Please fix finaly 2nd bolt escape morph - ball of lightning.
Descritpion of a skill: "(...) Absorbs incoming spell projectiles for 5 seconds."
Does it work like it should? Ofc not.
(i) It does if som1 shot you with crystal/crushing or diffrent projectiles and you are standing near your shining ball, but (ii) it doesn't if som1 reflect
your own spell. For example vs a DK i am near my ball thingy i throw a crystal, DK pop up his wings (like they always do
) then reflect my crystal and ofc i am dmged, my ball thingy didn't absorb that "projectile".
Imo ball of lightning should absorb all incoming spell projectiles like is written in skill descritpion, or maybe reflected projectile doesnt count as "projectile" at all? Fix for this skill is needed, fixed skill would give sorcs real counter vs perma reflecters and also the reason to use 2nd morph to bolt escape, because atm streak ofc is better.
Srry for my english,
The Farron family team (EU)
sorcerer - Rubeus Farron AR31
templar - Selene Farron AR27
nightblade - Ryuho Farron AR25
stamplar - Nura Farron AR10
stamsorcerer - Kitty Farron AR14 (adopted member)
DK - Ryu Farron AR17
CU - next mmo