Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Official Discussion Thread for "QuakeCon is Coming!"

  • DyingBreed
    A big thank you for fixing the light now I can see more of the items in the Guild bank NOT STACKING correctly .Not been fixed from day one but the lighting looks a lot better ty.This game could have been a very good game that blow other mmo's out of the water,but with the poor management this game is just a sinking ship.MANY MANY other problems with the game and some *** says lets make the light look better inside of buildings really.SO I guess my main question is when are you going to fix the core problems of the game not just a quest here and there.Don't even say what core problems because you already know.I would list them all that I know but I don't have time and you would not have time to read them all.
    Edited by DyingBreed on 8 July 2014 10:03
  • cathyshively101b14_ESO
    I look forward to being there this year. We went last year and enjoyed it then. We'll be seeing you there!
  • donaldberry81_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Will there be 3rd morph for skills?

    And will there be any group sync synergies which can only be activated by the whole?
    Edited by donaldberry81_ESO on 9 July 2014 18:41
  • Aceit
    I was wondering if there are any plans to implement any sort of PvP arena or gladiator type game play? I play with 2 other friends (3 of us total) and Cyrodill is just a miserable place for small groups. ZERO FUN. So I am wondering about some sort of arena, since it was in Oblivion, it would be 100% lore friendly.
  • Nic727
    Will you announce the beta for console soon?
  • LrdRahvin
    Nic727 wrote: »
    Will you announce the beta for console soon?

    Surely you're joking...THIS IS the beta for the mean to tell me you've been a paying beta tester and haven't figured that out yet?
  • Fizzonance
    Just one question that would be interesting to hear your reply to:

    Why, and what do you think is the cause of the massive critique that has been pointed towards the game?

    I honestly love it, and find myself plenty of time having a hard time to relate to all the fuss. Yes, there were plenty of issues with the game at launch and when Craglorn was introduced. But, do you think the critique is based (or caused) by something else than purely technical matters?

    ▇ ▅ █ ▅ ▇ ▂ ▃ ▁ Fizzonance ▁ ▅ ▃ ▅ ▅ ▄ ▅ ▇
    Spellunker - Dunmeri Sorcerer - Ebonheart Pact - [EU]
    Aska Mahdavi - Khajiiti Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion - [EU]
  • Cogo
    This is the official discussion thread for the blog article QuakeCon is Coming! We'd love to hear if you're planning on attending, or even tuning into the panel livestream from home.

    If you have a question you would like us to answer during the Q&A portion of our QuakeCon livestream, please reply to this thread with it. Thanks!


    Could you please give a short overview of what was said in Quakecon about ESO, for us who miss it?

    Nothing fancy, just Q&A? In Text, here?
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Syntse
    Cogo wrote: »
    This is the official discussion thread for the blog article QuakeCon is Coming! We'd love to hear if you're planning on attending, or even tuning into the panel livestream from home.

    If you have a question you would like us to answer during the Q&A portion of our QuakeCon livestream, please reply to this thread with it. Thanks!


    Could you please give a short overview of what was said in Quakecon about ESO, for us who miss it?

    Nothing fancy, just Q&A? In Text, here?

    I'm sure someone will summarize it. To my understanding it starts today at least first sessions. They will be live streamed to twitch and hopefully also recorded so you can watch them later.
    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
    Ra'Syntse Dominion Khajiit Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
    Syntselle Dominion Dark Elf Dragonknight Magica DPS [50]
    Syntseus Dominion Imperial Templar Healer [50]
    Syntsetar Dominion High Elf Sorcerer Magica DPS [50]
    Friar Tuktuk Daggerfall Brenton Templar Healer [50]
    Syntseyn Ebonheart Brenton Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
  • ub17_ESO
    Just one question that would be interesting to hear your reply to:

    Why, and what do you think is the cause of the massive critique that has been pointed towards the game?

    I honestly love it, and find myself plenty of time having a hard time to relate to all the fuss. Yes, there were plenty of issues with the game at launch and when Craglorn was introduced. But, do you think the critique is based (or caused) by something else than purely technical matters?


    I agree whole heartedly! I love ESO and will continue to play as long as it exists. I have not experienced the FPS issues in Cyrodil. I did however find progress blockers and experience the post craglorn cant log into my account problem. While those were frustrating errors, they were not deal breakers for me because I find 90% of the game play enjoyable! I see every week they are making progress to make this game even better!

    IMO there is not a better MMORPG on the market and ESO keeps getting better! Graphics were strong but they are getting improved, action based combat sucks me in and they are making it smoother, Stamina and Templar builds keep getting buffed, new improved armor sets with many more options, more content, improved guild store UI, etc...

    Why is everyone soo negative about this game?
  • SG_Celerrimus
    Will there be an 8 man Trial difficulty?

    Also, could we see cross faction Trials?
    Edited by SG_Celerrimus on 17 July 2014 18:24
  • choekstr
    ub17_ESO wrote: »
    I have not experienced the FPS issues in Cyrodil.

    In the small amount of PvP I have done in the past I hadn't experienced it either until I just did a marathon 20 hour PvP session yesterday (to level Assault/Support skill line) and experienced it 3 times. Each of the 3 times the FPS drops to 8-9 fps and becomes unplayable and no amount of removing add-ons, reloading UI, or waiting will clear it up. It is only cleared up by reloading the client.

    So as of last night at 11pm CST it is still an issue for longer sessions.
  • alduiin
    Will there come like some sort of pvp arena?

    Will there be capes added to the game, because on the gameplay trailer i remember i was a dragonknight with a cape?
    Becasue capes would be awesome :smiley:
    Banana Squad Inc

    Illusive Æ Calypto Dk AR 24 EP
    Illusive Æ Calypso Dk AR 13 EP
    Valdric/Valdrasil Dk AR 29 AD
    Valarys I Sorc AR 22 AD
    Nox La Mina NB AR 18 EP
    Þreyr Ðaðvn stam Dk AR 19 AD

  • alduiin
    Like for 1v1s or 2v2
    Banana Squad Inc

    Illusive Æ Calypto Dk AR 24 EP
    Illusive Æ Calypso Dk AR 13 EP
    Valdric/Valdrasil Dk AR 29 AD
    Valarys I Sorc AR 22 AD
    Nox La Mina NB AR 18 EP
    Þreyr Ðaðvn stam Dk AR 19 AD

  • bigzz03
    Currently the system is setup that you MUST complete the main quest line to progress into vet content, but with the new champion system, and level cap being 50, will the main quest line not be necessary to complete, since there will no longer be vet ranks?
  • CheesyDaedra
    Q&A: Will current customers who wish to transfer fully into the Steam Platform be given a Steam key to do so?
    Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick, it's a very delicate state of mind.
  • Pantherin
    I missed the live stream...and can't find the posted video....was it not posted yet? Can someone point me in the right direction?
    Legends of Tamriel

    US Army Retired - (1990-2017)
    Combat Veteran
    Martial Artist - (1990-Present)
  • LonePirate
    Pantherin wrote: »
    I missed the live stream...and can't find the posted video....was it not posted yet? Can someone point me in the right direction?

    Look here for some highlights:

  • Hamfast
    @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ and @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ I wanted to let you know that I walked around Elden Root with my new Pig just to make life tougher for you :-) I suspect you will hear from a few folks sooner or later wanting one.

    It was great to meet you all, even if I was not reassured about the Justice System, the rest of the presentation was quite good
    Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most...
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