Suggestion: Different party icons and colors.

I would like different icons and/or assignable colors to party members, either through the interface or an addon. I've seen similar suggestions before during beta, but after running SO last night I feel it needs repeating.

The Problem
In large groups doing things like AA, Hel Ra, SO, or PVP a lot of coordination is necessary to succeed, however it's hard to identify who is who outside of the crown, which is normally main tank. This requires a lot of prep work in figuring out orders, who is going where, etc. that doesn't work and takes away from the "fun" time of actually playing the game. When thing go wrong from that plan, even with the aid of voice communication software like teamspeak, it's hard to identify who and what is where. For those trying to use just regular chat, it's near impossible. This will probably be an issue for console releases as well, if not addressed.


1. Assigned Chevrons - party leader or members can assign their own customchevron (icon) above their head. We have several dozen we can choose from in guild ranks, something hardly anyone sees or uses outside of the guild list, it makes little sense to me that we're stuck with a measly 2 icon types in what could be a 24 man party.
2. Colored Chevrons - leaving the Chevrons as they are, but letting party leaders assign colors for teams or roles is another way to communicate who needs to go where or with who.
3. Primary Role Chevrons - allow players to show their primary role (healer, dps, tank) rather than the assignable icons. You're relying on players not to mess things up, but seeing thoak would be more than enough to let you know what the people around you can do.
4. LUA Addon Support to Assign Chevrons - add in options in the LUA code so some of the skilled modders can create an addon for some of the solutions above. This would only help PC players however.

Similar suggestions have been made before, hopefully this has enough thought and gets enough attention to get a change made. Other players with similar issues with the current party icon system feel free to agree, comment, or complain with some of these ideas.

Edit: Moved to Feedback & Suggestions
Edited by HeroOfNone on 25 January 2015 17:07
Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
  • crowfl56
    The only change that needs to happen is, when you go into combat it become's nearly impossible to tell who is who, the combat symbol cover's the crown and group icon's.
  • Ahdora
    I'd love to see something like this.

    I always ask whoever is party lead to pass the crown to the tank if they don't already have it, for just this reason. Ran my first Trials the other night and found myself looking for folks a few times and unable to find them.
    Heals With Stick, V11 Argonian Nightblade Healer, NA-EP
  • HeroOfNone
    crowfl56 wrote: »
    The only change that needs to happen is, when you go into combat it become's nearly impossible to tell who is who, the combat symbol cover's the crown and group icon's.

    I can see the combat sword most times, but I agree it seems to get smooshed when I see others screens. The assignable colors option would probably be the most helpful to distinguish which targets are fighting.
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
  • booksmcread
    Agreed, the party leader should be able to assign a few people in the group designated icons. Would be helpful in PVP in addition to PVE. Another game I used to play has six icons that could be assigned by the group leader. It was very helpful.
  • Gix
    To be honest I'm not a fan of a UI that does something that the game should already be doing in the first place: being able to see WTF is going on. It's redundant and misses the point of having avatars in 3D space.

    A temporary solution would be for players to dye their armour based on their given roles in the group.

    The best solution would be to design the game in such a way that it doesn't cover your screen with all the !@#$% that's going on... and maybe allow brighter dyes.
    Edited by Gix on 12 January 2015 15:23
  • Aenlir
    Good post, definitely would have helped if people could have seen crown better yesterday. It would be great to be able to see peoples roles by looking at their icons, that way you can easily check how things are organized quickly. Custom icons would be amazing for pvp as well.
  • AlnilamE
    You should also be able to move the group order around so that you have "Group 1" really be players in Group 1 and so on.
    The Moot Councillor
  • HeroOfNone
    Gix wrote: »
    To be honest I'm not a fan of a UI that does something that the game should already be doing in the first place: being able to see WTF is going on. It's redundant and misses the point of having avatars in 3D space.

    A temporary solution would be for players to dye their armour based on their given roles in the group.

    The best solution would be to design the game in such a way that it doesn't cover your screen with all the !@#$% that's going on... and maybe allow brighter dyes.

    While some games allow that with set classes per race, armor type, and style, it's much harder for that in ESO with the versatility. In addition, certain things like "I'm under attack over here!" Or "back team sucked down" aren't really see able without some type of gui. Making things intuitive and realistic is good, but it's still a game and a GUIDE should be able to increase your fun.
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    You should also be able to move the group order around so that you have "Group 1" really be players in Group 1 and so on.

    Agreed, but at least this would let you color or icon organize people.
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
  • HeroOfNone
    Moved to Feedback & Suggestions
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
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