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Optimize for retina display.

Will you guys optimize TESO for Retina Display. The in game text looks blurry and hard to read.
  • Moonraker
    Will you guys optimize TESO for Retina Display. The in game text looks blurry and hard to read.
    Is that the case in Fullscreen and Windowed mode?
  • s.schacht93ub17_ESO
    All modes.
  • Moonraker
    All modes.
    Then there is some problem because in Windowed mode it is using you own MBP displays scaling not the games.

    What resolution do you have it set for in System Preferences > Display?

    What resolution do you have it set for in game?

  • s.schacht93ub17_ESO
    It's not the computer. Zen needs to optimize the mac client for retina display. Blurry text is a reoccurring problem throughout multiple 3rd party applications that don't support retina.
    This article helps explain the issue.
  • Moonraker
    It's not the computer. Zen needs to optimize the mac client for retina display. Blurry text is a reoccurring problem throughout multiple 3rd party applications that don't support retina.
    This article helps explain the issue.
    No, you are right I was getting muddled from another issue. In windowed mode it will use the window size, not Retina mode.

    The reason why the game is limited to 1440 x 900 in Fullscreen at least is that the GPU installed would not be able to support the native scaled resolution without some real issues and why it was set to that after beta testing. From what I understand it is not possible to just render the text and not the whole display, so that is not an option via the UI.

    Frankly I don't have one to test or check myself. Hopefully others that have Retina display can give more ideas.
  • izmar
    Hi Schacht,

    I too have this problem on my 15" rMBP. I've resolved this by installing Windows 8 on a Bootcamp partition, and playing through that.

    What's interesting, is that regardless of the resolution (1920x1080, 1440x900, 2880x1800), the text is crisp and clear. I could set the resolution ALL the way down to 1024x786, and the text remains crisp and clear while the game itself runs in an obviously lower resolution.

    There simply has to be a way to render the game with clear text, while maintaining a smaller resolution for the graphics. If the windows client can do it, the Mac client should be able to.

    In the meantime I will continue to play on my Windows partition. Driver support for the 750m is better on the Windows side anyways.

    Good luck. Hopefully they have solution for this soon.
  • s.schacht93ub17_ESO
    Why make a mac client if we need windows to enjoy it?
  • Moonraker
    izmar wrote: »
    Hi Schacht,

    I too have this problem on my 15" rMBP. I've resolved this by installing Windows 8 on a Bootcamp partition, and playing through that.

    What's interesting, is that regardless of the resolution (1920x1080, 1440x900, 2880x1800), the text is crisp and clear. I could set the resolution ALL the way down to 1024x786, and the text remains crisp and clear while the game itself runs in an obviously lower resolution.

    There simply has to be a way to render the game with clear text, while maintaining a smaller resolution for the graphics. If the windows client can do it, the Mac client should be able to.

    In the meantime I will continue to play on my Windows partition. Driver support for the 750m is better on the Windows side anyways.

    Good luck. Hopefully they have solution for this soon.
    @izmar Can you do me a favour and just take a few screenshots showing the difference in fonts / UI via Windows 8 and post (attach to post or other link) them here please.

    I don't have a MBP Retina to do it myself and would like to pass on the shots showing the difference.

    Not so important to show in Mac though it helps OFC, but the ones via Windows would be a great help (possibly different resolutions) Thanks.
  • Dyer182
    Soul Shriven
    I play on a 15" rMBP as well. I wouldn't say that the text is hard to read though. It's only slightly blurry. I know you said it would only help a little but I uploaded screens anyway.

    EDIT (Updated system info and graphics settings):

    System information
    MacBook Pro
    Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013
    Processor 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB
    Software OS X 10.9.2 (13C64)

    Graphics setting:

    Edited by Dyer182 on 19 April 2014 18:51
  • Moonraker
    @Dyer182 No, that's really helpful to have some actual examples to check other examples against. Thanks for taking the time in posting these.

    They don't look much different from my iMac 27 inch.

    it looks like there may some some other issue or settings which are causing issues on Retina for some. Take a look at this post for example with a screen shot which seems to show some jagged font problem in a MBP Retina.

    In that case the player fixed it by:
    The only work around I have found is to force system resolution to 1920x1200 and in game to 1440x900 and the font looks normal.

    and elsewhere:
    The only thing I can figure out with the quality discrepancy between maximized windowed and fullscreen is that with windowed it is matching the Retina display resolution I have it set to and with fullscreen it is 1440x900 (which makes it look blurrier than 1920x1080)

    On this post is an example of the blurry font. So, not quite sure what the differences are whether it's setting in-game, windowed/ fullscreen, MBP settings or some other issue that is making these differences.

    I see you have Medium settings. What setting do you have in you MBP for Display?

    One thing to be aware of is that the AA in the game is probably FXAA which will actually smooth not just game visuals but also the UI including fonts. It's not a massive difference but does add a slight blur if you look carefully to fonts. That is generally not just on Retina (Mac & PC)

    Lets hope @izmar can post the Windows ones to compare. it would also to be able to have some more examples both windowed and fullscreen of blurry Retina screen @s.schacht93ub17_ESO

    if others with issue, or not can post details of system including Model, OS X version, graphics card and both in-game and MBP Display settings to compare and see if we can find a common link.

    Because from those posted screenshots and other comment about some comment in in-game chat that it is clear form other MBP Retina player it looks like it 'should' be at least clearer.

    If there is some specific issue linked to certain model/ GPU etc. then it will help the development team to check it out.
    Edited by Moonraker on 19 April 2014 14:49
  • s.schacht93ub17_ESO
    Ya, i bought a thunderbolt display and now everything is crisp. Then just need to replace font and icons to have enough pixels for the retina display. Easy fix but time consuming. Well until they support retina ill just play on the thunderbolt display.
    Statement I got from Apple "They need to upgrade their font and picture icons." I had my rMBP in the store and they said they've seen the same thing on multiple 3rd party applications and thats how to fix it. Its not the hardware or settings, its the quality of text and images.
    Edited by s.schacht93ub17_ESO on 19 April 2014 16:09
  • Moonraker
    Ya, i bought a thunderbolt display and now everything is crisp. Then just need to replace font and icons to have enough pixels for the retina display. Easy fix but time consuming. Well until they support retina ill just play on the thunderbolt display.
    Statement I got from Apple "They need to upgrade their font and picture icons." I had my rMBP in the store and they said they've seen the same thing on multiple 3rd party applications and thats how to fix it. Its not the hardware or settings, its the quality of text and images.
    Good to hear it works nicely on the Thunderbolt display.

    Problem with that is, it appears to be worse for some than others when looking at the screenshots. Which is not explained by the Retina support.

    The main reason why it is not support I think and limited to 1440 x 900 is that even with that setting, the current MBP GPU can't handle the high settings. Imagine then, the same GPU trying to handle twice the pixels via scaling? So you would then get decent font rendering but poor visuals (having to turn down graphics setting. Not to mention the potential heat issues.

    It does look like the really blurry text is not 'normal' judged from the screenshots above and that not everyone seem to have that level of blur. So, checking differences or similarities could help identify any underlying problem or possible fix.
    Edited by Moonraker on 19 April 2014 16:33
  • Carmina
    You guys make me update the game on my rMBP and test it. I actually did not have any problems at all when I tested it.... Even with screenshots. I will get back to you.

  • Moonraker
    Carmina wrote: »
    You guys make me update the game on my rMBP and test it. I actually did not have any problems at all when I tested it.... Even with screenshots. I will get back to you.

    Cool. Thanks for the feedback.
  • jareogunprb18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Ya, i bought a thunderbolt display and now everything is crisp. Then just need to replace font and icons to have enough pixels for the retina display. Easy fix but time consuming. Well until they support retina ill just play on the thunderbolt display.
    Statement I got from Apple "They need to upgrade their font and picture icons." I had my rMBP in the store and they said they've seen the same thing on multiple 3rd party applications and thats how to fix it. Its not the hardware or settings, its the quality of text and images.

    Do you mind sharing your settings with me? I have ridiculously low FPS on my thunderbolt display but everything runs fine when i use my rMBP. I have no idea what is wrong thanks.
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