Some suggestions to compete with Archeage?

Okay, I know other posts have been locked largely for players bragging about or promoting Archeage, but I'm genuinely curious about a few things that I really hope the Admins and Devs may consider looking into.

I tried out the Beta just to see what the fuss was about and to be honest when I played it all I could think about was how I really wanted ESO to have some of the perks this game seemed to have just from playing it for a few hours.

It's really hard to get into, I really missed the bare bones setup ESO has going for it since Archeage was just a HUD clutter fest with ugly arrows at your feet, maps poping up, quests showing up and staying on the side of the screen until you complete them,etc, etc. Just too much, it was an awful setup. Plus it just looks.... weird, for all it has going for it as an MMO, it really lacks in aesthetics to me.


They have housing which you plot out and build yourself by gathering materials. You can build in various styles too, build furniture and such. It real felt a lot like sims in these aspects. I know that the Devs have mentioned they do want to make housing possible but they are trying to figure out the best way to go about it, which that's great news, I just hope it doesn't take too long.

Pets and livestock
Maybe not so much livestock in ESO since there are npc farms scattered throughout. But pets, we get all these collectable pets with absolutely nothing to do with them other than clogging up banks space or chasing us around at unrealistic speeds. Will we ever be able to feed or interact with said pets, will any of them ever grow into something cool that can be used as a mount or an aide in combat? The scuttler and quar certainly have that potential. The whiterun wolfhound should definitely be a fighting companion and the new wraith for the player loyalty perk. Anything that makes a player want to use their pet more, rather than putting it in the bank forever or marking it as junk since you can't get rid of them.

It would be a really cool option to add at some point, give players something fun to do with a pet they decided to purchase or one they find in the game. The horse already has the option to increase certain perks based on what you feed it, why not increase upon that with other pets. That's just a great idea waiting to happen for those players that have pets.

Oh, and naming, why can we name our horse but not the other followers? It would be nice to see the name when you hover over a pet, rather than "Scuttler" or "Pony Guar".

Maybe even adding options to customize the pets, adding packs to them with the bank slots some may have? I've seen guar being used as pack animals in many ES games, why not do that? Or armor, warpaint, etc.? Anything to make having a pet more enjoyable within the game.

I think this really needs to happen, we should be able to change certain things about our characters after they have already been made. New hairstyles? Maybe someone wants to add or loose weight to their character? Or maybe someone has noticed they screwed something up in their looks after devoting a lot of time playing the game and they would like to change it rather than starting over?

I recall one of the Devs mentioning that players will be able to give each other scars and such if they want that for their character, will they be able to give each other haircuts and makeovers? That would be a cool way to implement that, possibly making it to where you have to interact with another player to change something about your characters looks, offer hair cuts, war paint, mending injuries that become scars?

Archeage and Guildwars have it set up to where you have to purchase tickets or items in order to change your characters features using real money. Kinda sucks but if thats the route ESO takes I guess you'll really need to make sure you fix your character properly the second time around. But then again, since they make plenty of money with the sub fees maybe they will be free player or npc interactions? Another idea that would be cool to see down the road.

I'm sure there were a lot more things in Archeage that would be neat to see implemented in ESO somehow. There are some things that may be harder or impossible to add to ESO but it will definitely be interesting to see how ESO and other MMO's adapt to compete with Archeage. It could flop entirely when it comes out in a few days since it is an overwhelming game. There are still some neat ideas to take from it and improve upon, ideas that ESO could use if it ever hits a wall with content to come out with.

I want to see ESO get better, I'm not promoting another game at all, if any playing that beta just made me want to play ESO more and hope that in the future some of the things Archeage has may appear in ESO in a better way. Hear's hoping!

Any of you have more new suggestions to help them if they feel like Archeage sucks a lot of players away? I feel like these things haven't really been touched upon as much as the other suggestions to fix current issues. So how about some brand new ideas (even if it's kinda stealing them from newer games).
  • Woogawoman
    I also played in the last closed beta and will be in the open beta this weekend. I am leaning heavily toward paying for Patron status because I'm interested in the crafting. I will also keep my sub for ESO, because I much prefer the quests, combat, visuals, gear and my guild community here.

    I think your suggestions are all interesting and would add to ESO. But I would not be upset if we never got them. These are two very different games, and I'm ok with that. I will play whichever one matches my mood that day. That said, I would love a more extensive crafting system (as mentioned, it's my main driver for spending some time in AA).

    In fact, I may start playing STO again (non-subbed) occasionally, since they seriously revamped their crafting system a few months ago too (and I haven't tried it yet). And my first and longest online game experience was with A Tale in the Desert -- which has no combat at all, just the most extensive building/crafting system I've ever seen. I sense a theme here.... :)
    Aetherium Oblivion Alliance - 40+ Mature Gamers Guild (NA)
  • Sunrock
    Argeage and Elderscrolls online are two very different games. So I don't see how they can compete about the same type of gamers? It's like saying Battlefield 4 needs to be more like The Sims 4 so BF4 players all abandon BF4 and go play sims 4. Ok that is a bit of an exaggeration but not by mush.

    Argeage is a open world sandbox MMORPG. ESO is a them park MMORPG. Argeage have open world, loot player items, PvP (even your own faction can attack you and rob you of a quest item that took you 4 hours to get). PvP in ESO is very carebear and restricted to one zone. ESO have allot more instant action compare to Argeage. In Argeage every thing is about building things for the end game. In Korea the correct translation of Argeage is "The age of architects". ESO is allot more about killing stuff then spend hours and hours feeding livestock and shopping down trees. Also ESO does not pay to win like Argeage is. Here we pay to play like it should be.
  • Garion
    • Introduce ridiculously lengthy queues and a way to pay RL money to bypass them.
    • Make the graphics look cheap, even on a high end machine.
    • Remove subscription and introduce P2W, a sure fire way to increase the maturity and friendliness of the commnunity.

    Et voilà - you have ESO Archeage
    Lastobeth - VR16 Sorc - PvP Rank 41 (AD)
    Lastoblyat - VR16 Templar - PvP Rank 14 (AD)
    Ninja Pete - VR16 NB - PvP Rank 10 (AD)
    Labo the Banana Slayer - VR14 Sorc - PvP Rank 12 (EP)

    Member of Banana Squad | Officer of Arena
  • WraithAzraiel
    ArcheAge, in my opinion, looks like a chinese knockoff of Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn.
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Sunrock wrote: »
    Argeage and Elderscrolls online are two very different games. So I don't see how they can compete about the same type of gamers? It's like saying Battlefield 4 needs to be more like The Sims 4 so BF4 players all abandon BF4 and go play sims 4. Ok that is a bit of an exaggeration but not by mush.

    Argeage is a open world sandbox MMORPG. ESO is a them park MMORPG. Argeage have open world, loot player items, PvP (even your own faction can attack you and rob you of a quest item that took you 4 hours to get). PvP in ESO is very carebear and restricted to one zone. ESO have allot more instant action compare to Argeage. In Argeage every thing is about building things for the end game. In Korea the correct translation of Argeage is "The age of architects". ESO is allot more about killing stuff then spend hours and hours feeding livestock and shopping down trees. Also ESO does not pay to win like Argeage is. Here we pay to play like it should be.

    Every game is a different game than another game but they can all share great ideas. One thing developers need to do is look at what other games do, not to try to be different for the sake of being different, but to see what it can add on and improve on, and sometimes what not to do.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on 27 September 2014 17:01
  • Sunrock
    Sunrock wrote: »
    Argeage and Elderscrolls online are two very different games. So I don't see how they can compete about the same type of gamers? It's like saying Battlefield 4 needs to be more like The Sims 4 so BF4 players all abandon BF4 and go play sims 4. Ok that is a bit of an exaggeration but not by mush.

    Argeage is a open world sandbox MMORPG. ESO is a them park MMORPG. Argeage have open world, loot player items, PvP (even your own faction can attack you and rob you of a quest item that took you 4 hours to get). PvP in ESO is very carebear and restricted to one zone. ESO have allot more instant action compare to Argeage. In Argeage every thing is about building things for the end game. In Korea the correct translation of Argeage is "The age of architects". ESO is allot more about killing stuff then spend hours and hours feeding livestock and shopping down trees. Also ESO does not pay to win like Argeage is. Here we pay to play like it should be.

    Every game is a different game than another game but they can all share great ideas. One thing developers need to do is look at what other games do, not to try to be different for the sake of being different, but to see what it can add on and improve on, and sometimes what not to do.

    Yea but trust me I play Argeage a little bit on the side with some friends. And Argeage is a completely different genre of MMOs then ESO is. It's like day and night.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    I've played a bit of it back when all the servers weren't in the 1000+ queues lol. Its got its good and bad. The KMMO look is definitely a bad, but its not like ESO has to copy their lack of full voiceovers and crappy character texturing does it? Theres some good things that ESO doesn't have like mount raising, interaction, and fighting a long side and on top of your mount.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on 27 September 2014 20:15
  • Gidorick
    I don't think all MMOs need to be the same but there are some tropes of The Elder Scrolls series that is missing in ESO or would make some pretty specific sense in the context of the world.

    We have never had livestock in any Elder Scrolls game so I don't think that would make sense for ESO.

    Housing is a no-brainer and hopefully they will not only take into account he way previous games have handled houses (buying an existing house in a town) and allow us to build a house if we so desire. Now, how to handle the thousands of people making homes in ESO... I'm not sure what the best way would be to allow custom player homes in ESO would be... any thoughts on that?
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Sunrock
    I don't think all MMOs need to be the same but there are some tropes of The Elder Scrolls series that is missing in ESO or would make some pretty specific sense in the context of the world.

    We have never had livestock in any Elder Scrolls game so I don't think that would make sense for ESO.

    Housing is a no-brainer and hopefully they will not only take into account he way previous games have handled houses (buying an existing house in a town) and allow us to build a house if we so desire. Now, how to handle the thousands of people making homes in ESO... I'm not sure what the best way would be to allow custom player homes in ESO would be... any thoughts on that?

    Well that is not completely true. You could buy a cow to your house in Skyrim: Hearthfire DLC but not to the extend you do in Argeage. Argeage is more like an MMORPG version of Minecraft then any other RPG game.

    But the best way to handle housing in ESO would be as they did it in EQ2. Where you have instanced locations in and outside of NPC cities. Or at least how it was in EQ2 in the early years. Not sure how they changed things later on. But back then you could go from renting a room at an inn for a few coppers to buy mansions for a huge piles of gold.
    Edited by Sunrock on 29 September 2014 23:06
  • Resueht
    Housing is a no-brainer and hopefully they will not only take into account he way previous games have handled houses (buying an existing house in a town) and allow us to build a house if we so desire. Now, how to handle the thousands of people making homes in ESO... I'm not sure what the best way would be to allow custom player homes in ESO would be... any thoughts on that?

    Plenty of room in Cyrodil for houses and communities. Why not? Even make small keeps for guilds.

    The main problem is the sandbox vs. themepark design. ESO is very much a themepark and I'm ok with that because how else would I get all the lore and story that I crave? AA's story is atrocious. While some mechanics are interesting, the combat is slow and dull after playing ESO.
    If she doesn't know the pain of cliffracers, she's too young for you.
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