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Official Discussion Thread for "Loremaster’s Archive: Words and Power"

This is the official discussion thread for the blog article Loremaster’s Archive: Words and Power. Telenger the Artificer presents his unusual theory and answers your questions about Enchanting.
Kai Schober
Senior Community Manager - The Elder Scrolls Online
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Staff Post
  • lykan_spike
    Less Lore answers and more answers as to why the FPS issue is still not fixed and why many other long term bugs exist... and lastly ways to improve and expand the game.
  • Mortosk
    Less Lore answers and more answers as to why the FPS issue is still not fixed and why many other long term bugs exist... and lastly ways to improve and expand the game.

    It's OK, I installed WIldstar today, will play that over the holiday weekend instead while they work on fixing ESO.

    "Now I stand, the lion before the lambs and they do not fear. They can not fear." --Arthas Menethil (aka, The Lich King)
  • shiva7663
    Three types of runestones remind me of the triune concepts of Rebel, King and Observer.
  • VinnOmniusVeritas
    Less Lore answers and more answers as to why the FPS issue is still not fixed and why many other long term bugs exist... and lastly ways to improve and expand the game.

    I know you won't understand this but for a great many of us, your fellow players, lore DOES improve and expand upon the game. We don't all necessarily play just to crunch DPS numbers and to raid for the latest 3 point armor upgrade. I'm all for bugs fixes but I think the devs do well to seek to improve EVERYONE'S play-style, lore lovers included. o:)
    It's a little fuzzy, but ... I think I drank so much I couldn't pay my tab. If I'm remembering it right, I said something like, "This crappy quartz thing thing should cover it, catman!" -- Rollin
  • VinnOmniusVeritas
    Mortosk wrote: »

    It's OK, I installed WIldstar today, will play that over the holiday weekend instead while they work on fixing ESO.

    Hey, while you are over there, tell the gold farmers we don't miss 'em a bit here in Tamriel.
    It's a little fuzzy, but ... I think I drank so much I couldn't pay my tab. If I'm remembering it right, I said something like, "This crappy quartz thing thing should cover it, catman!" -- Rollin
  • Fshober28b14_ESO
    So, I did always wonder about that 4th possible runestone, since I first found & read that lorebook about runestone theory, that mentioned a 4th theorized runestone...a "quartonic runestone," which was dubbed Celerity.

    If this theory posed by Camilonwe was correct, then could we actually disover a 4th runstone in the future...the near future? Is this an eventuality as Tamriel continutes to expand and we discover more?

    I don't actually expect a full-on detailed end-all answer now, as the powers that be will not show their hand or 'deny us' the thrill of discovery before that time comes...if it ever actually does. Hopefully this is not just 'much ado about nothing' literature that remains just some obscure thought provoking text in some dusty old ancient tome and that's where it ends. This would truly be heartbreakingly disappointing to have enchanting end here.

    Hopefully, it will be an eventuality of enchanting to see it further expand with that 4th quartonic runestone that Camilonwe theorized. One that will allow us to delve even deeper into the art, and crate new and even more meaningful new glyphs. Poweful glyphs that will unlock truly even more beneficial, special and very meaningful combinations of effects.

    Perhaps Telenger could give a nugget of insight on the future of this possibility for us in the next Loremaster's QnA on this?
    Edited by Fshober28b14_ESO on 4 July 2014 13:43
  • wllstrt75b14_ESO
    Maybe if it didn't take forever to skill up enchanting more people would give a crap about this thread. But as it is and with all the other million bugs in this terribly run game anymore enchanting crap means more grind and probably more bugs as zeni can't implement anything with out breaking something else.
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