Noob Question, What is invisibility good for?

Alright, this has been a major curiosity for me for the longest time but I just cannot for the life of me figure out how shadow cloak has any kind of use. I've tried to use it several times, and all that I've been able to figure out is that it:

A") Doesn't give critical hits in any kind of reliable fashion

B") Doesn't let you move fast enough to change your position in any meaningful way

C") Doesn't turn you invisible all the time, Mobs will still occasionally just follow you around like a Piñata spanking you as you try to sneak away/around/sit there and cry

D")Doesn't always turn you invisible for the length of time it says it should, occasionally just poofing a big black cloud of your magicka into the Ether uselessly.

Now, I do not PvP, and it is possible that there is some mystical and all-powerfull use for this skill in PvP that I am woefully ignorant of. Also, I am NOT a big MMO player, and so maybe there is a perfect spell rotation that if you use invisibility along with a dot-tripot of aoefullness it will turn you into a trial-running Übermensch. I think it is most probable that I am actually just missing something very obvious and I'm hoping someone will be able to enlighten me.
Edited by Aidantwab16_ESO on 18 February 2015 08:03
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    The skill is currently broken, but it can be used in many ways.
    - You can setup Shadow Disguise with a Veiled Strike to hit a target very hard, stun it and put it off balance for additional damage and CC.
    - You can use it to bypass group of ennemies or get right in their back without any danger of beeing detected and engage with a Sneak Attack.
    - You can use it in dungeons to loose aggro from ennemies focussing you.
    - Khajiits and Woodelves get a 10% multiplicative bonus whenever they use that skill with their next attack.
    - With a Bow you can dodge roll away -> Cloak and get some distance from your ennemies.

    Usualy you want to use Shadow Cloak, to setup your burst and take down your target as fast as possible once you decloak. But with all the bugs decloaking the user, Dark Cloak not removing damage over time effects like it should it is currently very hard to use that skill effectively.
    Edited by Brasseurfb16_ESO on 18 February 2015 13:02
  • Aidantwab16_ESO
    Okay, thanks for the info, I'm glad for it! Is ANYTHING in the Shadow path really worth investing points and hotbar spaces on, save if you want to use two skill slots on cloak/veil strike like you said?
  • Cody
    cloak is currently very unreliable.

    Only use it to sneak past PvE mobs or in conjunction with veiled strike. You could also use it to put some distance between you and an enemy if you use a bow; provided the enemy does not use a gap closing ability.
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