Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - PC - NA - PvX - Moderate - 450+ Mature Members]

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • Calraven
    Soul Shriven
    Darn!! Took me 10 minutes to tell my story. :) Thanks for checking!!
    Edited by Calraven on 14 April 2015 23:04
  • Calraven
    Soul Shriven
    Got it to work. Apparently, it didn't like my userid yet I received no message of the sort. All good now.
    Edited by Calraven on 14 April 2015 23:29
  • Karoneth
    We got you an invite in game, enjoy! Let us know if you need it re-sent.
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Karoneth
    The BoR remains active on both the live and PTS servers, and is still accepting new members! Please apply on our new website if you are interested in joining us, just pardon the appearance while we put the finishing touches on it.

    *Have been active in-game since early Beta (March 2013), had over 200 members prior to launch
    *Friendly, helpful environment, we all get along well
    *Guild events held weekly, attendance never required
    *Proudly representing High King Emeric in the Daggerfall Covenant on the PC NA server
    *Trials, DSA, Dungeon/Pledge Runs, and AvA events for endgame
    *Unique events such as triathlons, fishing derbies, scavenger hunts, horse races, and more
    *Lower level events for your alts: World bosses, skyshards, public dungeons
    *Skilled crafters and guild Kiosk to sell your wares
    *Home of Wykkyd, Ravalox, Balkoth, and Sasky addon developers
    *Two 512-user TeamSpeak 3 servers
    *Real-life meetups at gaming cons for those interested (PAX East, QuakeCon)
    *In-game Raffles and Giveaways

    Hope to meet you soon!
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Ruscthelion
    Soul Shriven
    I've been running with BoR for about a week, after a several month hiatus from TESO. MMOs are, at their core, social games. I lost my original group when the game launched, which is why I stopped playing.

    I would not have started playing again without real people to play with. BoR is the real deal. Everyone I have met in-game and on Teamspeak has been incredibly helpful and friendly. The leadership is welcoming and active, whether players are bored VR14 players or level 10 Argonian Dragonknights. The calendar has events nearly every day, and there are some fun and interesting special events planned for the near future.

    Lastly, one of the best things that has drawn me deeper into BoR is the level of maturity and kindness displayed by everyone. If you are a 12-year old console kid and just want to scream at how lame people are and question their parentage, BoR is NOT for you. They are a no-drama, inclusive, mortgage-paying adults who know how to treat each other with respect. I'm actually a little sad I didn't find them earlier.
  • Ghostbomber
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, just submitted my application. Wanted to make sure you got it.

    User Id Ghostbomber

  • Karoneth
    We sure did, thank you!
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Aquanova
    Where's the link to submit application?
  • Karoneth
    Hi Aquanova!

    Simply go to

    Look on the left side for Apply to Guild
    Click on that, create your account (unless you already have a GamerLaunch account) and fill out the application. Give us a day or so to review and vote on your application and you'll be in!
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Karoneth
    Please note we are Daggerfall Covenant (DC) faction only, if you do not have a DC char we're not the guild for you. Thanks!
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Aquanova
    Hello karoneth, I have 1 EP character VR14 and 3 DC characters, VR12 nb, lvl17 Sorc and lvl7 temp. Can I still apply? I only play on DC (including PVP, on AS). I have retired my EP character(9 trait on everything except light armor) to Crafter.
    Edited by Aquanova on 9 August 2015 14:24
  • Karoneth
    Yes, as long as you have at least one Daggerfall Covenant character that you play regularly, you may join. Of course we prefer your DC characters to be your primary.
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Aquanova
    Yes they are. I'm thinking of making the Sorc my main even though my NB is the highest lvl. Do I need a code? When I checked the site it said I needed one to gain access, or can I contact you in game?
    Edited by Aquanova on 9 August 2015 14:48
  • Karoneth
    No code needed, simply apply, not many questions, we do require a brief essay but it should only take you a few minutes to apply. Thanks!
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Aquanova
    Application submitted. Thanks again :)
  • michaelramm
    Soul Shriven
    Application submitted at lunch. I am returning player from many months away from ESO and really liking it again...but still feel overwhelmed with the crafting stuff, like it did the first go around.

  • Karoneth
    Got your apps, thanks!
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • michaelramm
    Soul Shriven
    Good deal...I am reading over the Rules on the site and I am very impressed with the organization that BoR implements. Congrats and I hope to be a member very soon.

  • Aquanova
    I got the invite! Thanks again karoneth! Hopefully I'll catch you in game.
  • Karoneth
    You're welcome! See you there!
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • michaelramm
    Soul Shriven
    waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting

    no worries though, I am too low level to run with anyone yet. I FINALLY hit 11 last night while helping Lyris out of Coldharbour!
  • Karoneth
    Check in game Michael, Baranon should have sent you an invite already, your app was accepted. :-) Let me know if you didn't receive it.
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • michaelramm
    Soul Shriven
    WOO HOO! Thanks so much @Karoneth! Can't wait to be a productive member of BoR.

    I have confirmed that Baronon sent me an invite and can further confirm that I have accepted it!
    Edited by michaelramm on 11 August 2015 15:56
  • jonpaul
    Hi there! I just submitted my application as well and am trying to get the wife to apply as well, hope to hear from you soon!
    I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most important moments. -Jim Morrison
  • Karoneth
    Thanks Jonpaul! Looking forward to getting you both in.
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • tntpop
    Hi all, you like like a friendly bunch! Applied online :)
  • Karoneth
    We still have room for more! Need a guild to explore the Imperial City with? Take a look at our site, if you like what you see, sign on up!
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • mattjlaneb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Id love to join! is there a particular process to this? Who should i PM?
  • Karoneth
    Simply sign up on our site and our staff will review your application. Our new website is located at

    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • jparedeso_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I just applied on the website. Looking forward to hearing from you!
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