Pretty clearly Support is overwhelmed by numbers of tickets, many of which appear to be duplicates, submitted because it appeared to the player that the original must have been lost. At the same time players, in many cases receiving no response or a response that doesn't address their problem, are growing restive.
It's fine to ask us to be patient, but it would help to have more information about the process:
1. How long should we wait before becoming concerned that our ticket has been mislaid?
2. At the point we suspect that our ticket has disappeared into a black hole, what would ZOS prefer we do? Is there a way to check its status online, so we can tell whether it is currently active?
3. Is there any difference in priority given to tickets submitted via different channels?
4. If I submit multiple tickets (on different issues), does that affect the priority given my individual requests? For example, is the fact that a staff member responded to my reporting a gold seller likely to cause Support to give lower priority to acknowledging my experience with the bank bug?
5. Are tickets relating to a particular issue addressed in order of submission or are they divided among staff who may get to them at different paces? I.e. if others have received responses to tickets (on the same topic) submitted after mine, should that worry me?
Inquiring minds and all that ...