I have been playing for almost a year now including Beta, PTS and now launch. I have not experienced this problem until today's patch. I haven't installed any hardware or software between last night and this morning. I was able to play with 0 issues last night, and every day prior. As of today it seems I can only stay in game for 20 to 30 minutes, with long load times and eventually freezing of my entire system.
Win 7 64bit, quad i7, 24gb ram, GTX 560, SBlaster Z series.
There's been GAME crashes before, sure. But as of today the game occasionally locks up, freezes my entire system with a buzz coming through the sound card and I'm forced to hard reboot.
It's rather typical for me to be online 6 to 12 hours a day between play time and addon development time. This is, therefor, highly abnormal.