Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Let us steal from bots!

That would be a good way to stop them......
My internet is invalid
  • Elgarr
    Awesome idea, must be a way they could detect it for us to use.
    Justice system 1.0 :)
    That would give more to do also.
    Grab the pitch forks, form an orderly posse and head out bot hunting.
  • Gisgo
    Awesome idea, too bad if you could label every bot as a character you can steal from, you could as well ban them all and save some time.
  • Slash8915
    Steal what? Kills, gold, items? Let's assume ZoS were to implement this idea. Let's also assume no legit players were to be affected by the change. We would then have people complaining because a few players would have hundreds of thousands of gold, while they have nothing. Not to mention the affect this would have on the game's economy.
    VR12 Templar Tank
    VR6 Dragonknight DPS
    VR3 Templar Healer
  • Psychoke
    I can already see bots stealing from other bots
    "imagine a world without elder scrolls customer support, i can't either"
  • Blackwolfe5
    I can already see players getting wrongly labeled as bots, then being robbed blind by actual bots!
    Edited by Blackwolfe5 on 21 May 2014 20:38
  • AlexDougherty
    hydrocynus wrote: »
    That would be a good way to stop them......
    First, two wrongs don't make a right.
    Second, you have to be able to prove that they are bots, Zos can do this, we can't.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Soloeus
    I don't want bots left in the game to be robbed, I want them gone. How do you prevent a bunch of griefers from flagging you so they can rob you? Maybe botters would just use throw away accounts to mass flag people to rob them?

    Within; Without.
  • Shiaxi
    While I agree with all the sentiments about bots, the ideas are never really implementable; it always comes down to how should the game determine who'sa bot and who's not. As someone mentioned earlier in the thread, if you did find a reliable way to determone this, why not instakickban them?
  • Salsadoom
    Great..let's start the Bot farming is OP threads...
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    I'd still like to see a "flagged for lynching" tag be introduced, which a GM does manually by following reports or monitoring places the bots are known to be at the moment (Coldhardbour, public dungeons). Then he can see the names, and try to make contact with the bots - no answer, and you get flagged, baby. Instead of looting the bots, put in a bounty system with nice rewards for killing so many.

    They might not care about getting banned, but they might care about their bots being constantly hunted.

    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on 21 May 2014 23:15
  • hydrocynus
    That was my thinking. If you ban them they come back but if you take from them what is valuable to them (gold, loot etc) because players can get it for free by stealing it then there is no point in them coming back after being banned

    I see all your points though. Not quite practical this stealing thing.

    I think the only way to stop them for good Is to make what they are after somehow worthless to them.
    My internet is invalid
  • twev
    Psychoke wrote: »
    I can already see bots stealing from other bots

    Give it another 2-3 weeks, and they'll be the majority of the player base anyway.
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • esoone
    Is zos necroing these old posts? Keep seeing old posts popping up like there aint something better to do.
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