Due to animation issues, lag, etc., it seems to me the best answer to fix issues with Crystal Shard would be one of the following:
1. Make it stationary only. Once you move, the ability cancels itself. This would solve having to cancel by blocking every time someone accidentally button mashes one too many times because the ability queue is odd, maybe it's set too long, I don't know. I know you can block to cancel, but that also slows you down and is very odd. Part of the problem is it's cast time/animation is crazy long as well.
This may solve all of the animation issues associated with this, including the odd noise that keeps going and going and going...
2. Shorten the cast time. The animation is cool but if it's causing issues then do away with it and make something else, or shorten it.
3. Have dodge cancel the cast. (added in recent edit)
I'm mentioning this because the more I level, the more this ability that I depend on for boss fights becomes more bugged and frustrating to use.
I'm not a programmer so I'm just guessing here. If someone has a better idea I'm, all ears, but this ability is starting to annoy me (level 40).
Edited by Korereactor on 21 April 2014 23:32