Auriel's Bow NA - Rampant Cheating

I've about had enough. Today, there was a Daggerfall guild running scrolls to the AD for them. We've known about this guild for some time, and today, we finally were able to get proof and report them. This guild is full of alts with AD mains specifically for scroll running purposes.

On another topic, EP and AD are working together, even when it would suit EP to team with DC. Last night, EP was defending an AD keep, not making any attempt of their own to take it, just a zerg of 30+ defending a broken wall segment that DC managed to knock down while AD was running back and getting inside the keep. They made no attempt to attack anything AD and AD made no attempt to attack the EP.

This is not the way the 2v1 scheme was supposed to work. EP seems to have decided that having 2nd place is better than having a tightly contested campaign, seeking instead to help AD keep DC from challenging them. Something has to change, or there aren't going to be any pvp'ers left on this campaign.
Officer of Exceptional Legion
Auriel's Bow - NA
  • Sylvanna
    You are thinking too much...
  • RedTalon
    Well guess it just shows how much the other sides need aid and have to think outside the box.

    Its true there has been a spy guild in the daggerfall faction for sometime, glad you all finally got proof. Really wish there was a way for people to turn on traitors within the ranks.

    But yeah EP has been teaming up with AD from time to time since the start of the campaign sadly that is nothing new.

    Really wish there was a way to counter somethings.
    Edited by RedTalon on 28 April 2014 06:24
  • JeffKnight
    We just caught them doing it again. This time,they were even mixing groups, 20 or so of each, rushing out to defeat a DC offensive. It's getting insane and all this is going to do is cause DC to quit pvp'ing on this campaign. Which, I guess is their goal........
    Officer of Exceptional Legion
    Auriel's Bow - NA
  • RedTalon
    @JeffKnight Feels like its the new prime time tactic or have they been doing it all day?

    EP just could want second spot back also...but who knows.
    Edited by RedTalon on 27 April 2014 05:07
  • Gunsang
    In the general direction of EP, and based on what I've seen during our log-in times, we simply want nothing to do with DC. We've seen gank parties come by (and fail miserably) for center of attention on bridges and other, but we have general chat in zone about "not antagonizing" the DC when AD is a bigger worry (until EP grabs everything during prime). We've had instances where we too thought DC groups were helping AD, but then we realized after a few nights the gank squads being sent were just... special, and not helping towards the entirety of the DC objective.

    I don't condone spies. I don't want them representing EP or any faction in any way. Quite frankly I'd start marking down their account/character names and putting it somewhere we can all see off the forums. Naming and shaming may be against the rules here, but no one says we can't keep lists of our own for factual/review purposes. I may start doing this, but I haven't seen such during my log-in hours, but I will keep an eye out.

    It seems like you guys are dealing with a very behind-pained guild/team that made a deal with the AD, but I wouldn't rely on on a couple nights. See how the rest of the campaign goes. You may realize that these groups of EP may be the "special" sort not helping towards our objective.

    If it happens to be otherwise... well, mark down their names/make screenshots. Don't let it pass freely over them. When time comes, you can call on their BS. I wouldn't want to deal with a spy even in trade if I knew they were pulling stunts like this.
    Edited by Gunsang on 27 April 2014 11:45
    Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are, the more opinions they have. - Thomas Hildern
  • thefreezingvoid
    Most of those groups supposedly working with another faction, are usually just gank groups looking to farm kills off the other conflict between the other two.

    There have been many times we EP feel some of your DC are working with the AD. For instance, there have been many times when we EP are about to take Allessia, the gates are down, we just need numbers to get inside and deal the finishing blow. But we can't get the numbers because a DC oil pot group decided to sit on the bridge between Allessia and Sejanus. Shouldn't have mattered, but the bulk of EP player base don't realize you can bypass that by just taking one of the southern bridges.

    Generally speaking, we EP would rather push the AD. However, how many times does DC sucker punch us? They start pushing Chalman while 90% of our forces are focused down south. I'm sure the same thing happens towards the DC as well. Random groups will decide that taking aleswell is the best thing to do.

    In a perfect world, all of EP's and DC's forces would be focused south, trying to bring AD's lead down. However that doesn't always work out.

    But if DC manages to get 6 scrolls and an emperor, we don't care about score, we wan't our scrolls back, and we want to dethrone you.
  • Dleatherus
    JeffKnight wrote: »
    I've about had enough. Today, there was a Daggerfall guild running scrolls to the AD for them. We've known about this guild for some time, and today, we finally were able to get proof and report them. This guild is full of alts with AD mains specifically for scroll running purposes.

    On another topic, EP and AD are working together, even when it would suit EP to team with DC. Last night, EP was defending an AD keep, not making any attempt of their own to take it, just a zerg of 30+ defending a broken wall segment that DC managed to knock down while AD was running back and getting inside the keep. They made no attempt to attack anything AD and AD made no attempt to attack the EP.

    This is not the way the 2v1 scheme was supposed to work. EP seems to have decided that having 2nd place is better than having a tightly contested campaign, seeking instead to help AD keep DC from challenging them. Something has to change, or there aren't going to be any pvp'ers left on this campaign.

    so i'm missing something here - maybe because it's sunday and my brain is being lazy

    i get that DC ran scrolls to AD - in our campaign we have run scrolls to an enemy underdog faction and 'gifted' them to them in a gesture of collaboration against the big dog alliance

    what i don't get is how and why would this be a guild of alts?

    - first of all wouldn't their main AD toons be stronger and thus more qualified to achieve this
    and to do so, since you cannot have an alt of yours that is in a different alliance, be in the same campaign as one of your main toon, it would be a group of people whobought 2nd accounts, leveled them up, with the purpose of running scrolls to the alliance that their mains are on? - doubtful and incredulous at best

    something isn't adding up here

    that factions will collude for what they believe is in their own best interests is inevitable - the only way to change this is to change human nature - let me know how that works out for you

    last night we were defending our last empire keep in another campaign - one side of our outer walls was packed with EP siege pounding on one postern door - whilst at the same time the outer wall on the other side was jammed with DC siege pounding on the other postern door

    cry? ... complain about collusion? ... rage quit because of the inevitable outcome? ... have fun?

    we had a BLAST defending the keep and eventually losing our emperor - i suggest you enjoy the game - and that includes all the benefits AND drawbacks of playing with other human beings

    Edited by Dleatherus on 27 April 2014 18:32
    Stands in Puddles VR12 NB
    Dleatherus VR10 Templar

    Emperor Farmers, cheaters and exploiters - just like cockroaches in real life, Tamriel will never be rid of them
  • Gunsang
    I couldn't say that human nature would be an excuse. It's more like a can go wrong, will go wrong problem that happens when fallen back on, and the fault entirely being the person that fell entirely back on it... which is, a lot of people. It's kind of insulting to those that use a brain or have foresight.

    Qualifications wouldn't be much for scroll running, as well, players are very egotistical in this day and age, where the #1 label (and grief of others) becomes more then the fun factor of the game. It's a real pity when the purpose of them playing a game becomes so hypocritical on it's own accord. I wouldn't put it past them to make strong alts to cause problems in other factions.

    However, opinions aside, people will do some crazy and senseless ****.
    Dleatherus wrote: »
    we had a BLAST defending the keep and eventually losing our emperor - i suggest you enjoy the game - and that includes all the benefits AND drawbacks of playing with other human beings

    Thank you for this. Thank you.
    Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are, the more opinions they have. - Thomas Hildern
  • Qujz
    Sounds like the usual for this kind a of pvp
  • UnderKingRhun
    last i checked, EP was winning the war on Auriel's bow, thats our guilds home too. Who cares if factions are filled with traitors and spies. Adds to the fun and flavour of it all. I know our guild does not really pay attention to DC activities, unless we chance upon one of their armies, and then proceed to set up ambushes, does not really matter if its blue or gold, they all fall down. AD currently seem to be the biggest threat so its understandable more attention is placed in their direction.

    If you feel that "alliances" between faction guilds are affecting the war, most likely they are. And why not get in on it. Whats wrong with offering 2 or 3 keeps or a couple of resources in exchange for mercenary bands to harass the enemy or help take keeps and scrolls? as long as you are aware buying that particular hound does not mean it wont bite.
  • Jackiepvp
    RedTalon wrote: »
    Well guess it just shows how much the other sides need aids

    English, where a single misplaced "s" can change a whole lot :D
  • Gunsang
    The odd event does not excuse the entirety. The spies and traitors are using mechanics not designed for sabotage. Just like alts are -not- designed for spying on other factions or running off with the faction scroll, etc.

    After this, it's a difference of opinion of whether one likes it or not. I will treat them how they act, just like everyone else will, whether it's a report or what-have-you, but last I checked? People care.
    Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are, the more opinions they have. - Thomas Hildern
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