Well, after procrastinating on my Researching, I started in earnest a while ago. I had maybe 2 or 3 traits in most things and that was it. So, I started furiously researching everything I could find. Even got the Craft Store add on to make this easier (wish they would get that add on updated). However everyday I had something new to research and a slot to put it in.
Now I am at double digit days for everything, and it sucks. Before I could que up an item for research almost everyday. I would plan out what to research next to keep the trait progression in balance, figure out which alt was leveling up soon and to make sure I had enough traits to make a new set of gear when they leveled. It was fun.
Now, when I log in, my Research Timer add on tells me not to even look at research until the end of next week. I have started my Mules on research just to have something to shuffle around, but they will never make anything (eventually they will get deleted to make way for playing characters) and I have no skill points to help out with research on those guys.
So, just wanted to cry a small river over having to wait at least 12 days to get anything researched now. I have one trait left with Woodworking (to get to 8) but have to wait until next month to research the last item. Oh, and this does not include Nirnhorn, that comes later...
Thank your for stopping by. Don't slip on the puddle of tears on your way out....
Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.
PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"