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True Khajiit Skirmisher

Edited by Tykune on 19 September 2014 17:34
  • Nihili
    Hi there. :smiley: I'm gonna add a few of my ideas to this:
    • You want to be a damage/support role that can function for both PvE and PvP? So basically you want skills that can fulfill either DPS, tank or healer roles, (the "support") but with an emphasis on DPS ("damage"). That's a cool idea, but with this build you currently fulfill none of those roles very well. Why?
    • Let's focus on PvE first. My experience with dual wield is that the skills are weak-ish. In PvE this type of damage output is fine I think, though you won't be the best DPSer out there either.
    • The major point here however is that you're depending on Blood Craze and Rapid Strikes as your main source of DPS, both of which are consider sub-par DPS skills. I run a build that has Blood craze on it and I use it as a stamina skill that adds Health over time. The health you get is also sub-par so it's only really good when used in conjunction with a lot of other HOT skills. (On my night blade e.g. I run Blood craze, swallow soul and Leeching strikes all in conjunction for HOT). All in all, this build currently lacks decent DPS (damage), and has no tanking or healing capabilities (the other two you need for a support role)
    • That said, in PvE your build only really matters for end-game content or dungeons. This build WILL get you through level 1-50, as long as you play cleverly.
    • Now on to PvP: I humbly believe that this build will be destroyed :stuck_out_tongue: You have no skills for decent Health regen, your only AOE is whirlwind which isn't great as it doesn't have decent damage and lacks CC or knockdown (though I think as a finisher or stam regen it could be good), DPS is sub-par because some DK will be able to tank or self-heal through anything you throw at him, when you get hit hard you'll have to rely on your ultimate to save you and werewolf ulti comes once in an hour or something ridiculous and magma shell only lasts 8 seconds. This sounds like a fun build but realistically dual wield is one of the weakest skill lines for PvP/E if you rely on its skills alone rather than dual wield in conjunction with class skills.

    So that was a long rant. But here are my suggestions:
    Bar 1 - Dual Wield
    1. Fossilize -> Immovable Brute (I've never used fossilize so I'm unsure of how good it is, but Immovable brute is a must-have in PvP because it makes you un-knockdowable)
    2. Molten armaments
    3. Blood craze -> Flame Lash (MUCH better DPS AND it heals you)
    4. Rapid Strikes -> Silver Leash (good stamina DPS and you can pull people to you who might try to run away)
    5. Whirling Blades
    6. Magma Shell -> Standard of Might (Better than Magma shell because you can use this, cause DPS, decrease damage taken, and switch to Bar 2 and heal up)
    Bar 2 - One hand and shield (Don't use dual wield on both bars, expand to other skill lines)
    1. Feral Pounce -> Ransack or Immovable Brute (if you want to fulfill a support role in PvE, Ransack is a good idea because it'll allow you to tank as it taunts the enemies to focus on you, otherwise PvP immovable brute)
    2. Molten Armaments -> Invasion (I'd keep Molten armaments on your Bar1 but on Bar2 I'd switch it for a CC gap closer. Feral pounce I ditched because I haven't used it before, but can't one only use that when you're a werewolf?)
    3. Rousing Roar -> Green Dragon blood (You need a health regen ability more than you need a damage buff)
    4. Blood Craze -> Burning Talons (AOE DPS that roots)
    5. Rapid Strikes -> Draw Essence (AOE heal)
    6. Werewolf Berserker

    How I would use this?
    PvP - Single target: Start bar1, Just before you engage pop immovable brute -> and molten armaments, -> then open with silver leash (if it's a vamp like 80% of Cyro than you'll get great knockdown) -> and use silver leash again to pull them to you. -> Then open flame lash -> into whirlwind -> into flame lash -> whenever you see them lose knockdown immunity open silver leash again -> and repeat until your whirlwind finishes them off. If things go bad for you and health goes down, swap to Bar2, pop Green dragon blood -> use invasion to try knockdown -> use burning talons to root them -> maybe use draw essence to get more health back -> use ulti or swap to Bar1 and unload more DPS until you finish them.
    PvP - Mutli target: You'll be doing a lot of weapon swapping. Start bar2 Immovable brute -> Invasion on a target that you can finish quickly -> Burning talons -> swap bars -> flame lash -> flame lash again -> whirlwind for AOE stam regen -> (by now you would have lost some serious health) swap bars -> Green dragon blood -> Draw Essence -> invasion. Fight each target of the group on his own and kill them off one by one.

    PvE: Figure it out for yourself :P
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