Bank and Bag / Pack Upgrades - Costs

I've had trouble finding a list of the prices to upgrade the number of bank slots one has. So I'm posting what I know so far, along with the cost of bag upgrades since it's related (though much easier to find).

Bank Slot Upgrades:
#   Total  Cost
1--70---1000 g
2--80---3300 g
3--90---6800 g
4--100--11,400 g
5--110--20,500 g
6--120--28,300 g (unverified)
7--130--32,700 g (unverified)

Bag / Pack Merchant Upgrades:
#   Total  Cost
1--70---400 g
2--80---2000 g
3--90---5900 g
4--100--11,000 g
5--110--19,200 g
Edited by mr_pickles9000b16_ESO on 29 April 2014 01:19
  • Banumu
    Thanks for the info. That is a lot of gold to save up.
  • Chrisu
    The 120 slots bank upgrade costs 28300. 110 about 20000 but I don't remember the exact amount.
  • cris13crossb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    The 130 slot bank, I think, is 32,700. I will check that when I am able to get online to be sure
  • Vantor
    :O I thought the cap was 110.
    Invictus EU Guild Officer
  • Chrisu
    110 is the cap for inventory space (without mount)
  • Seroczynski
    It would be interesting to see if we can get a complete list here.
    “To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.” ― Homer J. Simpson
  • mr_pickles9000b16_ESO
    I'm editing the original post with the ones I've personally verified. (But it's still helpful, at least to me, to see rough/unverified amounts posted in the comments.)
  • sr383
    I'm at 90 slots now, and I'm standing in the bank. The upgrade cost to 100 slots is 11,400.
  • Terruce
    32700 for 130 - saw it yesterday on my HUD
  • knaveofengland
    oh my we have to rob the only bank to pay for them
  • danreckerpreub18_ESO
    Diamonds? Pfff

    Precious metals? Pshaw

    Sandwhiches? Now we're starting to get somewhere

    Legendary armor and weapons? Hmm, kinda expensive, we can do better

    Convincing a Werewolf or Vampire to bite you? That might sting... my wallet :# (no wonder these guys are endangered)

    A box? I mean, a BIG box, in which you can... y'know, PUT stuff, now THAT'S where the money's at. An even BIGGER box? Be still my heart, no, seriously! Even thinking of empty boxes makes me swoon!

    ^ The above is how I imagine the costs of the current system came about.

  • cris13crossb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    After 32,700 there appears to be one for 37,200
  • Brutalis
    Diamonds? Pfff

    Precious metals? Pshaw

    Sandwhiches? Now we're starting to get somewhere

    Legendary armor and weapons? Hmm, kinda expensive, we can do better

    Convincing a Werewolf or Vampire to bite you? That might sting... my wallet :# (no wonder these guys are endangered)

    A box? I mean, a BIG box, in which you can... y'know, PUT stuff, now THAT'S where the money's at. An even BIGGER box? Be still my heart, no, seriously! Even thinking of empty boxes makes me swoon!

    ^ The above is how I imagine the costs of the current system came about.

    This is funny. But to be honest im glad it is the case. As i feel, if the most expensive things were huge game changers or gave redic advantages then gold buy/sell market would be a lot worse.
    A Roman walks into a bar and hold up two fingers and says, "I'll have five beers please."
  • danreckerpreub18_ESO
    Diamonds? Pfff

    Precious metals? Pshaw

    Sandwhiches? Now we're starting to get somewhere

    Legendary armor and weapons? Hmm, kinda expensive, we can do better

    Convincing a Werewolf or Vampire to bite you? That might sting... my wallet :# (no wonder these guys are endangered)

    A box? I mean, a BIG box, in which you can... y'know, PUT stuff, now THAT'S where the money's at. An even BIGGER box? Be still my heart, no, seriously! Even thinking of empty boxes makes me swoon!

    ^ The above is how I imagine the costs of the current system came about.

    This is funny. But to be honest im glad it is the case. As i feel, if the most expensive things were huge game changers or gave redic advantages then gold buy/sell market would be a lot worse.

    I am fine with the cost of everything above, other then the storage. This is a tremendously lopsided gold sink, virtually all non-bypassable gold sinks are right here, in bank / inventory. What this does is force the player to spend an inordinate amount of time arranging and organizing their gear, if they hope to keep even a fraction of their earnings. I simply cannot think of a worse way to do this, save for perhaps crashing to the desktop every 90 seconds or so. So, the main gold sink forces you to ... not play due to spam relogging / storing your stuff? Ok, my sub will be disappearing soon if the trend continues - if I'm not getting to play anyway, this seems the next logical step to take.
  • pixmation
    Soul Shriven
    What I am interested to know is what's the logic behind the cost of bank and bag space. This is not how a game should be "enjoyed" when more than 50% of your online time is to managing space.
  • Blackwolfe5
    pixmation wrote: »
    What I am interested to know is what's the logic behind the cost of bank and bag space. This is not how a game should be "enjoyed" when more than 50% of your online time is to managing space.

    Good question, but I'm glad I have a bank managing addon like x4d bank that withdraws, deposits and stacks stuff on each character depending on how I set the addon up. If I go to the bank with my enchanter/alchemist, all alchemy components and runes are withdrawn automatically, while anything blacksmith/woodworker/provisioner/clothing related is deposited. On my clothier all clothing items are withdrawn and the other stuff deposited. And so on.

    If I was forced to withdraw/deposit everything manually, I'd go insane. Even with an addon like x4d bank, managing stuff is still time consuming..

  • pokebreaker
    pixmation wrote: »
    What I am interested to know is what's the logic behind the cost of bank and bag space. This is not how a game should be "enjoyed" when more than 50% of your online time is to managing space.

    To me, it seems like a Free-to-Play model (disguised as a subscription). Reason I say that, is because of how everything in the game is designed to be accessed over a LOOONG period of time, to not only provide an "immersive" experience, but to primarily milk as much money out of subscribers as possible (it is still a business). The intent was to cause players to focus on one skill at a time (because you clearly won't have enough space to manage all of the mats), thus drawing it out. Then, the large gold sinks, Bags and Gear Repair (of which repair isn't necessary or smart), keep you having to continue questing to be able to keep up with the rising costs.

    While I understand they are trying to prolong the life of the game, by making it to where people can't just blaze through all of the content; In my personal opinion, it feels way too much like the Free-to-Play tactic of consuming as much of your time as possible on rather silly things, to entice you to subscribe, or buy something with real money (which has not happened...yet). The problem is, we already made the $60-$80 purchase, and are already subscribed. So the slowed progression literally equates to real money output, by way of subbing. There are those that buy for the fact that its Elder Scrolls, and there are those that buy just to try out the new MMO.

    I've played a crap ton of F2Ps, and know what it is "supposed" to feel like. Except when an F2P does it, I COMPLETELY understand. I'm playing their game for free, so I shouldn't expect the convenience that Subscribers have. They want to make my progress as slow as they can, while not causing me to stop playing all together (a fine balance), in hopes that I either subscribe or buy some stuff (take SWTOR for example).

    They've already introduced the Store Mount for extra purchase. It will be a matter of time before more "time saving" items get introduced, to alleviate the high-time and high-gold cost of current features in the game. Do I blame them? HELL NO! They are here to make money, not provide a charity for the sake of their die-hard fans who may be unfortunate. However, that doesn't mean we can't call it how it is.

    For series fans, I can understand how it might be easy to mask small things like this under the guise that it's for the better good of the playerbase, or to be different than other games. However, those that frequent many games solely for their multiplayer content (Sub or F2P), should be able to recognize these trends.

    All in all, do I think this is a bad game? Not at all. I'm tolerating it so far, although I've never had to have as many Inventory Alts as this before, but it's a workaround to the limited inventory space per character (adapt and overcome). I will probably let my initial subscription run out, and monitor the changes over some months, to see if anything happens that could draw me back in. I do not want this game to bend to my will, and change just to please me, because that is selfish. Nor am I willing or qualified to offer suggestions of how things could completely be made better for everyone else. My answer is to walk away for a bit (with my sub money), and see if others who feel the way I do, manage to get some changes in there. I'm not really one to pay for something, in hopes that I LEARN to like it later. Same reason I don't drink alcohol or smoke. It's not to feel like I am better than anyone else, but If I don't like it from the first try, why bother trying to acquire a taste for it.

    At the end of the day, regardless of whether $15 is or is not alot of money, consumers should have some principle when it comes to staying or walking away from a product. If you are one that likes to feel like you are funding the progress of a product, then good on you. If you are one that likes to monitor the progress of a product, and then buy-in later, that is fine too. You shouldn't feel obligated to throw money at something that you aren't "satisfied" with, just because you don't want to be labeled.

    Just my opinions. I'm in no way trying to say that my opinion represents even one other person in the playerbase. Just how I feel about it.
  • Seroczynski
    pixmation wrote: »
    What I am interested to know is what's the logic behind the cost of bank and bag space. This is not how a game should be "enjoyed" when more than 50% of your online time is to managing space.
    It depens on the person. I personally "town" (where I do all my inventory and banking management) 15 to 30 minutes every 3 to 6 hours depending on the amount of loot and if I happen to come across a place where I can deconstruct some materials. If it takes you 50% of your gametime I would say there is quite some room for improvement from your end.

    “To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.” ― Homer J. Simpson
  • Stonesthrow
    Spending a lot of time storing and retrieving stuff from my alts via the bank, but I really don't mind.

    The reason? They gave us the option to gather for and to do all 6 professions in this game on a single character, that's why. Not recommended, but possible.

    Exactly what I wanted. I like having one MAIN... the definition clearly points to a single character that I spend the majority of my time progressing and utilizing in game. I want that character to do everything, and he is.

    I level some professions in bursts, when I have a ton of matts already stored and ready... to cut down on the transferring. Especially for food, pots and enchanting. They each have their own alts.

    I keep the Style and Trait gems, along with the "tempers" and the most current levels of refined goods on another alt.

    Not hard, just time consuming, and I'm okay with it. When the later levels are achieved, most of the "leveling" stuff will be dumped, sold or used up on a secondary character to free up the slots and cut down on the mules. Just have the really good / practical stuff stored.

    Although more space is always welcome... thanks for the ability to do everything on one character!
  • etherin77
    I spend a good 75% of game running around and doing my thing, then the other 25% is spent shifting crap around from one place to another, like some TLC hoarder, that really just needs one good house fire to help clean. But my biggest pain in the ass, is that i spend all of the coin i get to upgrade bag space... i dont feel i should have to stop every hour to hit town to decon/bank/create then log out to move "keep sakes" to a bank toon, just to go through the list of toons to re-balance where/who gets what.

    I'm not saying "make it bigger, better, and free" But yeah, make it a bit more affordable in the banking area.
  • egosumacunnus
    Banking should scale with level not just be for people who have got to v12.

    Any other amounts to add to the list, finding it hard not to buy gold so i can do away with the hours i spend pissing about with mules..
    If real life had a block function i would go out more.

    Proud to have spent a year paying to BETA test ESO for consoles.

    Error Code 301
  • duchessofkvetchb14_ESO
    Keep a horse around for extending bank space. 250 gold per extra slot.
  • AreoHotah
    OP i have 150 at bank when i arrive home il tell you the cost of the 160 so you can update thread
    Hota'h, Dual-wield/bow full medium armor NB Khajiit from day 1.]
  • nudel
    Bank Slot Upgrades:
    # / Total / Cost
    1----70---1000 g
    2----80---3300 g
    3----90---6800 g
    4----100--11,400 g
    5----110--20,500 g
    6----120--28,300 g
    7----130--32,700 g
    8----140--37,500 g
    9----150--42,700 g
    10--160--45,000 g
    11--170--50,000 g -- unconfirmed
    12--180--55,000 g -- unconfirmed

    It goes up to 240, but I'm not there yet.
  • evedgebah
    11 - 170 - 50,000 confirmed
    12 - 180 - 55,000 confirmed
    13 - 190 - 60,000 confirmed
    14 - 200 - 65,000 confirmed
    15 - 210 - 70,000 confirmed
    16 - 220 - 75,000 confirmed
    17 - 230 - 80,000 confirmed
    18 - 240 - 85,000 confirmed

    It caps at 240.
  • Sethowar
    ***, 370k til max bank... oh well, I'll get there eventually, already got about 250k saved
  • rotaugen454
    Since you can buy a horse (an imperial for 1 gold if you got that edition) and can add carrying capacity for 250 gold per slot, and you can own more than one horse, what happens if you make a bank capacity horse and switch to the other horse that you made for speed? Do you lose the slots? Does the inventory disappear? Or could you make your bank much larger for a cheaper amount?
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Vuron
    Since you can buy a horse (an imperial for 1 gold if you got that edition) and can add carrying capacity for 250 gold per slot, and you can own more than one horse, what happens if you make a bank capacity horse and switch to the other horse that you made for speed? Do you lose the slots? Does the inventory disappear? Or could you make your bank much larger for a cheaper amount?

    Your horse only counts towards your bag space and has no effect on your bank space. If switching to your speed horse from your bag horse would put your bag space over the limit, than you will be unable to switch.
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