I have seen the desire for small group pvp in Cyrodiil come up in several threads and I believe there ways to promote this type of game play without introducing the concept of battlegrounds and arenas. One way that this could easily be achieved would be to add the ability to turn a flag over in favor of your Alliance in order to lessen the price of siege weapons. These flags can be located on the outskirts of the map and can be turned over by a solo player. The more flags that get turned over for your alliance the more benefit received at the siege vendors. In turn, as flags get turned over this would incite players that want smaller group pvp to engage and/or defend these flags. The flags would be insignificant enough to not distract from the Keep battles that are ongoing. One added feature would be to allow players to use soul gems while near the flag in order to continuously engage in quick combat if they choose to do so. I feel this would be an elegant approach to promote smaller group PVP and still keep in line with the true nature of Cyrodiil PVP.