I feel like they've missed an opportunity to stand out from the crowd with their current combat system. While it is indeed different from auto-attacks and a million hotbars, it's still not really that different in practice.
At the moment, it seems to me like the majority of skills in the game deal a significant amount of damage in some way or shape, along with some kind of minor utility, debuff, a dot or something else. Meanwhile, regular attacks seem slow and dissatisfactory, and it's often just as easy, or easier, to kill things by spamming skills rather than using regular attacks at all.
Ideally, I believe it could've been made more interesting by increasing the damage output of regular attacks, a lot, as well as making them faster, more responsive and with less windup. Furthermore, by decreasing the stamina and cost of blocking you could achieve a more intense kind of combat. Blocking won't just be something you do to prevent power attacks and special abilities, it'll be a more integrated part of combat altogether.You'll be able to actually spar with your opponents based more on reaction and skill, instead of who has the most efficient loadout of nukes.
For skills, I would've liked to see most of the damage removed to let them focus a lot more on their utility, turning them into situational tools instead of wombo combos.
I'm convinced that with the appropriate adjustments to the current combat system and enemy A.I., the game could play a lot more like a TES game, suited for immersion and a first person perspective. This is of course just my humble opinion, what are your thoughts on the matter?
Edited by Grayphilosophy on 4 May 2015 13:39