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Crown Store Item Wish List

  • Darkheart
    Give us a DLC with housing and Guild houses and then offer a lot of furniture and decoration for them in the store that can be bought for crowns. :)
    Returning Home to Daggerfall.
  • NotSo
    I want to apply dyes to my spell effects and my underwear.
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • kamimark
    Portable crafting stations and bank chests, 1 use/5 minutes per payment. Purely a convenience over running back to town every half hour.

    Treasure maps. Requires some in-game work to find them, and doesn't produce any better items than you could get finding chests.

    Appearance changes. We all made mistakes, shouldn't be stuck with them forever.
    Kitty Rainbow Dash. pick, pick, stab.
  • Tess_Phyreforge
    One thing I have notice since launch is you give our toons a choice to have Tattoos but all the higher LvL armor styles cover so much of the upper and lower body we don't get show off them tattoos.
    I would love to see armor costume that reveal a lot of skin so we can show off them nice tattoos.
    Sexy Zena style costume and some nice sexy dress.

    one of my favorite Med leather Top is the LvL 22 Bosmer Med. Armor, its shows off my Dragon Tattoos the best.. the higher lvl my toon gets the more skin my armor covers.
    Edited by Tess_Phyreforge on 22 January 2015 04:54
  • Twilix01
    I would like to see a costume that makes you resemble a Dro-M'athra or a character under the influence of an invisibility potion in the same way as the kollopi essence costume works. Changes appearance but does also let your gear be seen as normal. Also disabled in cyrodiil of course.

    Edit: Also, extra character slots would be nice to be able to buy, if not just giving them to everyone.
    Edited by Twilix01 on 22 January 2015 04:30
  • Evaflys
    Oh please please for the love of Talos (who hath not entered upon Tamriel yet) pleeeease do not add anything that will be considered pay-to-win: instant levels, great gear, overpowering skills, etc. I want to work for those in-game.

    I do not mind vanity items such as pets, mounts, costumes, etc. I will be more than happy to put money into those lovely items.

    Tis my only concern. Just keep cash shop items minimal in terms of player advantages over others and I will be okay.

    Now, onto the question: mount costumes! I would love to dress up my horse into awesome armor even if I fed him all apples for speed. Just something visual. No immediate boosts to speed or capacity or anything. Just want to make my horse look like a big awesome tanker.
    ~All DC Characters~

    Nord Traitor - For the Covenant!
    Esa Wolfsbane - VR16 Nord Templar
    Elsanna Spell-Singer - VR16 Breton Sorceror
    Cornelia Scipionis Alexia - VR 3 Imperial Dragonknight
  • Nazon_Katts
    Wabbajack. Auction it.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Shadesofkin
    Nothing that a subscriber will earn with their Plus membership should *ever* be available in the Crown Shop. The reason those bonuses are being given to subs is because they're subbing, by reducing that to what someone can pay in Crowns diminishes what the subscribers worth.

    Nothing that enhances PvP or PvE experiences from a statistical point should ever be made available for Crowns.

    Rare and Super Rare Motifs should never be made available in the Crown Store,

    Recipes should never be made available in the Crown Store.

    Costumes, costumes, costumes. Those are something even I would consider buying.

    I'd love it if dyes were still something you earned, but I will understand if those are made available.

    Cosmetic changes to characters is fine, but lets leave the silly at the door, no one wants to see someone running around with a glowy pink sword and bunny slippers. Ok, someone might want it, but please don't. I like this game for its more serious tone.

    Crafting Materials for levels 1-14. Iron, Maple, Jute. I wouldn't mind those in a cash shop, but make them refined already and make any armor crafted automatically bound and worthless to decon.
    @shadesofkin -NA Server.
    Tier 2 Player.
    MagDK Main forever (even in the bad times)
  • Myimm
    The ability to change your appearance please! I regret my hair decision daily!
  • Tanis-Stormbinder
    Appearance changes
    Race Change, Limit by High cost.
  • Dedhed
    NotSo wrote: »
    I want to apply dyes to my spell effects and my underwear.

    +1 Definitely :smiley:

    And glad @Nazon_Katts posted about the Wabbajack. Was thinking of that earlier, couldn't remember the name and then forgot all together.
    "This is like talking to breakfast cereal" -- Fredericks in Otherland talking about Wicked Tribe. Also a great description of zone chat.
  • Nazon_Katts
    Dedhed wrote: »
    NotSo wrote: »
    I want to apply dyes to my spell effects and my underwear.

    +1 Definitely :smiley:

    And glad @Nazon_Katts posted about the Wabbajack. Was thinking of that earlier, couldn't remember the name and then forgot all together.

    How could you. No cheese for you.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • MornaBaine
    Sethria wrote: »
    One thing I have notice since launch is you give our toons a choice to have Tattoos but all the higher LvL armor styles cover so much of the upper and lower body we don't get show off them tattoos.
    I would love to see armor costume that reveal a lot of skin so we can show off them nice tattoos.
    Sexy Zena style costume and some nice sexy dress.

    one of my favorite Med leather Top is the LvL 22 Bosmer Med. Armor, its shows off my Dragon Tattoos the best.. the higher lvl my toon gets the more skin my armor covers.

    This is what COSTUMES should be for. Armor should look like armor. You know, something that will actually protect you during combat, not "show off your tats." Kids today. Tsk. :neutral_face:
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • aesircorpb16_ESO
    im fine with all kinds of costumes and cosmetic stuff as long as it fits in the game. that means no xmas or halloween costumes for example.
    also dont try to sell bank or inventory expansions, i personally hate that.
    so as long as its cosmetic and doesnt impact pve/pvp i can live with it
  • GorraShatan
    I'm fine with costumes, mounts and the like, provided they don't look out of place in the game.

    I'd love to see great new zones at a reasonable price.

    I am leaving the game if things like inventory space, bank space, in game gold, tempers or any crap like that shows up there.

    Provided none of the stuff directly above ends up in the store, you can count me in for the ESO+. If it becomes P2W goodbye.
  • Caza99
    I'd love costumes of the 3 main characters from the trailers. I love the Breton's armour. Would be awesome if I could wear it in-game :)
    PC NA - @MercerESO
  • Ramtaku
    Cosmetic armor for my horse is an item I would purchase.

    Edited by Ramtaku on 22 January 2015 07:17
  • Grao
    Things we really don't want to see:

    - Special Gear (More or even as powerful as the gear you can obtain in game through drops or crafting). Why? Because any gear available in the Crown Store will instantly become a point of contention on the Forums and in the game, even if said gear isn't actually more powerful then gear obtainable through other means.
    - Consumables; Soul gems are fine, but am I the only one that thinks selling potions in the Crown Store is a waste? The only reason to buy those potions would be if they were stronger then player made potions and that is something we definitely don't want.

    Things we want:

    - So, I am a sucker for special mounts and pets - specially now that they wont occupy bank space. So, Guars, Kitties, dogs, spider daedras mounts, Dwemer Mounts... Gimme all of those.
    - Costumes are cool, but what I'd really love are ways to change my character's visual... Tattoos, hair styles and color, earrings, etc. This is pay to be pretty and different, so ZoS has to make it worth it for those of us that care about appearances. I want the Crown Barbershop and Tattoo!
    - Special colors for gear. I love having the option to paint our gear, so why not give us more colors to unlock? Those really shinny ones we all would want to get? Also, I am still waiting to recolor mu eyesore of a shield - When is that coming?
    - Additional Bank Space. So, I only have one character maxed out and I have a really large bank almost completely full - I'd love the option to buy more space, something tells me I will need it once I start leveling alts.
    - Bags of farmed goods! Ok, WoW has those and it was always great for people too lazy to farm and too poor to hire others to farm for them. Little bags of each profession containing a random assortment of goods, very much like our hirelings, but you can buy how many you want, or better, how many you can afford with your crowns.
    - Special motifs - Now, this one is a great idea. We don't want gear being sold in the Crown Store, but wouldn't it be nice if those paying the monthly subscription could make some extra gold by selling armor in a style only available through the Crown Store? ZoS could have the Motifs drop in Tamriel like any other motifs, but the style material could be sold for Crowns!

    EDIT: Oh, I forgot something important! Please make a werewolf costume? Pretty please? Those of us that like role playing still can't do it as a werewolf since our transformations don't last enough time... A werewolf would be cool and since ZoS doesn't seem inclined to offer that to those affected by Hircine's blessing, maybe they can sell it for crowns?
    Edited by Grao on 22 January 2015 06:51
  • manaek05rwb17_ESO
    First of all, that DC dude costume from CGI trailers.

    Stuff that I believe can be in the cash shop

    - Cosmetics. Includes costumes, customisation, pets/mounts, all the common motifs.
    - Potions and food - everything except the purple stuff. No purple or above.
    - Crafting materials - everything except the stuff that is used to create top tier resource-wise. Trait stones and race stones - again, everything except the things that are supposed to be rare. Upgrade materials - green and blue, no purple or above.
    - XP potions - as long as its not just instant X amount of xp given immediately, but rather a percentage based timed bonus. Bulk packs with good discounts would be cool.
    - Weapons - at most lvl 49, blue-green stuff. No unique traits that cannot be found elsewhere but cash shop - except XP bonus traits. No items with bonus inspiration for powerlevelling crafting.
    - Standart runes, the kind you can buy from NPC vendors.
    - PVP stuff, kits, siege and all - maybe even different looking ones - as long as stats are the same as the stuff you can get with AP.
    - Soul-gems, including all lvls.

    Stuff that I believe should be kept out of the cash shop

    - Purples and Legendaries.
    - Anything that will instantly provide a player with in-game progress. Like insta-XP pots, boosts to lvl 50 (like in WoW).
    - Top tier crafting materials, as well as rare stones.
    - Purples and Legendaries.
    - Rare Motifs.
    - PVP teleport scrolls that teleport you to transitus of your choice from anywhere on the map
    - Purples and Legendaries.
    - Anything that is given as a reward for completing end-game content or difficult PVP achievements, like emperor armor costume.
    - Explorer's Pack. Beta Monkey. Just because. Plz no.
    - By the way, please no Purples and Legendaries.

    And please, no marketplace availible to subs only, or with cash-shop unlock. Keep the economy as it is. And please no cash-only guild trader locations.

    I do believe that overall, the change is good, and if game doesnt go p2w, I am quite supportive of it.
  • aesircorpb16_ESO
    Grao wrote: »
    Things we really don't want to see:

    - Consumables; Soul gems are fine, but am I the only one that thinks selling potions in the Crown Store is a waste? The only reason to buy those potions would be if they were stronger then player made potions and that is something we definitely don't want.

    Soul Gems is a good point. Can we or i have some clarification on what that means? Will soul gems still be obtainable in game as drops from bosses or chests or only in the crown store in the future? Afterall we need them also to recharge our weapon enchantements. If we will need to buy these for crowns, that would be a major drawback that effects pve and pvp, from my point of view.

  • AssaultLemming
    Tell us what sorts of goods and services you would like to see offered in the Crown Store – you can be as general or specific as you’d like. We look forward to reading your ideas and feedback!

    1) i would like to be able to purchase a dwemer sphere centurian to help me in pvp and pvp, and not just act as a pet that follows me but an actual dwemer sphere centurian that can help me and do damage to my enemies especially in pvp. (and also have a carrying capacities to store some of my found treasures)

    2) i would like to be able to purchase companions to help me in dungeons, caves, and delves just like is available in dungeons and dragons online.

    No this is definitely pay to win. Veto.
  • adriant1978
    Yes please:

    * Lore-friendly costumes, pets, and mounts
    * Character slots
    * Bank space
    * Make-over options "within reason" (no race or sex changes)


    * Crafting materials
    * Potions
    * Consumables
    * Re-spec

    No thanks:

    * Lore-unfriendly items (no Santa Claus suits, pink unicorns, etc)
    * Gear with stats which confers actual in-game advantage
    * Skill, attribute, or champion points
    * RNG-based "stash" type items where you gamble on getting something good
    * Treasure maps, lockbox keys, or other paid-for loot
  • Eldarth
    Yes: Role play/immersion costumes, animations, dye unlocks, mounts, mount armor, mount armor dyes, pets, tsotchkes, little fun effects (skyrocket, smoke marker bombs, orbiting little stones or lights, etc), weapon visual effects, almost anything that doesn't affect gameplay.

    No: Lockboxes (lottery/grab-bag/gambling). Lockboxes. Lockboxes. Did I mention lockboxes?

  • Nazon_Katts
    1 week pass to search all kiosks at once
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • redspecter23
    No XP boosters please. I stopped plunking quarters into games back in the early 90's.

    It's not a convenience item. It directly effects your rate of power progress.

    What you call an xp booster, I see as an xp penalty for those not using it.
    Edited by redspecter23 on 22 January 2015 08:01
  • Curragraigue
    More toon slots to feed my altoholism and more inventory spaces for all toons to feed my kleptomania
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • Sordidfairytale
    ALL of these items should be available in game outside the crown store. What I want to see (all items are account bound);

    1. Campfire materials, allowing provisioners (any provisioner) to use it to cook on the spot. Consumed once the character exits the crafting window.

    2. Repair kit, allows any player in the vicinity to use the repair tools to repair their armor. Consumed once the character exits the inventory window.

    3. XP gems for leveling gear. To be used on new gear that is yet to be introduced. Equipment (weapon/armor/jewelry) levels with the wearer as they explore and fight. (Much more powerful versions of these XP gems can be found in various dungeons off of random monsters or possibly as rewards from certain quests.) As the equipment levels up existing characteristics increase in potency, and new characteristics become available. Items are account bound once equipped, xp gems can only be applied after they become bound. The equipment itself is never available in the store. Ever. A player can only have one XP gem in their inventory at a time.

    4. Unique (Character Bound, no bank transfer) single use artifact glyphs. Only one glyph can be on a character at a time.
    •(slight/minor/major) Slow Glyph; target is slowed 75% of it's speed, regeneration, and attacks for (x) seconds.
    •(slight/minor/major) Glyph of the [Element] Elements; target is protected from [Element] for (x) seconds.
    •Glyph of the Summoner; when target dies they will be turned into an Atronach instead for 12 seconds. They can attack and be healed normally, after the 12 seconds the character will return to normal. The character can be killed regularly as an atronach however.
    • Sheogorath's Favor; Summons a bolt form the Wabbajack. Enjoy or suffer the consequence.
    The Vegemite Knight

    "if the skeleton kills you, your dps is too low." ~STEVIL

    The Elder World of WarScrollCraft Online ~joaaocaampos
  • themizario
  • themizario
    WTB TriPots
  • SlayerSyrena
    I'd also like to see more character slots and guild slots available in the shop.

    Oh,and a Jester costume without the mask on the front (but still keeping the hat) so we can see our character's face while they wear it. :)

    And a Dremora costume would be awesome too!
    PC/NA, Level 50 * Current Champion Points: 1600+
    Cyndril - Bosmer Vampire Nightblade - Dual Wield Blades and Bow

    ***Member of the closed early beta group, The Psijic Order***
    Guest on first ESO Live
    My ESO fan art and comics
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