LFG - Post here to find players to play with

Heya everyone,

Let's use this thread to organize rendez vous, and groups with other players on the PTS!
Most of the content is GROUP content, and its not always easy to find people to play with, even when you have a guild! Therefor, the content on the PTS is not enough tested!

Please report this post to make it a STICKIE.

  • Elloa
    MONDAY 27-10-2014 --- 21h (Paris) / 4 pm (NewYork)

    Undaunted Pledge
    Premade character lvl 45 - Daggerfall Covenant

    I'm organizing a group tonight to test more the Pledge. I'm sure to have at least one guildie with me. Feel free to contact me @Elloa arround that time or to tempt your luck queuing in the LFG group.

    Edited by Elloa on 27 October 2014 17:54
  • AshySamurai
    Nice post. I would like to join, but unfortunately it will be deep night for me. Good luck with testing.
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • Elloa
    Wednesday 29-10-14 --- 23h (Paris) / 6pm (NewYork)

    City of Ashes Veteran
    Premade character Vet14 - Ebonheart Pact

    2 Spots for the taking if you would like to try CoA :)

    You can contact me here, or on Anook.com @‌Elloa or Twitter @Elloawendy
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