Dawnbreaker (NA) Population In-Balance

Soul Shriven
Something needs to be done. Even if you have a raid group of 12-20 people a huge zerg of AD will just come and slaughter us all. Dawnbreaker needs to be reset it is severely unbalanced population wise.
Edited by charleswagner22_ESO on 14 April 2014 01:18
  • scratchnsniff
    Funny thing (funny ironic, not haha)
    Me and three other guild members switched to dawnbreaker and we play AD.
    We set this as our home campaign so we came go out in a small group of three, pvp, pve , and not have to raid up.

    We than set a guest campaign that is balanced to do raid pvp.

    I do agree with the imbalance. The only thing I would think that could be done is to reduce the number of campaigns until the numbers can support the current amount.

    On skullcrusher, being on AD was the same as you are experiencing. Ag least half the time we had no keeps or very few.
    They call me the magic man.
    *** Now you see me***
    *** Now you don't ***
  • Calidor
    Initial campaigns should NOT have been 90 days. That was a big mistake. Even 30 days is a long time when you first enter Cyrodiil and find yourself outnumbered 5 to 1 and one alliance has all the keeps since day 1.
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