Simply let players do with two handers what many trash mobs in the game do with them:
Power attack for 3000+ damage on a stam build, but the power attack is ultra slow/interuptable,
So make it a charged attack, EG: Hold down the button as long you want - up to a maximum of 3 seconds, like a heavy attack, release to hit. allow only slow movement while it charges. but hits for around 3k base fully charged (and make full charged the best dps), scaling up to about 4k with top tier legendary gear and raid loot two hander (and make the raid loot 2hander not such a pile of garbage please).
Just simply replace uppercut with this. Call it Devastating Blow.
Morphs should add a huge armor debuff, say -30%, so follow up attacks are stronger. And other morph should change it to "Slow Charged Devastating blow". This morph would let you hold down the button longer, to 4 seconds, for up to +50% damage.
That'd give two handed roughly 1k dps, but at GRAVE risk to do so, as youd be in melee range, be moving very slow, and be a stamina build - thus unable to roll dodge or block after unloading your best attacks.
Keep the stam cost low/reasonable. The massive risk of using such an attack in an insanely fast paced game should be the cost, not a lot of stam.
(And change dodge roll/block/cc break to use a separate resource already, the game can never balanced until that is done)
Edited by Axer on 29 June 2014 12:52 Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)