For the past several weeks I have noticed the attempt of doing things on Hopefire has dwindled. Sadly the majority of players waiting for several guilds to run events before taking action. It is my hope this story will inspire others to take action and begin to claim Keeps as well as resources.
Our story begins with it being late night. The larger group which had formed slowly ended after a failed push to reclaim Fargut. This was true PvP and though we battled against some v10s we were starting to regroup and push knock down the final wall rather than chase the v10 into an ambush over and over again resulting in our lost. Sadly as the hour grew late the party became a party of two. A v5 and a v4. With only two people we decided to claim some resources. At the first spot we ran into a v8 who joined the party. My first words were “Now we can take a Keep!” The response was we could not take a keep with only three people. We claimed the resource and he left. So we went to another resource. We attacked it aided from the Shadows by a Nightblade. There were a few deaths, but we got our act together and claimed it. After inviting the Nightblade we had a party consisting of 3 whose levels were v5, v4, and a level 21.
All in all we captured three Keeps. Drakelow, Fargut and then Kingscrest. We moved slowly and using tactics to draw the NPCs to us. We fought on our terms and did not rush to where the enemy wanted us (and out numbered us). Slow and steady won the Keep! After we took the keep with three people we went to our second Keep were we meet another (a mighty level 24) the four of us attacked Kingscrest and we claimed that one as well. Finally we attacked Fargut with another brave soul joining us and once more the gates were closed.
The moral of the story is not to pat ourselves on the back, but it is to say even with small numbers and non v10s we can make a difference. We do not need a large group of a hundred to take over a keep. There is no need to win by large numbers. All you need is three and some good tactics.