Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 16:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

New dissapointments are found....tolerated....for now...

So yeah, everyone seems to want to be a vampire, so I HAVE to go against the grain and decided to do the werewolf bit. OMFG. WORST. DECISION. EVER. I spent 10k for a 'bite', actually found a trustworthy player to buy it from and he guided me through the quest and everything. It was all great until I discovered I could not stay in WW form very long, none of the mechanics work concerning devour, and this is the biggest waste of my time, skill points and ingame cash ever. Seems ZOS is fixing a single thing about WW and totally ignoring all the other issues. WTF?

Next I was on some island for a quest and actually ran afoul of a bot train. 3 guys, all with garbage names like 'mbfffdhtryeg' were literally running together, on the same exact lines, on the same routes, just killing mobs over and over. Problem was they were botting the mobs I needed for my quest! It was happening so fast that it took me aver an hour just to kill 3 mobs I needed. I was quite annoyed and petitioned the GM's. Bots suck. People that bot suck more.

Last is the next step of the main quest line, the one where I have to kill the Lyris Doppleganger. Yeah, Im over the quest level by 3 levels and its not happening. Nightblades truly suck if you don't use the one way they need to be built. If you even attempt to build them your way, forget doing the main quest line unless your 15-20 levels over the quest.

Oh yeah, almost forget one thing that just bugs the *** out of me. Bank size and Bag size, its simply not enough. This game has a huge variety of items you need to store if your ever going to do crafting, and due to the account-universal bank BS, I cant have multiple characters doing different crafting types. I actually had to WASTE 5 character slots just to have them hold items for me. I really hate having 5 level one Argonians perma-living in the bank all named "Holds-Banked-Food" or "Stores-crafting-items"

  • aipex8_ESO
    I can confirm as a VR5 dual dagger wielding NB in medium armor, that Lyris' Doppelganger and all other solo bosses are doable at (or around) the level you receive them. Challenging? Yes. Will you die many times? Most likely. But definitely doable.
  • Crassius
    Can't comment about the werewolf. Bot trains do suck yes. Nightblades are fine. (You'll hear this alot but you gotta mix it up for the fight you in bro' )

    Bank slots are fine. At later levels you get enough money to easily afford to get to 110 on your character and your bank to 100 at least. This is not a collect everything game - It's a specialise one. If you plan on doing it all on one character then those mules you created aren't really wasted are they?

    I think you are just ranting for the sake of it. I approve. Carry on.
    Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll...
    Everything I say is just my opinion. Like it or not - that's all it is.
  • Sakiri
    WW are buggy and underpowered but I have 2 and getting a third because WW > vamp and Im *always* a WW in TES.
  • Salsadoom
    The quickest way to reduce used bag/bank space is to max out provisioning, you should be able to get to 50 in the first zone, it cleared out about 42 spaces for me becuase frankly after maxing it I only the mats for the recipes I use
  • Spiritreaver_ESO
    So yeah, everyone seems to want to be a vampire, so I HAVE to go against the grain and decided to do the werewolf bit. OMFG. WORST. DECISION. EVER. I spent 10k for a 'bite', actually found a trustworthy player to buy it from and he guided me through the quest and everything. It was all great until I discovered I could not stay in WW form very long, none of the mechanics work concerning devour, and this is the biggest waste of my time, skill points and ingame cash ever. Seems ZOS is fixing a single thing about WW and totally ignoring all the other issues. WTF?

    Next I was on some island for a quest and actually ran afoul of a bot train. 3 guys, all with garbage names like 'mbfffdhtryeg' were literally running together, on the same exact lines, on the same routes, just killing mobs over and over. Problem was they were botting the mobs I needed for my quest! It was happening so fast that it took me aver an hour just to kill 3 mobs I needed. I was quite annoyed and petitioned the GM's. Bots suck. People that bot suck more.

    Last is the next step of the main quest line, the one where I have to kill the Lyris Doppleganger. Yeah, Im over the quest level by 3 levels and its not happening. Nightblades truly suck if you don't use the one way they need to be built. If you even attempt to build them your way, forget doing the main quest line unless your 15-20 levels over the quest.

    Oh yeah, almost forget one thing that just bugs the *** out of me. Bank size and Bag size, its simply not enough. This game has a huge variety of items you need to store if your ever going to do crafting, and due to the account-universal bank BS, I cant have multiple characters doing different crafting types. I actually had to WASTE 5 character slots just to have them hold items for me. I really hate having 5 level one Argonians perma-living in the bank all named "Holds-Banked-Food" or "Stores-crafting-items"


    Nightblade on any Harvester mob if you have trouble hitting the orbs with a bow:

    *Morph Whirlwind to Steel Tornado
    *Pay attention fighting and listen for the gong
    *When you hear it, go in close and spam Steel Tornado a few times
    *Of course you have had Strife or a morph of it going the whole time as well
  • badmojo
    Regarding bank slots, create a guild, get 10 people to join, profit.
  • starkerealm
    Last is the next step of the main quest line, the one where I have to kill the Lyris Doppleganger. Yeah, Im over the quest level by 3 levels and its not happening. Nightblades truly suck if you don't use the one way they need to be built. If you even attempt to build them your way, forget doing the main quest line unless your 15-20 levels over the quest.

    Yeah, that one is so many flavors of BS. Either you've been grinding for ten levels with skills you don't use so you can actually buy the ones you need for that fight... like Sparks -> Heated Blades, or you get smeared all over the walls until you give up and go home.

    Having found out the only delineation on that fight for a Nightblade is, "did you buy these specific skills or not?" really saps my interest. It's no longer a test of skill, and instead becomes a test of breaking the AI.

    I mean, if I actually liked the whole, "pick the perfect build or wipe forever," I would have stayed with TSW. I came to TESO because it promised some range of choices for gameplay.
  • Halrloprillalar
    yep, just bad luck with all those choices (broken class, broken world line, not out-leveling the bots and hopping on to VR content).

    Presumably, all of those things should get a fix, but in the meantime... try experimenting with different builds that aren't as broken :(
  • Xstof
    Soul Shriven
    Crassius wrote: »
    Bank slots are fine.

    No, bank slots are far from fine.
  • Nooblet
    If it makes you feel better... vampire is buggy also.

    Did you upgrade your inventory slots and bank slots?
    Edited by Nooblet on 21 May 2014 05:53
  • ciannait
    Oh yeah, almost forget one thing that just bugs the *** out of me. Bank size and Bag size, its simply not enough. This game has a huge variety of items you need to store if your ever going to do crafting, and due to the account-universal bank BS, I cant have multiple characters doing different crafting types. I actually had to WASTE 5 character slots just to have them hold items for me. I really hate having 5 level one Argonians perma-living in the bank all named "Holds-Banked-Food" or "Stores-crafting-items"


    Mine is "Too-Much-Stuff". :)
    Edited by ciannait on 21 May 2014 05:58
  • Yakidafi
    I designed my NB before the game started, did I hit a jackpot:
    currently v3 doing same setup still. Currently tried replaced ultimate with the assassination to test it.

    I have seen plenty of other styles aswell that work very well in pve.
    Moons and sands shall be your guide and path.
    PC EU/NA
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