Stamina Sorc Build Fix

I'm just gonna make this quick because you guys are smart enough to figure out what skills would be best for a stamina based build... and I'm a little lazy to convert my sorc. again :tongue:

Considering the Overload now scales with stamina too I've think I've found a really great self heal for a sorcerer.
Consider using >this< set with overload, as a stamina sorc. The set bonuses are:
+Stamina regen
+Magika regen
+~6-7k heath restore every 10 seconds when activating a ultimate. (@20k thats just a little bit less than the clannfear, and free :smiley:)

Since overload is a free to activate skill and, well its highly desirable for a sorc and instant. Cant we just throw all of our long term buff class skills (crit surge) and magicka skills on that bar and use our other 2 just for weapon skills and short term buffs?
Then when you are on low health just press the ultimate, and if you don't want to use it, just insta-switch on and off and you're healed by over 30% FOR FREE!

The set bonuses I know aren't the best and it does mean that you have to give up the undaunted set pieces. But there are workarounds for you. We all know how expensive magicka skills for a stam build, so the magicka regen isnt wasted. and the extra health isn't actually a loss, just remove an attribute and put it into stamina :D

I hope this is helpful, tell me what you think ;D
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