Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - PC - NA - PvX - Moderate - 450+ Mature Members]

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Well Met, Friends! Brotherhood of Redemption is an Elder Scrolls Online guild who holds strong to the virtues of Honor, Integrity, Compassion, and Respect; upholding the values of all that is good in Tamriel. We are currently recruiting PC/Mac players of any race or class for the Daggerfall Covenant faction.

Why should you be interested in joining the BoR? We are a moderate, mature guild partaking in PvE, exploration, crafting, AvA PvP battles, light RP, and social activities. We originated as a gaming clan more than fifteen years ago, and have a branch in DDO that remains active after eight years. Our ESO guild has over 450 great members. We hold many events to explore the world and enjoy quests and AvA as a group. We hail from all of the US time zones as well as from overseas, and are looking for mature members who appreciate our values and plan to stick around in ESO for years to come, as we anticipate having a presence in ESO and its community for at least a decade.

We will fight for the Daggerfall Covenant faction on the North American PC/Mac Megaserver, but welcome English-speaking members from all countries.
We also have two dedicated TeamSpeak 3 servers with capacity for over 500 members each.
Feel free to read the Introductions thread in the Public Chat forum to get to know our members better.

Our site is located at and we hope to meet you soon!
Edited by Karoneth on 4 July 2014 18:56
Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • MightyToSave
    Won't find a better group of people!
  • Cylver
    You can't go wrong with the Brotherhood of Redemption! You might think you would get lost in the crowd but no one does. Here is a link to the members introduction thread

    Check out the people that have joined BoR! We are many. We are from all over. We are a very diverse group of people working together to ensure everyone enjoys ESO!

  • Hice
    Soul Shriven
    Great group of people that always takes care of the guild members needs. Big guild but still feels like a small guild.
  • Karoneth
    We are still recruiting moderate, mature players in the DC Faction, so give us a look if you still are in need of a home!
    Edited by Karoneth on 16 February 2015 15:09
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Quickick
    Greetings Adventurers,

    Allow me to enlighten you about a guild in the Daggerfall Covenant. The Brotherhood of Redemption!! We are a very merry and respectful lot. We like to have events planned that all of our members can participate in from the novice explorer to the most experienced adventurer. We have a great Elder Council, that I am a member of, to help lead our guild to victory an all aspects of the war. Weather you enjoy exploring the land or fighting on the front lines of the war you will always find a fellow member willing to fight alongside you. There are not many requirements to being allowed entrance into the brotherhood. You must have a mature and respectful attitude, be of at least your 17th year of birth, have a way of speaking on the 3rd incarnation of teamspeak, and, Obviously, Fight for the Daggerfall Covenant. If you think that you have what it takes to join a guild that likes to treat you as one of the family then by all means come visit our guild hall and file an application to join. We are always looking for quality members as opposed to quantity.

    Happy adventuring.
  • ladyoldfashion
    Soul Shriven
    Love this guild. People helping each other for a common goal. To have fun and reach your own goals and achievements.
  • CalliESO2014
    Soul Shriven
    No comment
    Edited by CalliESO2014 on 14 December 2014 14:57
  • AEWarren1957
    The Brother Hood of Redemption truly is an awesome guild. Great, friendly and engaged folks, I would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a guild home.
  • Nukeyak
    Having a great time in the guild. There's an excellent calendar with all kinds of events scheduled, including weekly pve and pvp sessions. Best of all, however, there is no pressure, everyone is here to have fun and enjoy playing together.
  • Karoneth
    The Daggerfall Covenant guild Brotherhood of Redemption has reached 430 members in game, and continues to grow. We have no plans to leave ESO for another MMO and we still have room for more members, so stop on by our site by clicking on my signature banner below and see if our mature, moderate player base would be a good fit for you!
    Edited by Karoneth on 16 February 2015 15:09
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Karoneth
    The BoR is still growing, give us a look if you want a moderate, mature active guild with constant activity both in game and in TeamSpeak!
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • CalliESO2014
    Soul Shriven
    No comment
    Edited by CalliESO2014 on 14 December 2014 14:57
  • Karoneth
    Our recruiting remains open for all classes in the Daggerfall Covenant alliance, and we continue to host events for PvE, AvA along with special, unique events as well. Please give our site a look and see if we'd be a good fit, as ESO is more fun with a great group of folks to enjoy it with. If you like what you see on our site, feel free to apply, and we hope to adventure with you soon!
    Edited by Karoneth on 16 February 2015 15:09
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Quickick
    Greetings Adventurers,

    Allow me to enlighten you about a guild in the Daggerfall Covenant. The Brotherhood of Redemption!! We are a very merry and respectful lot. We like to have events planned that all of our members can participate in from the novice explorer to the most experienced adventurer. We have a great Elder Council, that I am a member of, to help lead our guild to victory in all aspects of the war. Weather you enjoy exploring the land or fighting on the front lines of the war you will always find a fellow member willing to fight alongside you. There are not many requirements to being allowed entrance into the brotherhood. You must have a mature and respectful attitude, be of at least your 17th year of birth, have a way of speaking on the 3rd incarnation of teamspeak, and, Obviously, Fight for the Daggerfall Covenant. If you think that you have what it takes to join a guild that likes to treat you as one of the family then by all means come visit our guild hall and file an application to join. We are always looking for quality members as opposed to quantity.

    Happy adventuring.
  • Karoneth
    Brotherhood of Redemption

    Server: North American
    Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
    Type: PvX Moderate, Social
    Members: 400 active

    Well Met, Friends! Brotherhood of Redemption is a moderate, mature Elder Scrolls Online guild who holds strong to the virtues of Honor, Integrity, Compassion, and Respect; upholding the values of all that is good in Tamriel.

    Why should you be interested in joining the BoR?
    We originated as a gaming clan more than fifteen years ago, and welcome English-speaking members from all countries. We have a dedicated TeamSpeak 3 server with capacity for 512 members and there are always members in it.

    We have a formal Events Committee, and something on the calendar almost every night. In addition to the formal committee, members are welcome to schedule events and put them on the guild calendar. ALL EVENTS ARE OPTIONAL!

    Some Scheduled Activities Include:
    **AVA runs twice weekly** (These are our formal guild runs. Many members are in AVA daily.
    **Dragonstar Arena events**
    **Dungeon and Undaunted Runs twice per week** (All levels welcome. We break everyone into level appropriate groups)
    **Cyrodiil Questing once per week** (All levels welcome)
    **Skyshard runs, Dolmen runs, Public Dungeon Runs**
    **Special events, including Scavenger Hunts, Horse Races, Triathlons, and Roller Dodge competitions**

    Some Benefits of BoR Membership Include:
    Warm, supportive, gaming community, consisting of a diverse set of players. Many of us have multiple veteran rank characters, while others are just starting out. Some are serious theory crafters, while others enjoy just experimenting. Many of us have been serious raiders in previous games, while others are playing an MMO for the first time.

    We have a female presence both in the guild membership and the guild leadership, and women gamers will find an especially supportive environment. We are a 24-hour gaming community, with members from all over the US, a growing Australian membership, and a handful of folks from other time zones.

    **Strong crafting community**, available to help you get the traits you need to research, and help you out with gear or enchantments or food or potions.
    **Full access to the guild bank**. (After 14-day probationary period.)
    **Guild Kiosk to sell your wares**

    We welcome new members, whether you are looking for end-game activities, or just starting your first character. The link to our membership application can be found on our site,

    Also, please read the Introductions thread in the Public Chat forum to get to know our members and see if we are a good fit for you.

    Hope to meet you soon!
    Edited by Karoneth on 16 February 2015 15:10
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • jambam817_ESO
    Applied on your website. Hope to hear a reply soon! :)
  • Karoneth
    Thanks, it looks great!
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Karoneth
    Merry Christmas to everyone! The BoR continues to be active and has activities nearly daily! We are still accepting new members of any character or skill level. Please visit our site or send me a PM with any questions. Thank you, and enjoy your time in Tamriel!
    Edited by Karoneth on 16 February 2015 15:10
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Karoneth
    Happy New Year to everyone from the BoR and Elder Scrolling Online Podcast! It should be a great year for ESO and the BoR which continues to grow. :-)
    Edited by Karoneth on 16 February 2015 15:10
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Karoneth
    Looking forward to getting ESO after it goes buy to play, or hoping to return to it without having to pay a subscription? Or still with ESO, but your current guild mostly isn't?

    Want a casual guild in the Daggerfall Covenant that is full of helpful members and will be in ESO for years to come?

    Look no further!

    We have a welcoming community that partakes in PvE, AvA, and crafting, podcasters and addon developers that know the game, a calendar with regular events and a website with active forums and thousands of posts. Our male and female members hail from many countries and time zones, and we'd love to have you join us. We have two TeamSpeak servers and take annual guild trips to PAX East. Our members get along well, they are a great bunch of folks.

    Please visit our site at and feel free to sign up if you think we'd be a good fit.
    Edited by Karoneth on 16 February 2015 15:11
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Karoneth
    We are still recruiting and growing! Click on my sig to check us out and see if we'd be a good fit, and enjoy your time in Tamriel!
    Edited by Karoneth on 16 February 2015 15:12
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Karoneth
    Coming back to ESO on or after the 17th and in need of a guild? If you are in the DC faction, you are in luck as the Brotherhood of Redemption is still recruiting! Please visit us at to see if we'd be a good fit for you.
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Karoneth
    The BoR is celebrating it's one-year anniversary in ESO, and 20th year as a gaming guild!

    This weekend we're having a number of fun, different activities. We still have room for more members so please sign up on our site at if you'd like to join us!

    Friday 8pm 1st run of the BoR Triple Crown

    Saturday 10am Merchant's Plummet
    2pm 2nd run of the BoR Triple Crown
    6pm Naked Jump (closest to hitting ground target wins)
    7pm Fishing Tourney
    8pm 2nd run of the BoR Triple Crown

    10am Merchants Plummet
    2pm 3rd run of the BoR Triple Crown
    6pm Naked Jump
    7pm Fishing Tourney
    8pm 3rd run of the BoR Triple Crown

    8pm Naked Jump and Closing Ceremonies!
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Warlordgreebo
    I will certainly give it a look. I am looking at returning - though now ill actually have a job, so wont be able to play all the time:)
  • Karoneth
    That's fine, we have a very generous inactivity policy and no weekly playtime requirements. :-) Grats on the job!
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Suddwrath
    When I attempt to visit the website I receive the error "Invalid guild." Is the site currently experiencing maintenance or something?
  • Karoneth
    The site is having trouble this afternoon, try back later. Sorry for the trouble!
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
  • Suddwrath
    Okay, just making sure. Thank you!
  • Calraven
    Soul Shriven
    Hi!! I was just on your site and filled out an app. However, I do not know if I successfully submitted the app after selecting the Apply button. My userid is Calraven.
  • Karoneth
    You'll receive a mail on the site confirming your application was received, so I recommend you try again. I don't see an app by that name although we sometimes get quite a few in one day :-) Thanks!
    Guildmaster, Brotherhood of Redemption [DC - NA - PvX - Moderate]
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