How much does KUTA sell for?

Hey guys, just wondering how much it is worth and possibly like a table of how much the colours are worth? You know
  • SirAndy
    About as much as someone is willing to pay for it. I've seen them list anywhere from 500g to 50,000g (not kidding).

    Personally, i wouldn't buy one even at 500g. Once you get to the level where you can make the most of them, you'll have enough of them anyways.
  • LegendaryPow
    Woah lol thanks :)
  • Skylandra
    Currently I have 7 Kuta (that I found) and I am VR-3, had the option to buy 2 for 4k about 3-4 days into the game, not many people who can craft with the yet though so its still early days. Currently I think many people are just sitting on them.
    If the hirelings are as good as the other crafts at bringing yellow then I don't think they will be rare at all.
  • LegendaryPow
    Ahh true, thanks sky. I sold mine for 700g I wanted more but meh
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