So you guys modeled pvp in this game after daoc and have devs that worked on that game. One of the things I thought was very beneficial to people getting invovled with pvp were the way the battlegrounds worked in that game.
A major complaint right now is that a lot of people feel going to cyrodil is pointless till you are 50. Well I think if you made the battleground system exactly the way you made it in DAoC then it would fix a lot of problems and add a lot of fun at the same time.
For people not sure what I'm talking about, that game had battlegrounds that persisted 24 hours a day. There was no winner and then it reset. You could join and leave and it kept going.
There were brackets. Say lvl 10 to 20 lvl players only. All 3 factions enter from different sides with 1 keep in the center to fight over. Taking the keep granted a lot of exp and pvp points. When you out level the bg you are put in the next bracket.
Each bracket had a more improved and in depth keep as well. First one was just some small little fort. Not much of a castle. Then it get bigger and bigger while introducing things like moats and bridges with choke points. Siege engines and eventually towers and resource camps
It helped prepare players by teaching them slowly over time how the system worked so they weren't overwhelmed when they joined the main rvr experience.
This is just a suggestion though that will prolly get overlooked but I think it would help and be a lot of fun as well