Poison Mist Vs. Thundering Presence

Soul Shriven
I wanted to know your opinion on these two skills. I want to use one of these abilities for an "Oh ***" button, and still deal some AoE damage.

Poison Mist -
Pros: Immunity to all cc, and 75% of ALL damage.
Cons: Can't heal for duration. About half duration of Thundering Presence. Also at first glance doesn't seem to keep up, damage wise, as TP.

Thundering Presence -
Pros: Better damage. Longer duration. Great spell resistance/armor boost. Can heal while activated.
Cons: Defense only effects damage that is influenced by armor/spell resis. Can still be CCed.

I'm sure I'm missing some angles, but that is why I'm posting this forum. Thoughts?

  • alexj4596b14_ESO
    Your better oh s*** is going too be mist forum with speed boost, thundering dose not give you 75% reduction
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