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Please explain the idea behind PvP... is it Scrolls or what ? Alessia ???

I never was a great fan of PvP but in ESO I have been amazed how fun it can be. BUT.... I sure would like to know what is the KEY or IDEA of ESOs PvP. Playing as Aldomeri in PvP is pain. No one knows really where to go, what to do.. people just run around unorganized like headless chickens. If Dagger or Ebon takes our scrolls, no one gives a damn... For a week now all Aldomeri only seems to care (for some reason) is ALESSIAAA... 90% of yellow players are fighting over Alessia (running around the fort), no matter what. We have 2 scrolls on enemy...ALESSIA... We need helping getting this scroll to homebase...ALESSIA
I am amazed on how stubborn and stupid some can be. There is no way getting any players to attack anything but Alessiaaaaa. I just abandoned and deleted my aldomeri characters. PvP is very painful in Aldomeri and it feels like bunch of 5 year olds running around.
Like I said, I am no competent PvPer and certainly almost everyone kicks my ass, but how simple can one be not to understand that Scrolls are everything...OR is it me that do not understand here something?? What is the pint in PvP? Really, please explain so that some yellow players would understand that too.
And to those who did not understand how to make Aldomeri totally defenseless.... Just attack Alessia. It is all they care about! After that just walk in and get them scrolls. If you need to defend the Scrolls.. just attack Alessia. No one will bother to attack anywhere else.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    U USA or EU? If EU perhaps I can come train your server...

    Alessia is vital for AD though. AD has by far the best defended lands with natural barriers. As long as you hold Alessia/Roe u are golden for the rest of the battle. Why? You can hold the bridge from the Pact attacks from Alessia. No other faction has a clear and true chokepoint that is backed up by a keep. If Ebon Pact takes Alessia they have a foward operating base against AD that makes it hard to break.

    AD is to push SEJ/Nikki after that towards respectful side. Trying to get Blue road keep or Ash is vital for offensive against either side.
    Edited by TheGrandAlliance on 15 April 2014 04:49
    Indeed it is so...
  • Hodorius
    Every PvP player has to get through this phase.
    Your team is doing stupid things and because of that you loose...
    You know what to do in order to win but they stick to that stupid worthless thing they are doing.
    I bet some of them did put you on their ignorelist ( if you dared to tell them sticking to Alessia is worthless ) because of [insert stupid reason here].

    You have to realize one thing:
    Deep in their hearts they want to win but they will NEVER do anything to accomplish that.
    They want others to "bleed" for the win while they zerg.
    In their eyes it is glorious what they are doing and NOTHING will ever make them see their stupidness.
    They have one or two reasons reasons why in some situations doing that would be smart... of course they do it always.

    During beta this faction was ruling in PvP ( at least it looked like that ) and I was sure that every damn WTJ ( Winning Team Joiner ) will go there.
    Edited by Hodorius on 15 April 2014 05:01
  • Stucca
    Thank You for the answer. Yes I am in EU server and like I said, a total "noob" in PvP. Seems like Aldomeri has no choise but tdefend this Fort and as long as someone is attacking it, there is no way to get other "projects" or "operations" going anywhere else....just grrrreat.

    I think I will change server.... EU Aldomeri is not very competent PvPer and that is my opinion. If someone says we are just doing great, well just look at the map..LOOK at it!!!
  • TheGrandAlliance
    Another point... just be what is called "a /zone warrior". Not everyone will listen to you esp the Elite guilds but if you can orgainze the "randoms" you might stand a chance in battle.
    Indeed it is so...
  • Stucca
    I hope I can get over this and start thinking positive. I have to find a decent PvP guild and just stick to them. I really love ESO but my heart is bleeding when I just open the Cyrodiil map.... so frustrating and sad sight!
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