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HI! I'm Sithis, the top AD player on the EU version of the Wabbajack campaign.

The situation in our server is grim, a lot of fun, but still grim.

We number 20-50 during primetime, only reaching 2 bars of population once since release.

Ebonheart, however, have 3 bars or even cap every single day, resulting in them taking back any keeps we get once players log off at night.

Recently, Daggerfall got support from a large guild, which means on occasion they hit 3 bars of pop as well, and even got an emperor at one stage...

As a result of this, all fighting now happens in the north between EP and DC, meaning we don't even really get a chance to score AP from killing EP anymore, we just try to fight through their keeps against only a very small force, then a 100-200 person zerg takes back everything at the end of the day in a couple hours.

As a result, as an individual player, I've dropped from 1st place to 5th place, not really a big deal but it just shows that AP isn't coming to us at all.

Honestly, the current situation is that we can't maintain a single keep overnight, because we don't have the manpower to defend it when the mindless zerg bothers to turn on us, and there's almost nobody to fight during the day for enjoyment, causing many players not to enter Cyrodiil at all on our side.

We need more people, both regular players and potentially guilds, in order to have the numbers to become a serious threat to the 300 man EP zerg, being outnumbered 6 to 1 just means we really can't maintain any momentum in the campaign.

Feel free to post here, or mail or PM me ingame if you're interested in showing support for your alliance and stopping the eternal steamroll caused by a lack of insight by Zenimax into potentially soft capping population.
  • Custos91
    I see you problem, I am playing at Bloodthorn EU and we have great battles there (ok, atm EP and DC are getting really strong^^)

    There is just a single problem:
    With Skyrm in the minds of the people, elf means dominion, dominion means thalmor, and there we are, loved like worm cultists, EP has huge numbers of players, at least in pvp, because nord are cool, because of skyrim and dunmer are too, and at least cooler than altmer or bosmer...
    We ruled at Bloodthorn, I would say 75 of the top 100 players are AD, and yet we only manage to survive because EP and DC take whole of Cyrodill and fight each other over the emperorship, there are many days we turtle up at faregyll while beeing sieged from 2 sides, then, at night, our dedicatet pvp players take the scrolls and we hold them long enough to maintain a stable distance to EP and DC, but without that 15 k points headstart we head, we would now 7k points behind...
    I don't think Zenimax thought of having that less AD players...
    Hold ou there, in the name of our Queen, Ayrenn Arrana Aldmeri, hold out, more players will come and there will be a time Wabbajack will be full for AD again, but I don't think you can possibly achieve anything in this campaign...
    Warden Main apparently... 7 Wardens currently, otherwise a healer of every class.
    Mostly active in No CP PVP on EU, blaming the buffbot meta in pve.
    I want to feel like I am saving somebodies life, not like I am carrying amunition for them...
  • lordz88b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Why don't you guys on wanna come join us on EU skull crusher, the Ebonheart numbers are a lot lower on here even thought they still outnumber us. If you guys came on here we would defiantly turn the server around and have some decent battles! We see Ebonheart often get full on your sever where on skull crusher there always low. Come on here guys and come take it over. With half a days pvp you would make it into the top 5 of the pvp rankings as well! Ready the troops and come help!
  • Iam_Epiphany
    Why don't you guys on wanna come join us on EU skull crusher, the Ebonheart numbers are a lot lower on here even thought they still outnumber us. If you guys came on here we would defiantly turn the server around and have some decent battles! We see Ebonheart often get full on your sever where on skull crusher there always low. Come on here guys and come take it over. With half a days pvp you would make it into the top 5 of the pvp rankings as well! Ready the troops and come help!

    Please don't hijack my thread.

    However, I like being in this server BECAUSE it's the one where AD needs the most help, I'm actually fighting for something.
    Edited by Iam_Epiphany on 15 April 2014 16:55
  • lordz88b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Im not trying to hijack your thread??
    I made a ticket about imbalances on servers and its advice from the GMs themselves. Theres no plans atm to fix the problems with population imbalances so try recruiting more, or pulling people from other servers. I was just trying to help lol. To me it makes sense for us on the lower pop servers to team together? Sorry for your hijacking lol
  • Iam_Epiphany

    I made a thread trying to bring people to my campaign and you posted in it asking to bring people to your campaign, that's hijacking.

    I am trying to recruit more, that's why I'm here...but you're trying to help with your campaign, not mine.
    If you think we should group up on YOUR campaign, make a thread for YOUR campaign.
    Edited by Iam_Epiphany on 15 April 2014 17:35
  • Kontrahent
    I rolled EP on release trying to avoid being on the dominant side (played AD in beta) Once we started taking keeps on wabbajack after a rough start, people of our faction flooded in - Guess they wanted easymode. Now I'm considering rolling a new char in AD or DC, but I'm still being held back abit hoping it will balance itself out.

    Keep rallying people Sithis, I dont think you need that many more people to give a real fight.
  • Aviarium
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there,
    one of the very active's on EP side here.

    First, I'd just want to say, we are not a mindless Zerg, but I have to admit, we are a Zerg.
    So much about that, we are still aware of this issue and talked a lot about how to get your guys motivation up again. We'd love to see a lot more fighting. It is as boring for EP, as it is for you when we hold everything possible on the map.
    Sadly, the one day DC got the masses of players from some Guest Campaign was almost a single event. The way they played it seemed they only wanted to farm players and changed the Emporer merely for fun.

    I think we can all agree, that both, AD and DC need more people. How can you achieve that? There are two suggestions from my side:

    1. try to bundle your side's effort by setting times. Rather then dropping in pvp with only a few guys on your side, getting bored fast and leave, try to communicate a fix time for some action. When everybody interested in PVP on Wabbajack-AD Side gets in the PVP at the same time, you'll have a higher number and can achieve something. That might attract more players to join the Campaign on your side, when they see a higher activity for the campaign.

    2. Sithis, as you are the top AD player, i'd suggest you get in contact with Drimacus, the top DC player. He's as active and even tries to defend Keeps alone with some oil. When you can sync your attacks timing for DC and AD, i think thats a second way to achieve something. I dont know if you allready did so, since yesterday AD took Sejanus and DC took Bleakers a bit later but that timing was not really synchronised. Also, AD went further to Farragut for their scroll. No idea why you tried but that was a futile atempt that only adds in your sides's frustration.

    So well, we want to tell more stories in our Mead Halls about glorious fights against hundreds of enemys.

    For Wabbajack, for Uncle Sheo, for Cheese and for our enemies - may they grow in numbers!!
  • Starfall
    As a player that joined Wabbajack here the other day on DC side. Gotta say I havn' seen so many headless chickens as EP has... in addditon their addiction for siege in open field fight.

    Hope to get a video up of our crushing of your 30-40 man zerg with our 5 or 6 guys! Was an epic fight! :D

    Hoping more AD players will join this campaing, Torment from DC have come over to check it out, we're running from 5-25 people when we're in WvW! Hope to see more, good luck recruting AD players!
  • Kingslayer
    Starfall wrote: »
    As a player that joined Wabbajack here the other day on DC side. Gotta say I havn' seen so many headless chickens as EP has... in addditon their addiction for siege in open field fight.

    Hope to get a video up of our crushing of your 30-40 man zerg with our 5 or 6 guys! Was an epic fight! :D

    Hoping more AD players will join this campaing, Torment from DC have come over to check it out, we're running from 5-25 people when we're in WvW! Hope to see more, good luck recruting AD players!

    Trip You suck :P
  • Jim_Rothery
    Let the alliance begin! :D Three Hundred Bodyguards providing rearguard cover and support for our Aldmeri friends since 19/04/2014!
  • adam.snowballeb17_ESO
    It appears apparent AD & DC need to work together to counter the population deficit. Can any AD guilds / groups contact 'Sithis' and any DC guilds / groups contact 'Bethor Whiterose' so we can orginise this offensive.

    Yesterday it worked, the EP were assaulted on all sides and could not gather a solid defense, we captured a scroll (mere seconds away from a second one) and took keeps throughout Cyrodiil. We can do it again.

    Lets balance this campaign out. :D

    Morrowen - Daggerfall Covenant - EU Wabbajack
  • Kingslayer
    It appears apparent AD & DC need to work together to counter the population deficit. Can any AD guilds / groups contact 'Sithis' and any DC guilds / groups contact 'Bethor Whiterose' so we can orginise this offensive.

    Yesterday it worked, the EP were assaulted on all sides and could not gather a solid defense, we captured a scroll (mere seconds away from a second one) and took keeps throughout Cyrodiil. We can do it again.

    Lets balance this campaign out. :D

    Torment did alot of the work from the DC side we literally slaughtered ep in the north it was great fun for all.
  • natalia76
    was quite fun last night, first we got slaughtered big time but eventualy we did get one keep hehe. AD side :P
  • Yusuf
    I just accidentally went there tonight and it was a living hell, @Iam_Epiphany Sithis, i hope u remember me. But i have to say i've never seen so few players beat up a zerg. YOU HAVE MY SWORD, FRIEND
  • dannyporter2011b16_ESO
    Thanastor here,

    Perhaps you should try educating our side more?

    The amount of times I've tried to tell our fellow AD players to not use stone trebuchets against Lumbermill guards is insane, our side have little knowledge in how to succeed and they don't want to seem to listen either.

    As much as I enjoy wiping the EP zergs when we go for the small keeps, I do believe we need to focus on actually getting a skilled player base on home soil as I feel AD is full of mindless bots, sometimes even more so than EP.
  • dannyporter2011b16_ESO
    Though, alternatively, me and my guild mates make an unreal amount of AP farming EP zergs. Hell, I and others have managed to solo roam and farm groups of 3-4 EPs for around 4-5k AP per group. I actually enjoy being the underdog and does allow to jump up the ranking ladder if you play smart.
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