Vet.DSA stage 10: Magica NB DPS/Tank tests.

Today for the 1st time since update 6 came out I had the chance to test Magica NB build. The dps on FTC is for over 300 seconds w/o interruption.

The gear that I used is: DPS Test: Medium Valkin Skoria Head, Light VS shoulders, 4 pieces Martial Knowledge , 2 Pieces Torug's pact and jewelry: random neck+ 2 rings cyrodiil's light.

Tank test: 5x Footman set / 5x Hist Bark / 2x Arena set items.
Edited by D3usEX on 6 March 2015 15:14
Guild:Hodor EP EU
NB: Enclaver DK: xDeus Victus
Sorc:Deus Victus Templar:Enclaver X

  • s7732425ub17_ESO
    How do you have 31k magicka with that gear? Are there NB passives that boost you up?
  • iliatha
    nice, thank you
  • psufan5
    Can anything crafted come close to this? It would be a long time before I could get most of those pieces :(

    Surgical Incision
    Former Emperor
  • pppontus
    psufan5 wrote: »
    Can anything crafted come close to this? It would be a long time before I could get most of those pieces :(

    Well, almost all of it can be bought. You can use 2x adroitness and 3x torug if you can't get Valkyn I guess. Dunno if you can achieve anything even close with crafted only
  • D3usEX
    How do you have 31k magicka with that gear? Are there NB passives that boost you up?

    Yes NB have "Magica flood" passive which gives you 8% more magica when siphoning ability is sloted.
    Guild:Hodor EP EU
    NB: Enclaver DK: xDeus Victus
    Sorc:Deus Victus Templar:Enclaver X

  • psufan5
    D3usEX wrote: »
    How do you have 31k magicka with that gear? Are there NB passives that boost you up?

    Yes NB have "Magica flood" passive which gives you 8% more magica when siphoning ability is sloted.

    How did you spec your attribute points for health / mag / stam?

    Surgical Incision
    Former Emperor
  • s7732425ub17_ESO
    D3usEX wrote: »
    How do you have 31k magicka with that gear? Are there NB passives that boost you up?

    Yes NB have "Magica flood" passive which gives you 8% more magica when siphoning ability is sloted.

    Ah that's a significant boost. I wish Sorc had something like this.
  • D3usEX
    psufan5 wrote: »
    D3usEX wrote: »
    How do you have 31k magicka with that gear? Are there NB passives that boost you up?

    Yes NB have "Magica flood" passive which gives you 8% more magica when siphoning ability is sloted.

    How did you spec your attribute points for health / mag / stam?

    For my dps spec I run with: 50 points spent in Magica / 12 in HP / 0 in stamina.
    Guild:Hodor EP EU
    NB: Enclaver DK: xDeus Victus
    Sorc:Deus Victus Templar:Enclaver X

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