Attribute points for veteran ranks.

While I know we are still a long ways off from implementing the champion system, and that we will still have veteran ranks after the champion system is in place. The developers have said they do wish to get rid of the veteran ranks in the future if possible.

I am curious as to why, with the future in mind, are they adding additional things that will make removing the veteran ranks harder. How will they handle removing the attribute points? Will they just have to reset everyone's points and return them to the current 49 points that we get?

This change just seems counter productive to me in the long run. And doesn't add any real progression to the end-game.
  • deathmasterl_ESO
    They're not going to remove the attribute points or the skill points you earn from the new changes to the Veteran System. When the champion system gets added in both the Veteran System and Champion System will be in the game at the same time, this is Phase 3 of them adding the Champion System.

    All the XP that you have earned from the Veteran System will get transferred over to the Champion System and grant you Champion Points to use and spend on the Champion System.

    You will keep all of the Attribute and Skill points that you have earned from the upcoming change when they remove the Veteran System in Phase 4, but instead of earning them from the Veteran System you will instead get them from lvling your Champion System your first however many times along with Champion Points after you have received all of the extra Attribute and Skill points you will only earn Champion Points from then on.

    Hope that helps.
    Saevus Messor Imperial Dragonknight Vr14 Aldmeri Dominion
    Talia Spiritus Imperial Nightblade Lv17 Aldmeri Dominion
    Naomi Athael Altmer Sorcerer Lv8 Aldmeri Dominion
    Nyanta Raimanni Khajiit Templar Lv4 Aldmeri Dominion
    Sina Nightwind Bosmer Dragonknight Lv4 Aldmeri Dominion
    Leader of the 1st Infiltration and Scouting Division
    Master Weapon and Armor Crafter
  • shadowmilb14_ESO
    So... once everything is all said and done, the first 14 (assuming they don't raise the level cap again) champion levels will be different from all the other champion levels afterwards?

    I get it, but it sounds like a confusing system.
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