Dk and S&S + DW good pvp skill and morph discussion

Hey guys just wanted to get some talk going about useful skills for pvp for the DragonKnight and wep skills that synergise well with it. so far i think some good skills and morphs are:

Dragon blood -> Green dragon Blood

Dark Talons ->? im not sure what would be more useful as a dps tanky. the extra dmg or the mitigation?

Feiry Grip ->? again not sure. range or damage?

Lava Whip ->? the extra all up damage on fire abilities or the follow up attack?

Fire Breath -> i guess would depend on if you do more physical damage or fire spells.

Searing strike-> this one im really stuck on. a bit more damage or the lifesteal after 8 seconds? 8 seconds is kinda a long time in pvp is all

Inferno-> Flames of oblivion mana recovery requiring kills on things is kinda useless if u cant get kills in 1st place. 10% crit is much better

Spiked Armor -> this one is tricky. both skills seem meh. a bit of damage or more def for a few seconds. either way im usually activating this as i enter battle making both mostly useless tho i could adjust my style to activate it after i rush in

Inhale->? so far i prefer the stun one, tho im not sure what number the magicka return would give so it also might be very good

Molten weapons-> 30% crit is nice but its for 6 seconds and my playstyle is more spell based. so will i get more damage from the extra fire damage that lasts the whole minute? probably but im not sure

StoneFist-> ranged knockdown that increases armor seems useless since its 4 seconds. so range seems better here.. or does it?

and thats my list for DK abilities i think would be good for pvp

now for wep skills

Sparks - 4 seconds of being immune to shield bash and autoattack seems great. not sure which morph

Twin Slashes -> life steal morph

Puncture-> really not sure. do i need extra armor? not really. so i think the one that also lowers their spell resist is better

Sheild Charge-> Invasion. to me its a no brainer since shields get 0 effecive armor and magick resist and more stun time mean they'll not be able to attack u for most of the 4 seconds the other morphs shield lasts.

Now discuss and give me your thoughts and suggest any other good abilities i may not have covered=)
~House Indoril~
Submit to the three, the spirits and thy lords.

  • Kronosphere
    specifically id like thoughts on lavawhip, molten weapons and searing strike morphs plz
    Edited by Kronosphere on 2 May 2014 00:45
    ~House Indoril~
    Submit to the three, the spirits and thy lords.

  • Azarul
    Only comment I have to make on this is on stone fist. I think the 4 seconds is longer than it sounds. Especially if you are not wearing 7h. I can usually keep applying this every 4 seconds.
  • Phaistos
    Fiery Grip - always go for range, since range is king. With 22m you're on the same page as every charge ability. Ideal for pulling off enemies from walls, too.

    Inferno is useless. Your magicka regeneration stops while it lasts, it does very little damage. Better to hit with something else.

    Stone Fist: Always go for range.

    I'll stop commenting. Let me just state that you have way too many abilites that do the same thing. You don't need that many damage abilites. You have zero escape abilites.

    I would drop dual wield. You have a very strong melee line with sword & shield. Go for something useful with range.
  • Kronosphere
    Phaistos wrote: »
    I'll stop commenting. Let me just state that you have way too many abilites that do the same thing. You don't need that many damage abilites. You have zero escape abilites.

    since im not a cheap sorc what escape abilities do i have really? also this isnt a list of all abilities im 100% going to use just wanted a list so i can decide whats crap and what i might use=)

    do you mean something like petrify?
    Edited by Kronosphere on 2 May 2014 02:17
    ~House Indoril~
    Submit to the three, the spirits and thy lords.

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