VR grind is making pvp intolerable and miserable for me (and many others).

  • lao
    I usually like to level 1 of each class ! I thought about it... but there's more similarities than differences due to the shared skill system 'armour, weps, guilds etc' so it seems pointless. even moreso when the endgame is so lacklustre. I really wanted to like the game, I still sort of do which is why im bothering to read forums etc but the harder I try to find something to like the more turned off I get. Everything was fun the first couple of times, but from then on:
    Sieges are dull.
    zergs are dull.
    the pingpong of taking/losing scrolls or keeps etc... is. dull.
    Doing quest after quest in cryodil for 1500 VP is dull.
    On paper, I thought ESO PVP was what I wanted. To find out that in reality its dull is disturbing.

    everything u mentioned is boring ur right. dno why anyone would like zerg/sieges/scroll taking. try running solo/duo or small groups and try take on 3-4 times ur numbers. thats where the fun in pvp is in every game. that and fighting other likeminded ppl with equal numbers.

    in every new mmo i hear roleplayers go like "woah large scale pvp so cool so epic yada yada yada. reality is they lack the experience to understand how boring those things are. ive said it before and i will say it again pvp is only fun in the long term when ur own performance makes a huge impact. that simply isnt the case in all those large scale activites and thats why ppl get bored of them fast. i would have thought matt firor would know this very fundamental rule of pvp since he made the best mmo that ever existed (DAoC) but appearantly he forgot everything about it.

    if u wanna have a long living game u gotta focus on competitive small scale pvp and make the game insanely hard to compete at the highest level. yes alot of bads/roleplayers will quit fast cos they cant compete but those who stay will stay for years and years.
  • thefreezingvoid
    AngelofAwe wrote: »
    The difference between VR1 and VR10 is not "utterly massive", it's absolutely minimal.
    For example the difference between a VR1 and VR10 weapon is a "massive" 10 damage.

    To further decrease the gap between VR1 and VR10 the cyrodiil softcaps are set to VR1. For all of us. That means that for example spell resist and armor caps are set to 1600 in cyrodiil for me as a VR10 tank bringing my spell resistance and armor down from 1900-2000 in the PvE world to 1700-1750 in cyrodiil.

    That is a blatant lie. Maybe for a one handed weapons, as I can not test those with my crafting. But I can tell you, that the difference when comparing white bows and staffs alone is 24 damage. This is also likely to be higher, when you consider that a VR 10 is more likely to upgrade their weapons higher than a VR 1. So that "10 damage" is likely closer to 30-40 extra damage.
    That could me a 30-40% boost in weapon damage.

    Oh, but lets not forget weapon enhancements. Which at white levels would only mean 10 extra damage, but with the higher likelier hood of upgrades on VR 10 gear that could ammount to a 15-20 increase in damage.
    That boosts the weapon damage for a VR 10 to 40-50+% over a VR 1.

    And while spell resistance and armor are capped in cyrodil for the moment, armor enhancements for things like health are not capped.
    I don't have the exact numbers, but comparing white glyphs offered by the enchanter vendors, a VR 1 glyph is 96 health, while a VR 20 glyph offers 117 health. That is a 20% boost. But when you consider a VR 10 is far more likely to upgrade their gear further, that means closer to a 30-40%, also a VR 10 is more likely to put out for higher quality glyphs, making it closer to 40-50%
    Granted this would likely only translate into 100-200 health difference, if both parties put all glyphs into health.

    And while a 40-50% difference on weapon damage damage and glyphs, between weapon damage and glyphs, is rather small, it certainly makes being VR 10 worth it.
  • thefreezingvoid
    I do feel a bit lied to though. The way they explained veteran levels prior to release (Or at least how I interpreted) was that VR content was optional content for Pve'ers to do for fun.

    Come release, and we find out VR content is required content if you want the best gear.
  • Vlas
  • CaptainBl00D
    eso has been my shortest stay ever on any mmo ive played.
    Not even past the free month :(
    Cant entirely blame ESO though, think im just finally sick of the same old same old.
  • Ramanadjinn
    eso has been my shortest stay ever on any mmo ive played.
    Not even past the free month :(
    Cant entirely blame ESO though, think im just finally sick of the same old same old.

    Its not you, its them.

    I was in a 50 person pvp guild. Not one person in the whole guild made it to VR10.

    All gone. Slain by the solo quest. Zenimax is the best PVPers of us all it seems.
  • Snit
    I have not found high-VR opponents to be particularly difficult, and I never have. Now, the high-VR opponents that come in packs of 3 - 8 and coordinate over voice chat, then roll into the PUG I'm attached to? That's not a fair fight. But I wouldn't expect it to be :)

    At least in my guild, some folks are confusing high VR with Vampires when they perceive an imbalance. That could be due to the high correlation between high VR and Vampirism -- Cyrodil is in the midst of a serious pinkeye epidemic :)
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

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