guys
After we got the world first times in every trial this week, we thought we can go a bit further;)
We managed to get Serpent Trial with 6 people down (even 1 disconnected over some groups^^), and it was first try on serpent;) It was a little bit crazy, but great fun. If you wanna see the video of it, then just check out the link on the bottom
Thanks to:
Akatenshi for being the girl for everything in here
Assuras the tank of the hearts
Corpus for being a bada** flamespitter
Excel for the greatest heal ever
Kar Zuko for being the best in everything
Senaxu for "pew pew pew overload"
Link to the run;)twitch.tv/senaxu/c/6661977
Have a nice day everyone and greetings from Beyond Infinity;)
Edited by Baumlaus on 9 May 2015 08:10 Unchained Animals - EU -