Edit* Please remember to rate the guide at the bottom,as Zeni has not yet commented yay or nay on this, If a decision has to be made, if a lot of people agree, they might go easy on the flogging on my pretty self

After a few days experiencing, here are the couple of ways I found to disrupt the bot's activities.
For gathering bots, find a spot with disappearing nodes, harvest a node, but do not loot it (keep the loot window open). The bot will eventually pop next to you, and after a bit, reset and walk for a bit. You have time to target it, get its name, then ignore it. In the chat window, the account name will appear, report it by right click on the yellow notification.
For dungeon bots, it is trickier. In many case, there are several kind of bots running.
The first is the easiest, they're self moving bots, probably using a determined path, or following another bot. They usually have a spot, where the healer goes. Simply aggor 4 or more mobs, and wait for the bots at that spot. Things will eventually "clear themselves", or they'll get stuck since their path has changed.
Other are non moving bots, targeting a specific area (the spawn), but they do not actually attack back it seems. Simply get AOE mobs, and get them behind the bots when they attack the boss (you do not attack, you simply defend/evade to have a low aggro). Once one of their tanks get the aggor, the mob will keep attacking all members of the group, and eventually kill them all.
I had some pretty good success tonight, with a nice death count of 36 bots. To the points where to bot owner eventually came up and chatted to me. When they figured I was not going to leave their bots alone, they left

. I'm assuming they have some sort of alarm/mails when their bots die (but it took a good 30 minutes before they came up and actually talked/were used other than the self repeating macro).
IT ended up with the boss being actually taggable by other players which where all waiting to have a shot at the boss

I'm hoping these ways will give some ideas to the devs regarding the bot problem

*edit to add a suggestion from someone in this thread*
Pulling them into lava pools can be quite entertaining as well. If they're after a mob, simply pull the mob into the lava and they will follow.
Some will even respawn in the lava and die again until they run out of gems ...

"In 2014, a possible bot was sent to coldharbour by a military GM for a crime she didn't commit. This argonian promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Ebonheart underground. Today, still wanted by the developers she survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a bot problem, if no one else can bite you, and if you can find her....maybe you can hire The SQUISHY."