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Streamlining Crafting at the character select screen to increase the fun times

Hi All o/
Just wanted to put an idea out there. Not sure if it's been suggested before or not but hadn't been able to find it in topics so here goes:

[pretty big wall of text incoming] [tldr: crafting at the character select screen would reduce time spent at the loading screen and increase the fun times]

I think a great idea for streamlining crafting and the game in general would be to allow gamers to craft at the character select screen.

This would allow people to utilise all their character's crafting skills without have to wait through 10 separate login and logouts to get to their different crafters and transfer goods between the characters and the bank (eg the flavour mats for a particular motif set)

Its the logging in and out repeatedly that has put a big dampner on my enjoyment of crafting when combined with the game and memory of having to do that puts me off the game even when there is little crafting for me to do.

Consider that you put 6 of the crafting skill lines across 3 players (like me).
Login and logout a minimum of 6 times to jump on and check research and hirelings. Flavour mats and trait mats need to go into the bank so all users can use them (hope I logged out near a bank or have plenty of space in my inventory to hold the mats until later or that's an extra hike).
Oops, need to buy a trait item on this toon to continue research, oops don't have enough money, another log out and log times 2 to get money transferred across.
Oops I forgot to move that crafting recipe, trait weapon, flavour mat, food item from my toon to the bank, guess I better fix that up.
Oh, I need to make an blacksmith item for myself and then enchant it and pick it up on my on my toon that doesn't have blacksmithing nor enchanting? Another 6 loading screens

A lot of the situations described above don't necessarily happen every day, a lot of them could be reduced with more planning and awareness, but you might be able to see how I could easily hit 10 or more loading screens even before I get to hit a goblin in the face with the weapon of my choice or make a painfully juicy ethical decision.
By the end of all those logins I am annoyed with the process. I still then get to hit that goblin but it means when I look at the game icon on my desktop the next day I think do I have the energy to do that again.
Sometimes during the login screens I surf the net to keep my mind occupied but this quickly translates to 5 mins between loading screen starts to when I look at the toon (cause I got caught up in funnies on the net) and 10*5mins = 50 mins crafting time.
Sometimes I think why don't I play something without that much overhead, which is fine, but then the goblins don't hit in the face and WE WILL BE UP TO OUR NECKS IN GOBLINS ;)

Ofcourse you could put all the trades on one toon and lvl it up with minimal skills or I could canabalize a high lvl toon and move a large chunk of skill points into the crafts I want.
The first option throws up the idea of why could I play a Templar, for example, from 1-50 with Jab and little else I could, I think jab heals a bit, has a little knock back, but why would I make that sacrifice of my enjoyment time. I would be come the same as logging and logging out repeatedly. I would look at the game icon on my desktop and think "I need to lvl a boring toon for another 30 lvls..... yay" and play something else.
The second option is fine if I unfortunately have a toon I am bored with but why did I invest all that time in him/her only to destroy them later? Given the way research/motifs work you have to commit to character, gong back is blowing away a LOT of invested time.
My choice of 6 crafts across 3 characters would be seen as sub-optimal now but I didn't know that at launch. How would a new player learn that without getting burnt?
Its a discussion that doesn't need to be had if, when you get to the character select screen you had the option of crafting then.

I am not saying this wouldn't take a lot of time and effort on the part of the devs, I am not saying that if the idea was taken up it could or would be seen in the game within 6 months or longer.
If it was incorporated though it would mean that I could look at the game without cringing about the amount of login screen time for crafting. I love the other aspects of the game, I love the adventure and I haven't hit any issues of grinding or douchebaggery I have found in other MMOs, I want to play this game to its fullest but without the repeated returns to the loading screen and I think this would be a way to accomplish that.

  • AlexDougherty
    Variations of this, and crafting via your phone have been suggested a great many times, I doubt it will happen.

    I also have crafting spread across three characters (it was going to be four but one didn't work out as a good class), and it can take me ages.
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