I typically play one character with an even mix of PVP and PVE. I like to experience everything that class has to offer however the lack of a true dual/multi spec system makes this highly impractical/impossible.
I would dearly love to try tanking and ease the tank shortage in pledge queues however this means I have to respec my attributes, morphs and champion points. Most evenings see me doing a mix of PVP and PVE so I definitely don’t want to then be stuck in a tank spec with the only way out being costly and time consuming respecs every evening.
I don’t have the time or inclination to level an alt just to tank and the lack of a shared achievement system really doesn’t make me inclined to play alts at all. Having a character specific achievement system seems bizarre as pretty much everything else is shared.
Sorry, went off topic, any chance of a true dual/multiple spec system making it into the game?