no , i dont think you understand at all. there are adjustments that will and need to be made . its simply sad that one anyone brings some light on to flaws of the game people will rush in to defend either mismanaged or short sighted design implementation. No one in here is saying ESO sucks . Hell man i love this game its crap load of fun and im blown away by the immersion and amount of content. But you need to look at the current state of end game. The Veteran dungeons are dropping VR5 gear only though they are listed as V1 through 5 , they are not scaling. i could give a rats behind that they are extremely hard at V1. but the itmezation is borked,number two the chest in all the instances drop the original loot table. you go into FG and youll get lvl 16 items from chest and the static loot nodes. Youcannot do a VR dungeon with out a healer partner and you cannot do a VR dungeon with out DPS. how do you kill it then? you bore it to death?steinernein wrote: »
I think you're the one imagining the elephant because there certainly isn't any; you don't need a dedicated healer, you don't need everyone to have CC, you certainly don't need dedicated DPS unless it's a DPS race.
What you do need is a sensible composition for any given fight and until leaderboards release or more people start posting times and set ups the sample size is a bit too small for you to start throwing around the claims that there is an elephant in the room.
You're also constructing a false constraint by saying that under everyone and all conditions people must run XYZ when you should be saying 'optimal groups will have X, Y, and Z. " The former is a constraint which reduces diversity while the latter, while reducing diversity, at least promotes class balance and encourages better mechanics. Unfortunately, it's a bit too early for you to even begin talking about the latter since our sample size is a bit too small.
lajnus86b16_ESO wrote: »should not make conclusion until the raid is released these are just their first vet dungeons, not raids, who knows if everyone except full mitgationbuild tank can tank some bosses later on?, if they slapfist anyone besides the tank he dies?
We do not know, the biggest concern tanks have right now is the ability to dish out a reasonable amount of damage from their stamina pool to be worth it right now its not and there is not good abilities for it, unless you wanna gimp your surviveability.
Xanxarib16_ESO wrote: »Heavy armor = half a tank.
SnS = half a tank and half dps.
Light armor = full out Magica dps.
Medium = full out melee stamina dps.
if you are in full heavy or 5/2 heavy/something you are not a dps anymore but a half ass crap tank, you might as well take the SnS up and go full tank and add the best debuff in the game, so your own and the other two dps can increase there dps.
if you dont get this, you dont get how this game works...
Xanxarib16_ESO wrote: »and you sir. dont get what a "Tank" brings to the table, if you cant get that a SnS taunt can give your dps 43% more damage from either class or weapon skills then you really should take a look at the skills again...
a dk can bring 43% and 40% armor reduction to a fight toal it to ~60% armor reduction and 43% spell res reduction. your two dps and your healer should now do the same damage as 3 dps classes would do.
Largely the issue is the tanking mechanics in general are poor. i myself completely understand how the game works. And i successfully tank the Vr modes with ease, they are mostly super easy after the first run . The issue is they made the role with very little definition. DPS has clear definition and Healing has clear definition.But tanking its actually doable with out one if you have a well geared dps and healing.But you cannot do VR with out DPS or heals. none of the classes get really solid cc you can argue Dark talons but its rather poor high cost,low time and easily broke. Damage reduction De buffs as others have pointed out are questionable. boss mechanics are fine for the most part.trash pulls are extremely borked social ranges are out of control. no long term CC's just make the tactics clump and and AOE burn. not much tactics there. Add in the fact if you try to play a traditional melee DPS in DK you do more damage with shield bashing then you would with heavy attacks and class abilities. There are tweaks that need to be made in mechanics, the game is not difficult its actually rudimentary in group mechanics.I think what the OP is trying to point out is this . Tanks bring stuff to the table sure, but they are not required. but healing and DPS is. Tanking needs some tweaks as well as mechanics of combat.I also would like to see a true CC line in one of these classes. CC has been so watered down as has utility. its taken away from complex group dynamics that could have been here in ESO.Xanxarib16_ESO wrote: »Heavy armor = half a tank.
SnS = half a tank and half dps.
Light armor = full out Magica dps.
Medium = full out melee stamina dps.
if you are in full heavy or 5/2 heavy/something you are not a dps anymore but a half ass crap tank, you might as well take the SnS up and go full tank and add the best debuff in the game, so your own and the other two dps can increase there dps.
if you dont get this, you dont get how this game works...
roleplay100ub17_ESO wrote: »I have to agree with this thread and provide my dungeon experience.
Every single time it's been the same. I land in a group where we have one of each class (myself being a sorceror), and we end up being a completely dysfunctional group that disbands at the first bug. Then, I land in a group of all sorcerors, and then begins half an hour of fun through a suddenly unbugged dungeon. Most of these sorceror groups don't have dedicated tanks, yet get through the dungeon easily. The best team, in my opinion, seems to be all sorcerors or three sorcerors and a templar, no tank necessary.
Earlier today I was in the group finder searching for a veteran Banished Cells group to get the achievement I was missing.
After a few minutes, we had 2x DPS, 1x Healer and no tank. Since nobody joined as the 4th slot after few minutes, we decided to just start the dungeon and see if we could manage it with 3. We cleared it super easily, with only 3 people and no tank. We only wiped once on the final boss because one of us wasn't sure how to cleanse the debuff.
Because of this success, we agreed to find a third DPS to fill the 4th slot for the Spindleclutch and Fungal Grotto vet dungeons. Those runs went so much better than any other runs I've been in. We cleared both dungeons very fast, and killed the gargoyle in Spindleclutch in far less time than we would've done with a tank instead of a third DPS. We collected undaunted achievements on the first try of the final bosses. Only me and one other person in the group knew the mechanics of the bosses, and telling the other 2 members was more than enough to clear it first try.
There was never a point in any of the 3 dungeons where we felt we could use a tank. Kiting bosses while doing high DPS is far more valuable than being a low DPS meat shield. Even a healer can keep up in DPS with a tank, and heals are far more useful.
Things to note that are not in a tank's favour in the first 3 dungeons:
Fungal Grotto
The Daedric spider boss is immune to taunts and doesn't do enough damage for it to even matter, meaning a tank is just a low DPS person who is tagging along.
The second last boss cannot be fought in melee range, making tanking options limited, but again, no need for a tank as the tactic is to run away from him when you have aggro.
The final boss often cannot be fought in melee range as she stands on her dark circle AoE a lot. Ranged tanking is viable, but it's hardly worth the tiny amount of defensive bonuses given. A third dps is still a better option here.
The Gargoyle in Spindleclutch is arguably the hardest boss in the first 3 veteran dungeons, and having a tank there instead of a third DPS lowers your chances of killing it on time (the boss is a DPS race) it's easier for one of the DPS characters (ranged preferably) to use the undaunted ranged taunt and then block power attacks or stealth out of them, or buff their armour with one of the many skills available.
Praxin sends 3 claws out from under him making it harder for melee tanks to dodge them. He also casts the ring on a random player, if it's the melee tank, he can often get stuck on the stairs and die by touching the wall of the ring.
The second last boss has a very very powerful heavy attack and it's a great idea to kite him , having no tank at all.
Banished Cells
The final boss teleports around a lot, making melee tanks, and well any melee class less effective.
The first boss sends fire out from under his feet, making it very hard for melee tanks to dodge.
The giant Daedroth can be kited easy, and it's much faster to have a third dps in there. No need for any form of tank or even any defensive utility.
Now I'm not a tank player, but judging from the time it takes to find a tank for any VR dungeon compared to DPS + healer recruitment times it would seem people dislike tanking. With good reason too.
I like the way this game really doesn't put every player's character into just one role. I personally like DPS with defensive utility. (I soloed a few veteran dungeon bosses with stealth armor buff and lifesteal utility) I've seen DKs solo veteran dungeon bosses with a bow and very little effort in whatever it is they do.
But really, in every situation a straight up tank player slows your group down. A DPS with some defensive utility or synergy oppertunities (Bone shield is EPIC) and a healer who also has defensive utility or dps skills is far more effective for everything than having a tank.
Bloodlance wrote: »Atm, DKs r overpowered , and group running with 4 x DKs will faceroll ANY content.
As such, talking about veteran dungeons , we should talk , what group composition you r having.
I would caution against generalization that every dungeon can be cleared with ANY two classes.
its in poor shape indeed. I cannot figure out why people would applaud this lose Duoinity style of group mechanics. it is just one step away form guild wars 2. the only thing i can think of is its DPS players that just want zerg content, iknow not all the DPS feel that way but certainly some in this thread do. remove the need for heals and it just becomse a DPS race on every boss with lot s of dodging and AOE ing trash. Is that really what the community wants? Is that really your idea of team work and rich indepth game mechanics?Speaking as a V2 orc tank, tanking in Eso is definitlely missing something.
Whether that is the sword and shield skill line missing basic tanking skills like:
Aggro gain by % when a shield is equipped:
Some kind of party wide armor or resistance buff that the tank can bestow upon the group for hourly long duration:
Some kind of defensive oh crap button when on 20% health, (like a pally bubble, or increased stats for a short duration?)
I left Guild Wars 2 because of the lack of the trinity, the way Eso is going it does not feel like much of a change. Eso is so Aoe freindly that the roles for a tanking charcter are few and far between.
even this is wrong and out of balance.
I didn't ask what class Spellslayer was. If he used class related abilities, IDK what they are, I'll ask him when I go online.
As a NB I can say that with one NB in your group of two, mixed with ANY other class you can do all 6 dungeons, because that is what I was able to do, and that can be recreated.
I can also say from my guild mates experience that DK is so strong it's the best option for any 2 man party clearing the dungeons.
I can't comment on Templar or Sorc.
Thechemicals wrote: »I have been able to do these dungeons without dps. Myself and wife play shield tank templars with healing and have had all tanks groups and all tank+1 healer. Dps is not essential since tanks are only using puncture and active blocking (or should be). The rest of the skills are dps based (or should be). Even if you added puncture and 3 defensive skills in your bar- you still have 2 slots and an ultimate for dps. I think dps is less needed than a tank. Everyone does dps through magicka, not everyone can taunt a monster away from someone who gets in trouble. Food for thought.
However, healing is still a requirement in pve and pvp.
thats the problem its a very murky less defined roll then DPS or Heals which is clearly defined . tanking at the moment is after thought hybrid . that is what many of us are seeing as a flaw for people who enjoy the tanking role. its jack of all trades and a master of none .Alpha_Protocol wrote: »@ OP - We'll see how your "Soul Reservoir" fares in 12 man.
I agree 100%. The only "tanking" spell my magicka based Templar tank uses is Puncture with the debuff. Everything else is dps/heal/shield and regen. What people are forgetting is the only things that makes you a "tank" are the passives, your play style, and the skill-set you bring to the fight.