Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Good bye - have had enough


I really wanted to like that game. Hell, I even got myself the Imperial edition and a 6 month subscription even though the rational part of my brain was telling me 'no, don't do that, it's not worth a penny, let alone a 6 month subscription fee that costs as much as the game again'. After all, it was an Elder Scrolls game. Now, 10 days into the 180 days subscription and after yet another series of absolutely annoying, immersion-breaking and utterly frustrating bugs, bots, and game inbalances, I have finally had enough. Shame that I threw a lot of good money after bad when I convinced myself that this was teething problems, that things would get better in time, that those stupid and interest-destroying imbalances were somehow my fault and would get less when I became better at playing the game, or tried different strategies, or different builds, etc. Shame that I gave Zenimax money I already knew after the third beta I participated that it would have been better invested blowing on anything else, no matter what. I really, truly wanted to like the game. Despite it being like any other mediocre MMO with a randomly chosen paint job. Despite the Elder Scrolls paint job being patchy at best. Despite it having little in common with other Elder Scrolls games other than the Tamrielmorphology and an odd lorebook whose text I have already read in games much better, and which you couldn't read in peace since you can't really take them out of the danger zone of respawning enemies anyway. And with the passage of time, reading obvioulsy becomes indecision and indescision becomes decision, that is, the dead return without forewarning and stab you in the back. I know, it's an MMO, so what did I expect. Logic? Consistency? The satisfaction of devising a cunning plan and then carefully executing it (that is, until some other bugger staggers in and wrecks it when he charges full steam into the mob; or even better, some mob respawning right in front of your nose so that you can neatly see that at least one of its members is as hollow as your toon is himself)? I should have known better, and in fact I did, I just didn't want to believe it because I so much wanted to like this game.
Well, after trying a lot, turns out I don't. In fact, having tried my utmost to like it, having tried my utmost to at least get engaged in the storylines (flat as they are, by and large), I have now come to positively despise it. So despite having given a lot of dosh to Zenimax needlessly, I will now stop playing the game, if only to keep myself from starting to dislike the Elder Scrolls games more generally.
The real shame is what a wasted opportunity this has been. I would have loved to play in the Elder Scrolls Universe with my friends, but as the game has turned out, that isn't really possible without causing some people to go bonkers and others to have heart attacks. If you want to do me a favour, Zenimax - which I doubt you will - take the money that you made of my subscription and donate it to some charity. Any charity will do. I would appreciate it.
Other than that, good bye, but no thanks from me. In my opinion, you should be ashamed of yourself for creating such a substandard game.
The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all...
  • magickats242cub18_ESO
    I wanted to read this thread, I really did, but when I saw that the text just kept going and going my ADHD kicked in and scrolled all the way to the bottom to type this.

    Funny huh? Also, good bye threads are against the forum's TOS.
  • TetsuMaru
    Take care ray :'( btw all those books are readible in a the comfort and relative safety of an inn or on the toilet as they are accessible via menu once discovered. Guessing you didnt give it half a chance but take care nontheless. Thanks also for leaving your comment about how your leaving the game. I needed to know about your rushed decision making.....both with the purchase and your post purchase disonnence.
  • Kyle_Roberts
    Free stoof pls!

    Mail to @Kyle_Roberts‌

  • Salsadoom
    Well, make sure you check back in 6 months or so, games often improve.
  • thejet2320
    Soul Shriven
    Its so sad that all anyone does on here is talk down to others... I am almost to the point you are OP.
    Edited by thejet2320 on 18 May 2014 17:45
  • nerevarine1138
    thejet2320 wrote: »
    Its so sad that all anyone does on here is talk down to others... I am almost to the point you are OP.

    And hopefully when you leave you won't feel the need to make yet another quitting thread that the mods will shut down.

    If you have actual feedback for the team, put it in-game. If you aren't playing the game, you don't have any relevant feedback to provide.
  • Rocksteady
    Don't forget to cancel your sub... I know I would hate to get a surprise 6-month sub fee taken out of my bank account down the road when you likely forget about this game.
    "Their stupidity does not amaze me, its when they're smart that amazes me. It's baffling whenever you find someone who's smart — incredible. Soon you'll have zoos for such things." -Frank Zappa
  • Kalinblack
    I'll love to see the moment this game will be better then the others and people will return ^^ I love the game and understand the difficulty to clear it from all the bugs, and disparity from classes are in all the games, look at wow, each patch a new skill line just to be best, and a DK to rule them all, now tell again disparity in this game -_-
    Beware the Shadows
  • Blackwidow
    The funny thing is, people who are picking on him now will be back in a month or two to say the same thing he is saying now.

    Just wait for the new game smell to wear off.....
  • ZOS_UlyssesW
    We understand and respect that sometimes people will leave The Elder Scrolls Online community. r.karlb16_ESO , we thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we wish you the very best. We're closing this thread now per our Code of Conduct policy on quitting/goodbye threads.
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