Since they aren't going to copy the NA characters over to the test server again before the 1.6 goes live, I can't test this for myself.
Can someone confirm that the horse inventory bug has been fixed? It wasn't as of the last time I checked it.
this bug, where the game only updates the inventory spaces on the first character you log in, and subsequent characters are limited to their base inventory (without the horse) until they visit a stables (or feed a horse, or something that triggers it to realize that they should have 50-60 more inventory slots).
The issue was that any items that are on the character in excess of what can be held with the character's base inventory spaces get permanently dumped into non-existence, and do not reappear after the inventory space is updated to include the horse's available slots.
In addition to this obvious bug, there's also the separate but similar issue (perhaps intended?) discussed in
this thread, where the extra 10 inventory spaces from a draft horse are not converted over at all, and items in a character's inventory in those last 10 spots can also be lost permanently to the void.
Since I've not seen anything mentioned in the patch notes for any of the PTS updates, I would just like confirmation from someone that these bugs have been fixed in the most recent version. If not, I'm going to have to reorganize all my characters' and mules' inventories prior to the go-live date to ensure that they aren't carrying anything more than they could hold without a horse.
I don't want to be one of the thousands of complaint tickets that ZOS will need to respond to if this isn't fixed before they push the update to the live servers.
Is it still possible to lose items stored in horse inventories upon updating to 1.6.x?