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Werewolf Ultimate Gain while in WW form.

Ok, since I really doubt that the devs will give us a longer timer, or remove it. To me it already seams that they will not change this in the favor of the many requests to lengthen it of remove it. So, how about this. We gain Ultimate while we are frantically looking for targets to kill and devour, But when our timer finally runs out we lose all that gained Ultimate. Why not let us keep it? Novel idea, I know. We can gain enough to shift again when our timer runs out, so if we can keep it we can just shift again. This way we can effectively have a longer time in WW form and you devs can delude yourselves into thinking we actually like the short timer.
  • Spiritbx
    Soul Shriven
    How about changing one of our useless passive skills to make it so that once WW form ends, you gain bonus time based on how much ult you got.

    Or simply make it like a weapon, but different. I mean 22 skill points is a lot for something that lasts like 30 seconds without stopping in the middle of combat to eat for 5 seconds every 15 seconds.
  • Sharee
    This is the only case in the game(to my knowledge) where you lose stored ultimate without manually activating a skill, and without gaining anything from it. It does seem a bit unfair, especially considering how vamps can use the ultimate gained during batswarm to feed the next batswarm. So, why not WW?
    Edited by Sharee on 12 November 2014 07:46
  • nightwalkerrobin_ESO
    @Sharee This is exactly the point. @Spiritbx‌ You also have a great idea.

    What really upsets me is that they were going in the right direction, the screwed it up. They fail to see that werewolf is similar to vampire in that it is a class modifier, but unlike vampire it does not really modify our main class, it is a class itself and should be treated as such.
  • Warraxx
    hell, i'd be happy if WW didn't bug out so often when activating it.
  • nightwalkerrobin_ESO
    I have not had any problem with it bugging out, but then I am always changing before combat. Do you have the problem while in combat?
  • Warraxx
    I have not had any problem with it bugging out, but then I am always changing before combat. Do you have the problem while in combat?

    yes. and forget about PVP when there's lag (and there's always lag)
  • nightwalkerrobin_ESO
    Ah. I have not done PVP in ESO yet. I suck badly at PVP and the only thing I bring to the field is a kill score for the other side, LOL.
  • Gildren
    Sharee wrote: »
    This is the only case in the game(to my knowledge) where you lose stored ultimate without manually activating a skill, and without gaining anything from it. It does seem a bit unfair, especially considering how vamps can use the ultimate gained during batswarm to feed the next batswarm. So, why not WW?

    Could not agree more!

    Could we please keep our ultimate that is earned while in werewolf form even after we are forced to transform back to normal?

    Since bat swarm can be refreshed exceptionally quickly, almost making it look like vampires can activate their ultimate without effort, then maybe werewolves should be able to do the same (not saying they can, it just 'looks' that way).
    But of course I'm still in the camp that votes bat swarm(s) should have some sort of increase in the ultimate cost to put them in line with all other ultimate abilities (and yes, that means increasing the cost and effect of dawn breaker, which I personally feel is worthless in PvP and only kinda useful in PvE).
    - Gildren Arconess Cissack
  • Auber
    On an interesting related note, if your transformation reverts while you're in a loading screen, you will keep your built-up ultimate and can shift right back.
  • nightwalkerrobin_ESO
    Auber wrote: »
    On an interesting related note, if your transformation reverts while you're in a loading screen, you will keep your built-up ultimate and can shift right back.

    I am sure they will fix that "bug" very quickly.
  • EnOeZ
  • Gildren
    Auber wrote: »
    On an interesting related note, if your transformation reverts while you're in a loading screen, you will keep your built-up ultimate and can shift right back.

    So the clock keeps running on the transformation while you sit and stare at a lag-affected load screen? That hardly seems right.
    - Gildren Arconess Cissack
  • Tonturri
    I think it'd be pretty cool to gain a buff once the actual form faded. Buff strength would depend upon how much ultimate you had gained while shifted. It could introduce some interesting out-of-form mechanics. Say, 100 ultimate gives attacks a 25% chance to bleed, or infect and heal you, or gain increased ultimate regen + damage bonus for that strike. 200 gives a flat defense of strong regen boost...and so on.

    Of course, that's assuming that ZOS doesn't go for the 'use an ultimate in werewolf form'. It -is- slightly ridiculous that you cannot use the ultimate you gain while in form, but I can see being allowed to use it on a class ult somewhat ridiculous, if amusing. How would you like to see a giant werewolf with dragon wings sprouting from its back flying towards you?

    Failing having specific in-form ultimates, I'd really like to see what I mentioned in my first paragraph implemented. Even better, a combination of the two. Say...In-form ult that costs 150...175-ish, deals medium AoE damage and can be morphed to a strong AoE or a strong single target. Another could be defensive, and give party members flat damage reduction or a heal tick, perhaps something along 'sharing the (supposed) gift of werewolf regen'.

    I'm done rambling now :B
  • nightwalkerrobin_ESO
    Ok, the giant WW with dragon wings would be AWESOME!!!
  • nightwalkerrobin_ESO
    I would just like to be able to transform again quickly.
  • Soris
    I became warewolf yesterday night. When I used my ultimate first time, and saw all the gained ulti points lost when the WW timer is end, I was like "NOOOO IT HAS TO BE A BUG, OMG THAT'S SOO STUPID" lol. Then a friend told me the truth and it hurt.

    Seriously, who thought this is okay while designing it ?
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • jkirchner71ub17_ESO2
    THIS IS A GREAT IDEA! It would end some of the issue most, if not ALL of us, have with the Ultimate cost of WW versus other Ultimates. It is far too costly versus it's strength and I think we would all agree on this. Being able to see this earned Ultimate while in form "transfer" back to our Ultimate when we drop out of form would really help. I run the Dominion Set (Sword, Shield & Neck) to help with Ultimate cost but I can drop my Banner with much more frequency than shift into form and lets face it Banner is a very strong Ultimate. Sorry digressing some from the OP but I agree 100% with the OP.

    On a side note, my other MAJOR issue is passives. We need one passive like Supernatural Recovery (Vamp passive granting Magicka & Stamina Recovery). I'd like to see WW get something similar with Health and/or Stamina where max or recovery and/or both is increased. Not asking for OP but something along these lines. I think most of us would like to see some real tangible benefits of being a WW in-game without having to slot the Ultimate or be in form. We take a +50% Poison Damage Bonus regardless of being in form or not why not give us a passive that benefits us regardless of being in form or not and with or without the Ultimate slotted.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Torroch, VR14 Orc DK Rank 22, Officer in Maelstrom
    Once again looking for an organized PvP guild to join - viva la Venatus

    NON-PvP Alts
    Ebonheart Pact
    Torach, VR12 Orc Sorcerer, GM House of the Tamriel Ten
    Torrach, VR8 Orc Templar, House of the Tamriel Ten (older brother of Torach)
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    On a side note, my other MAJOR issue is passives. We need one passive like Supernatural Recovery (Vamp passive granting Magicka & Stamina Recovery). I'd like to see WW get something similar with Health and/or Stamina where max or recovery and/or both is increased. Not asking for OP but something along these lines. I think most of us would like to see some real tangible benefits of being a WW in-game without having to slot the Ultimate or be in form. We take a +50% Poison Damage Bonus regardless of being in form or not why not give us a passive that benefits us regardless of being in form or not and with or without the Ultimate slotted.

    We do get a 15% stamina recovery passive when affected by Lycanthropy.
  • Tonturri
    We do get a 15% stamina recovery passive when affected by Lycanthropy.
    Also a 6 ult every 3 sec for taking damage, effective only in human form. Actually dunno why this is only effective in human form O.o But yeah...

    WW actually has it pretty good, passive wise. If only more of the effects bled over into the normal form >.>
    Edited by Tonturri on 24 November 2014 18:14
  • Buck
    Is ZoS even looking into this? I changed an alt to WW a few days ago and I was shocked to see my ultimate vanish when the transformation ended... let me get this straight... I have a passive to gain more ultimate while taking damage in WW form but when the WW form ends I loose my ultimate?

    Is this intended ZoS? ...seriously lol wth?
  • Bouvin
    Warraxx wrote: »
    hell, i'd be happy if WW didn't bug out so often when activating it.

    I'd be happy if when they say they are going to fix things, like this, they actually fixed them.

    Shadow cloak too.
  • MuseTheDrunkenDragon
    Tonturri wrote: »
    ...Also a 6 ult every 3 sec for taking damage, effective only in human form. Actually dunno why this is only effective in human form O.o But yeah...

    What good would it do us in ww form? There are no ults we can use, and we lose the ult when we change back
  • Tonturri
    Tonturri wrote: »
    ...Also a 6 ult every 3 sec for taking damage, effective only in human form. Actually dunno why this is only effective in human form O.o But yeah...

    What good would it do us in ww form? There are no ults we can use, and we lose the ult when we change back
    I said that concerning this bit here
    I think most of us would like to see some real tangible benefits of being a WW in-game without having to slot the Ultimate or be in form.
    From jkirchner71ub17_ESO2. To answer your question - none, if we currently can't use the ultimate we gain in werewolf form for another werewolf form. But that wasn't what I was addressing.
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