Several weeks of what? Hopefully not a grind fest.rotaugen454 wrote: »I have completed every non-Craglorn quest in the game. Given how broken the group finder is, I won't waste my limited time sitting in a que for an hour or two, only to logoff without having done a thing, so the Craglorn quests won't help. The Cyrodiil quests given 1/7 the XP they used to, and grinding is even worse. That last one million XP to hit Vet 14 will take seveal weeks at this rate.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Our current course of action is to fix the existing bugs, and then analyze before adjusting experience to be even more generous. Again, our goal is not to force a grind, we just don’t want to over-compensate. Thank you all for continuing to share your feedback and concerns on this issue.
This is what I don’t get… If we are doing everything in a zone: group dungeons, public dungeons, dolmans, world bosses, etc... and still not gaining close to one level of XP (1.4m roughly) then what strategy are we going to come up with that will allow us to level more efficiently? This problem is even worse if you are still under VR 10 because it can be hard to get any groups in Craglorn.
Are we supposed to be running the same group dungeons over and over again with marginal return for our time? Are we supposed to be grinding over world trash mobs?
How is this giving us options if we HAVE to do everything in a zone to even get close to the next level?
THIS!thorntk421 wrote: »Time is NOT the issue. The issue, is there is not enough exp given in a zone to get you to the level of the next zone. How hard is that to understand??
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Since we released Update 5, we've been paying very close attention to your concerns about the changes to Experience versus Veteran Point gain. We’d like to address some of those concerns.
First and foremost, we want everyone to know that we have zero interest in trying to extend your playtime by making you grind for experience. That includes grinding quests, monsters, dungeons, or anything else. If people aren't having a good time, we know they won’t stick around, so artificially inflating time spent playing is a self-defeating practice we aren't interested in. Our number one priority is fun (this is a game, after all!) and promoting a diverse array of activity options that allow you to pursue experience gains however you like.
While our intended goal is for it to take the average person 12-15 hours to gain a Veteran Rank, our QA team regularly gains Veteran Ranks on live in 8-10 hours or less. We've also witnessed you, our players, beating that time quite often, too. So, the 12-15 hour estimate is a baseline standard—mileage may vary (and it often does.)
We’re trying to be fairly open with our numbers by communicating our target leveling times, but in the interest of more clarity here are a few more details:
- We add experience multipliers to quests, usually depending on the time taken and relative difficulty. Those experience multipliers look like this:
- Very Easy = .1
- Easy = .75
- Standard = 1
- Hard = 1.5
- Very Hard = 2.25
- Point of Interest completion also has these modifiers applied, but most are set to “Standard.”
- Dungeon quest completion has an experience modifier of “Very Hard.”
- We do clamp experience so a single event can’t get you more than 10 percent of your current level.
Our current course of action is to fix the existing bugs, and then analyze before adjusting experience to be even more generous. Again, our goal is not to force a grind, we just don’t want to over-compensate. Thank you all for continuing to share your feedback and concerns on this issue.
VileIntent wrote: »As someone wHo has been here since July of 2013 leveling through it all. here is a list of what the actual break down is suppose to look like.
- VR1 - VR5 Cadwell Silver
- VR6 - VR10 Cadwell Gold
- VR11 VR12 Lower Craglorn
- VR13 - VR14 Upper Craglorn
Seriously it isn't that bad. Most of these numbers you guys like to pull out of the air is crazy talk. You need to be VR10 for AA and HC and VR14 is best for SO. VR zones leading to Craglorn should be about 80% to 90% of a VR level. Any faster and you miss a ton of quests in that zone.
VileIntent wrote: »
You really shouldn't be in Craglorn under VR10. Honestly ZoS made a mistake allowing that to happen.
Thanks for your insight. Now go read all the posts and threads on how you no longer get anywhere near a VR per zone, and come back and read how asinine this post is.
That sounds like the 4 million bug (in which the progression to next VR is taken as a percentage of 4,000,000 instead of 1,432,550). A group dungeon, 2 PDs, a dolmen and 5 bosses (assuming you mean World/Group/Overland Bosses) should be 8 x 4775 XP, which is 38,200 XP (if your numbers are different, please let me know), which is 1% of 4,000,000. When the fix goes through to reduce that to 1,000,000, this should put you at 4%. (Note that the UI error will remain for a while after the requirement is reduced; that's a different bug, apparently.)BrightnessSyl wrote: »The Vet questing since pulling up to Cadwell's Gold is in a nutshell tedious. I love the game, I love the look and for the most part the play, but a group dungeon, 2 public dungeons a dolmen and 5 bosses I got 1% xp. Seriously, I don't mind putting time into the game I do mind getting nothing for the time. It's like I got a 100 on a spelling test with no sticker :P
No credit for two bosses either
thorntk421 wrote: »
I agree with his breakdown of levels. IF that's how it still worked. Right now you would be lucky to get to VR2.5 after finishing Cadwells Silver and, maybe close to VR6 after finishing Cadwells Gold.
It's not hard to understand. Quest turn in exp has been lowered 75-90%.
I just don't understand. ZOS keeps pushing this "time to lv" stuff. Time has NOTHING to do with it. If I clear a VR5 zone I should have made enough exp to take me to VR6(or damn close) because....guess what? THE NEXT ZONE IS LEVEL 6!
like1tiger wrote: »12-15 hours to get one vet level is a long time. it was taking about 1-2.5 hours of grinding to get a VR level in Craglorn. That's why people did it.
That was good you could level and get on with the game once you hit vr14.
going from 2 hours to 12 hours is unbelievable for 1 vet level that really gives you nothing but you want to get to vr14 to play with your mates who are already VR14.
Its not a problem on your first character as you don't care but im onto my 3rd character and I can tell you I need some way to level other then questing or I may actually go mad.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Since we released Update 5, we've been paying very close attention to your concerns about the changes to Experience versus Veteran Point gain. We’d like to address some of those concerns.
First and foremost, we want everyone to know that we have zero interest in trying to extend your playtime by making you grind for experience. That includes grinding quests, monsters, dungeons, or anything else. If people aren't having a good time, we know they won’t stick around, so artificially inflating time spent playing is a self-defeating practice we aren't interested in. Our number one priority is fun (this is a game, after all!) and promoting a diverse array of activity options that allow you to pursue experience gains however you like.
While our intended goal is for it to take the average person 12-15 hours to gain a Veteran Rank, our QA team regularly gains Veteran Ranks on live in 8-10 hours or less. We've also witnessed you, our players, beating that time quite often, too. So, the 12-15 hour estimate is a baseline standard—mileage may vary (and it often does.)
We’re trying to be fairly open with our numbers by communicating our target leveling times, but in the interest of more clarity here are a few more details:
- We add experience multipliers to quests, usually depending on the time taken and relative difficulty. Those experience multipliers look like this:
- Very Easy = .1
- Easy = .75
- Standard = 1
- Hard = 1.5
- Very Hard = 2.25
- Point of Interest completion also has these modifiers applied, but most are set to “Standard.”
- Dungeon quest completion has an experience modifier of “Very Hard.”
- We do clamp experience so a single event can’t get you more than 10 percent of your current level.
Our current course of action is to fix the existing bugs, and then analyze before adjusting experience to be even more generous. Again, our goal is not to force a grind, we just don’t want to over-compensate. Thank you all for continuing to share your feedback and concerns on this issue.
Once the champion system is in place, you will draw from a common pool for all 50+ characters. So there is no need to level multiple alts about level 50 as far I can see.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Since we released Update 5, we've been paying very close attention to your concerns about the changes to Experience versus Veteran Point gain. We’d like to address some of those concerns.
First and foremost, we want everyone to know that we have zero interest in trying to extend your playtime by making you grind for experience. That includes grinding quests, monsters, dungeons, or anything else. If people aren't having a good time, we know they won’t stick around, so artificially inflating time spent playing is a self-defeating practice we aren't interested in. Our number one priority is fun (this is a game, after all!) and promoting a diverse array of activity options that allow you to pursue experience gains however you like.
While our intended goal is for it to take the average person 12-15 hours to gain a Veteran Rank, our QA team regularly gains Veteran Ranks on live in 8-10 hours or less. We've also witnessed you, our players, beating that time quite often, too. So, the 12-15 hour estimate is a baseline standard—mileage may vary (and it often does.)
We’re trying to be fairly open with our numbers by communicating our target leveling times, but in the interest of more clarity here are a few more details:
- We add experience multipliers to quests, usually depending on the time taken and relative difficulty. Those experience multipliers look like this:
- Very Easy = .1
- Easy = .75
- Standard = 1
- Hard = 1.5
- Very Hard = 2.25
- Point of Interest completion also has these modifiers applied, but most are set to “Standard.”
- Dungeon quest completion has an experience modifier of “Very Hard.”
- We do clamp experience so a single event can’t get you more than 10 percent of your current level.
Our current course of action is to fix the existing bugs, and then analyze before adjusting experience to be even more generous. Again, our goal is not to force a grind, we just don’t want to over-compensate. Thank you all for continuing to share your feedback and concerns on this issue.
Just a reminder tagging on the end here, that content is not being over-levelled in the Veteran Ranks. Rather, completing everything in one zone leaves you under-levelled for the next zone, with no more content to put you over the top. 1-50 quest XP doesn't need to be increased, because that does indeed result in out-levelling the content. 50+ quest XP though is a different story.
You have my full support to limit the grinding in the game, so keep going Boys and Girls and make ESO a wonderful experience everywhere and not just in Craglorns grind Groups
If we quest, craft or just explore then this is also something that people find fun (the majority at least) and right now you are moving into the right direction to support these players in future. Just imagine how fun it would be if it would be really our choice what we do so that a person who likes to explore and quest levels equally as a grinder.
The goal is to limit xp for grinders while not increasing it for the questers as we all know that out leveling content is already a big issue so please don't raise our xp but lower theirs.
About the xp bug well, I am sure you will manage and fix that sooner or later but please don't increase the quest xp because of the bug or the grinders who now level slower and complain, out leveling content is no fun for us - a grinder cant out level but we can, please keep this in mind Jess
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Since we released Update 5, we've been paying very close attention to your concerns about the changes to Experience versus Veteran Point gain. We’d like to address some of those concerns.
First and foremost, we want everyone to know that we have zero interest in trying to extend your playtime by making you grind for experience. That includes grinding quests, monsters, dungeons, or anything else.