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Can we assume from 1.3 notes that werewolf will not be fixed?

This is basically the end as far as I can tell for werewolf. Week after week people have discussed its shortfalls, week after week we have had vague hints that it will be looked at... and now, with 1.3, the wolf gets nothing.

This seems a clear indication that ww issues have no priority on their to-do list. Bottom line, it is an amusing curse for a while, something to play with, but which weakens you, and is designed to be cured if you want to be competitive.

I feel sad about this, as I have hung on and hung on, I even went stamina for this but now I realise I was kidding myself. The werewolf will continue to be a self-gimping option for the forseeable future.

Off to be cured I go...
Edited by MrMT on 14 July 2014 07:06
  • Sonja
    I said many times, unless they [snip] fix and buff up werewolf after four damn months, me and the rest of my ww guild will leave. [snip] their "may recieve some adjustments"! It needs a damn overhaul and it needs it yesterday!

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_LeroyW on 13 July 2014 20:51
  • Cyrdemaceb17_ESO
    Cyrodiil is vampire country. WW is just fluff. Case closed. :(
  • Brittany_Joy
    A new fan twitch stream is going to interview Nick Konkle, lead Gameplay Designer, tonight at 8pm EDT. Perhaps we might get some hints from it.
    Here is the link to the twitch stream, ESOing

    Edit: Oh and it looks like Eric Wrobel the system designer will be there too.
    Edited by Brittany_Joy on 13 July 2014 23:08
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    A new fan twitch stream is going to interview Nick Konkle, lead Gameplay Designer, tonight at 8pm EDT. Perhaps we might get some hints from it.
    Here is the link to the twitch stream, ESOing

    Edit: Oh and it looks like Eric Wrobel the system designer will be there too.

    Just saw the whole twitch, nothing about werewolves update wich is a shame sinds they could easely have engaged a question around that topic while Mike was explaining his experience about the game with people fighting over team Jacob & Edward while the Dawnbreakers were clearing Vamps/WW spots.

    It shows unfortunatly how amateurist those people are. They do not take the opportunity to ask questions around a context but rather do it on a random fashion.

    Finaly, I can only hope you guys get the information from the Quakecon or at least some aknowledgement because for having a WW character (wich is not my main), they do need some help in some regards.
    Edited by Brasseurfb16_ESO on 14 July 2014 14:36
  • Brittany_Joy
    @Brasseurfb16_ESO, I watched the whole stream too and it sucked that no werewolf questions were asked. I figured out you had to email the question to their gmail in order for them to ask the devs. I watched the stream from the beginning and I did not hear them mention it till the end.
  • Sonja
    Zenimax sucks when it comes to player feedback. Players" guys werewolf sucks, its weak and useless" Zenimax" we say werewolf is awesome we were ignoring you since we released the game and we will continue to do so".
  • luzpteb17_ESO
    Didn't they promise a thread like the Nightblade one to be released at the same time as the Templar thread? I swear, aren't they just avoiding the topic now?
  • Brittany_Joy
    Didn't they promise a thread like the Nightblade one to be released at the same time as the Templar thread? I swear, aren't they just avoiding the topic now?
    No, I think people misunderstood the post. I think the post just meant that they will post a more comprehensive post about the Templar. The post just said they knew werewolves were underperforming but did not say anything specific about posting an in-depth update.
  • Cyrdemaceb17_ESO
    Didn't they promise a thread like the Nightblade one to be released at the same time as the Templar thread? I swear, aren't they just avoiding the topic now?
    No, I think people misunderstood the post. I think the post just meant that they will post a more comprehensive post about the Templar. The post just said they knew werewolves were underperforming but did not say anything specific about posting an in-depth update.

    The week before the Templar and Medium Armor/Stamina improvements were posted in Developer Discussion, those two were announced in the forum. In the same sentence, they also promised a similar discussion about their planned improvements for werewolf. (I searched for an hour now without finding this posting..but they did write it.)

    That's why every WW is upset. Templar and Stamina builds came. Werewolf topic was buried. All they did was fixing some obvious bugs.

    And now they even deny their own interpretation of "we remove the timer of Devour" from patch notes 1.2.3 and turning it now into a steady, intended 20 sec timer.
    Edited by Cyrdemaceb17_ESO on 16 July 2014 11:28
  • luzpteb17_ESO
    What I found was in here:
    Amesiel wrote: »
    Are the guys that work on stamina resource, werewolves and Templars on vacation? Is ZoS afraid to acknowledge that stamina users, werewolves and Templars are under performing right now? ZoS Can Templars get an independent forum post on things being worked on for them? Like how the Nightblades have one in the general forums?

    No, we agree that all three need fixes and improvements, and are working on them. We're putting together the very type of comprehensive update post you mention. It'll go up this week, as soon as it' done.

    By "them" I thought it was for werewolves and templars but then again it can also be interpreted as just for the templars....

    EDIT: If a request is all it takes, we can always go to PTS and request one as well?
    Edited by luzpteb17_ESO on 16 July 2014 20:45
  • Razum_Khar
    Soul Shriven
    I've waited long enough, I cant even be bothered to be cured. Unsubscribed instead. To Zenimax: if the game improves, I'll come back, otherwise Thanks, its been fun.. Cant honestly complain, just simply not good enough for a long term commitment.
  • Brittany_Joy
    @Cyrdemaceb17_ESO, please provide valid evidence if you believe you are so right. I simply stated that it seems to be that people misinterpreted ZoS's response. ZoS's comment did not specifically say they would give an indepth look on upcoming werewolf changes. If you read the full context of the question and the answer. It is more likely ZoS meant the comprehensive post would be for the Templars, since the person who asked a question asked about them. Unless they made another comment I did not read.
    Edited by Brittany_Joy on 17 July 2014 01:57
  • Cyrdemaceb17_ESO

    The original post asked about Stamina Ressource, Templar AND Werewolf.
    The answer was, that all 3 need fixes and improvements. Since 2 of them got their own threads in the Developer Discussion, it was clear, WW should have gotten one too.

    But it never came. Just a few bugfixes and now they are done.

    Yes, thats all we got.
    Edited by Cyrdemaceb17_ESO on 18 July 2014 00:05
  • Cyrdemaceb17_ESO
    The original post asked about Stamina Ressource, Templar AND Werewolf.
    The answer was, that all 3 need fixes and improvements. Since 2 of them got their own threads in the Developer Discussion, it was clear, WW should have gotten one too.

    But it never came. Just a few bugfixes and now they are done.

    Yes, thats all we got.

    Have to quote myself. They are indeed doing something. The big changes will take time. The smaller ones coming very soon, like less ultimate cost more ww time.
    Hope its more than a minute.
  • Cyrdemaceb17_ESO
    After checking with a werewolf player on PTS, patch 1.3 does NOT include any changes for werewolves.
  • Moloyo
    Soul Shriven
    They wont probably change ww in any time soon. The best we could hope is some minor bug fixes.
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Well at least werewolves got some good damage increase with the new increased stat caps.
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